Foreign Minister takes a break from the Bier Garten to respond….

One of the reasons I have taken a hiatus is that these Blogs can suck down HOURS of your time… Sometimes over semantic issues that should probably just be left alone (so I won’t touch the Spain thing again or the Rice thing)

Where I am sure that Kerry wants Osama brought to justice and Terrorism defeated, I would bet the farm on him not wanting those things to happen TOMORROW (or before the election). He wants them to happen after HE is elected.

You are a smart enough guy to know that when this prison crap broke, the Democratic election machine was giving themselves high fives. It doesn’t matter that there was an investigation underway and it was being taken care of already by the military.
As sick as it sounds, every body bag and flag draped coffin that comes back is an opportunity for the Kerry election campaign and they don’t seem to be missing the opportunities that often.

Yes the war may hurt us in the short to mid term but it will only hurt us in the long term if we pull out/loose. I think that the war in Iraq WILL help us with to defeat global terrorism and (when we are successful) help with the middle eastern problem.

If George Bush had gone to the American people on September 1st 2001 and said that we were about to begin offensive operations against the Taliban-Osama-Afghanistan because of a major threat to the security of the US, your side of the Aisle would have been up in arms! “What proof do you have?”; “We have no interests in Afghanistan,” etc ect. And after the invasion, Colin Powell would have shown pictures of terrorist camps that looked like budget kids playgrounds and the Left would be having a field day.

Just like in Iraq now.

The worst thing that could happen for the Dems (before the November election) is for the US to find Osama, get Iraq back on track, and continue to add 288K jobs per month.

What would they run on?

On a different note. Do you get to VA often? How about this summer?

Back to the…. you know

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