Conservative Pope

Americans seem to be shocked, shocked, that the conclave nominated a conservative.

Ummm, 115 of 117 of the voting cardinals were nominated by John Paul II. I wonder if he had a litmus test…

UPDATE FROM YOUR MAXIMUM LEADER: Your Maximum Leader has gotten a laugh out of all this hubub about Benedict XVI being “a conservative.” Hello? Hello? He’s a CATHOLIC. To listen to peope like Chris Matthews, and Keith Olbermann you’d have thought the conclave would have selected a Unitarian Universalist. Or even worse! An Episcopalian!

BTW, your Maximum Leader’s Unitarian Jihadi name is: “The Atom Bomb of Reasoned Discussion.” Heh. (And according to the First Reformed Unitarian Jihad your Maximum Leader is: “Brother Howitzer of Discussion.” So if he combined the names your Maximum Leader would be: “The Atomic Howizter of Reasoned Discussion.”

Carry on.

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