Damn the FEC!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is very anxious to hear what the impact of today’s testimony by various bloggers before the FEC will be. Today some bloggers will be up fighting against proposed FEC regulations concerning blogs. If you haven’t been keeping up with this story, your Maximum Leader will recommend this page which is a subdomain of Red State.org.

Frankly your Maximum Leader doesn’t see how a blog is much different than a private broadsheet o the 18th century. What you see is what you get. Campaigns paying political fellow-traveller bloggers to write flattering stuff on their behalf is about as stupid a thing as your Maximum Leader has ever thought of. (Like the Kerry Campaign - or other Democrat-affiliated campaign paying Kos last year.) Whereas paying an non-like-minded blogger to write flattering stuff about your campaign is completely friggin brilliant. (Yet untried…)

(Super-duper Sekrit Message to Senator Hillary R. Clinton and her staff: Your Maximum Leader, while not cheap, is surprisingly affordable. You’ve already got the Minister of Propaganda in your pocket. And your Maximum Leader is sure that for a “farm concession” in the Finger Lakes area of New York the Smallholder could be bought too.)

Your Maximum Leader hopes, but does not expect, the FEC does not promulagate new regulations concerning blogs. Indeed, he figures that some regulation is inevitable. One can only hope that some wacky threshhold is set below which blogs will be unregulated. Say $25,000. So if you get less than $25,000 from political organizations to write blogs, then you would be unregulated…

Once the Government gets it in its collective mind to regulate something they are as single-minded as the Wee Villain when he spies a cookie on the table. Your Maximum Leader thinks that expecting the FEC to not create regulations is foolhearty. (Foolhearty… Heh… Just like your Maximum Leader’s (former) belief that private land could only be absconded with by the Government for a legitimate public purpose.) One can only hope that the regulations are as limited as possible.

Carry on.

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