Cooling Off Period.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was persusing the Wall Street Journal’s OpinionJournal and the article on gay marriage by Johnathan Rauch.

As frequent readers know, the gay marriage debate is one that has waxed and waned here at Nakedvillainy over the course of the year. Your Maximum Leader just wanted to direct those minions who just can’t get enough of this subject to go on over and read Rauch’s piece. (You have to register if you haven’t already.)

If he didn’t say it after the election, but he thinks he did, your Maximum Leader does think some of the anti-gay marriage amendments to state constitutions passed this November were a bit overreaching. Your Maximum Leader, while not wanting to expand the accepted definition of marriage to include gays, has no over-arching objection to civil-unions.

Read the piece if you like. If not, well… Not.

Carry on.

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