Enjoy Every Sandwich

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was following the links on Kilgore Trout’s site and decided to read some of Skippy’s stuff at Enjoy Every Sandwich.

Go there and scroll on down and read “What’s so funny ’bout peace, love and masturbation?” (Couldn’t figure out a permalink.) Your Maximum Leader laughed and laughed and laughed as he read it. In fact, your Maximum Leader nearly spewed hot tea through his nose and all over his keyboard when he read the following line: “That Clinton cum is worse than crack.” That might be just enough to have to add him to the blogroll.

And as an aside: In the past few days with all the mentions of Jennifer Love Hewitt, nude, naked, photos, nudity, sodomy, goony masturbation, plain ole masturbation, and now cum; your Maximum Leader can only imagine how his site traffic will increase…

Another aside: Your Maximum Leader reviewed his site statistics again. This site is averaging about 30 unique visitors a day. But! (And it is a big but!) If one excludes Saturday and Sunday from the mix, the average jumps up to 55 unique visitors a day. Wednesday appears to be the big reader day. Since the week after we moved off blogspot, Wednesdays have averaged up to 75 unique visitors per day! To all the readers of this space, your Maximum Leader loves you and urges you to continue in your minonly ways.

Carry on.

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