Dr. Strangelove - 40 years

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was watching Dr. Strangelove on his computer over the weekend. It is one of his favourite films. So in a strange moment of serendipity he noticed this piece by James Earl Jones in the Wall Street Journal today which notes that Dr. Strangelove is 40 years old this year. Click though and read some of Jones’ remembrances of the making of the film.

Excursus: Your Maximum Leader has met James Earl Jones. In fact, your Maximum Leader has shared part of a meal with James Earl Jones. He is a big man, in every sense of the word. He is physically large. But he has a gravitas which fills a space. And there is a hypnotic quality to his voice that doesn’t fully come through in film or audio recording. And one more thing, James Earl Jones could really put away the fried chicken - the main entree during the meal we shared.

Carry on.

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