Drinking and Identity

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just loves a news article that begins thusly:

Occasionally getting drunk is a core part of national identity for most Australians, according to new research.

Think about that for a second. A CORE part of the national identity of Aussies it to get pissed from time to time. Damnation. No wonder your Maximum Leader loves those Aussies. Oh yeah, in case you didn’t read the article it is here. That link is worth clicking through to view. If only to see the perfectly work safe photo of the two cute Aussie girls standing in front of the Beertopia sign. Radical Islamofacists believe heaven is a place where 72 virgins feed them grapes; your Maximum Leader’s view of heaven is one where hot (morally-liberal) Aussie chicks give him any type of beer he wants.

Of course, beer might not do it for you. You may be a wine drinker. Indeed… Wine drinking might be part of your identity. Just the other day your Maximum Leader learned a little something about two certain someone’s identity when he visited the local Giant. He even took a photo of what he saw on his cell phone to share with you all. In the beer and wine dept he noticed this shelf…

Can’t read the label? Click below the fold for the close up.


Who’d thunk that they were Funky Llamas?

Perhaps they just get “funky” after a few bottles of vino…

Carry on.


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