Feeble Attempt…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is still suffering the affects of that bee sting he mentioned yesterday. He can hardly walk as his left foot has swollen massively. It is also blistering too. He saw his physician this morning. Not much he can do at this stage… But if recovery doesn’t begin by tomorrow another trip to the doctor might be in order.

So… In an effort to put up something to keep his minions happy we have the following link dump (with pithy commentary).

First off, no commentary needed. Gordon is, as they would say on ESPN, en fuego. Two very funny updates recently. Part Three of “2040″ and a great car commercial.

Readers at Smith College should know that a Titan Arum is blooming in your conservatory. Please hie thee hence to see (and smell) the official flower of the Mike World Order.

Excursus… Your Maximum Leader chuckles at his own unintended humour. Readers at Smith College. HA! Your Maximum Leader would give a Naked Villainy t-shirt to any reader of this site who can prove they attend, or recently attended, Smith College. (Recently means graduated within the past 10 years.) Your Maximum Leader suspects that if the IT Department at Smith detected any user visiting this site a full-blown investigation would take place. If the visitor couldn’t prove that they were doing some sort of research on antideluvian conservative scum they would probably be shamed into leaving Smith…

Velociman was a clown… four words that should never have been strung together. Are we sure that post was from the V-man. Perhaps it was the Mutant just casting aspersions.

Did you know that an alternate definition of “aspersion” is “to sprinkle with holy water?” That is an etymology your Maximum Leader would like to understand. How does one go from “disparaging remark” to “sprinkling with holy water?” If you can ’splain it, your Maximum Leader would like to hear from you. (Even if you went or are going to Smith College.) Probably something with latin roots of the word and casting out demons…

Berliners (the people who live in Berlin that is - not the jelly doughnuts) should learn that you never, ever, EVER, feed wild pigs. One day they will graduate from eating your garbage to gnawing on your “kinder” as it were.

Who knew there was a Monkeypox outbreak in the US recently? Not your Maximum Leader. But it seems that the “outbreak” was limited in scope because smallpox vaccinations received by people decades before still had a prophylactic effect on the vaccinees. Good news. Your Maximum Leader got a smallpox vaccination. He wanted to give the same vaccination to the Villainettes and Wee Villain too. But no vaccine is available for non-emergency use. Why wait for an emergency? Why not just start vaccinating Americans against smallpox? Why create an elaborate plan to cope with a bio-attack using smallpox when we can just start vaccinating people now…

Hey… Henry Miller at NRO says we should bring back DDT for use against mosquitos. Damn straight we should. Your Maximum Leader has said as much before.


And on a closing note.. Your Maximum Leader is dismayed about the prospects of the new Nationals Baseball field in DC. You can read all about the project here (from the Washington Post). Allow your Maximum Leader to make a few comments. First off, your Maximum Leader wouldn’t want to be associated with any architectural plan in the city. People with taste and class are ignored. Secondly, sites that make sense are rejected out of hand. Thirdly, any baseball field that is not oriented so that looking out beyond the outfield gives one a view of the Capitol Dome (and the Washington Monument) is a failure. And finally, no matter what they build, no one will be happy about it.

Carry on.


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