I would like to revel in my minion-ness and agree 100% with the ML on this EU Steel-Tariff-Sanctions-Tax thingy. (Notice my use of correct grammar and technical terms).
This is just another example of the slippery slope/nose under the tent thing that scares me about Gun control (but that is another topic).
But what really blows my o-ring is that fact that if we don‚ÄövÑv¥t work with world opinion, they call us Unilateralist, if we do comply, their newspaper (and other media outlets) report things like ‚ÄövÑv US buckles to EU, EU wins trade War with US, or Bush succumbs to pressure from EU.‚ÄövÑvp They keep score like it is some sort of football match.
Why is it that every other country can look out for its interest without a hitch but when we do likewise, we are the bad guy.
Europe has been protected by the US for the last 60 years which has enabled them to focus on their socialist states. Now, with the enemy gone, they see themselves as having risen above brute force politics and that they are more civilized or higher on the intellectual food chain than those of us in the God fearin‚ÄövÑv¥, Jerry Springer loving US.
(The Europeans love Jerry Springer too, they just hate to admit that they have just as nutty folks in their countries).
Makes me sick it does.
Besides, with the dollar in the toilet, we don‚ÄövÑv¥t need tariffs anyway. The fall of the dollar has made European goods (and steel) 35% more expensive anyway.
I think that the most important thing we could do as a nation is pour millions of dollars and other resources into building a soccer team that will win that freakin‚ÄövÑv¥ World Cup. That is about the only way the world would respect us anyway.
And then melt the friggen trophy down and make bullets for our troops to use in the Middle East.
The next best thing we could do is spend the same amount as the Iraq war has cost or even just $50 Billion on a fossil fuel alternative.
Back to the trenches‚ÄövѬ .
The FM
Update from the Maximum Leader: Your Maximum Leader published the my anti-EU blog w/out doing any proofing late last night. He has proofed more now, and believes the Tariff spelling issue and the loses vs. looses issue to be resolved. He should wait to do his invective when he can proof-read.