Filibustering Alito

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia is threatening a “real filibuster” if Majority Leader Frist actually tries to invoke the “nuclear option” of limiting the right to filibuster if Democrats try to block the Alito nomination to the Supreme Court.

Let your Maximum Leader just go on record here… If it comes down to a real filibuster. The real old fashioned ones with a Senator having to stand on the floor of the Senate and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk for hours on end to keep business from being done - your Maximum Leader will watch it. He’d love to see what that ole bastard will say for hours and hours. He’ll probably give some sort of lecture on the history of the US Senate and quote a lot from Cicero. Of course, as his catheder fills with urine and his hastiliy installed colostomy bag needs changing he might start to rant about somethig else. That is the moment that your Maximum Leader will be waiting for…

Carry on.


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