Congratulations Steve Fossett

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is periodically wowed by some of the accomplishments of man. Take for example today’s news that Steve Fossett has completed a solo flight around the world without refueling.

Have you ever stopped to think about just how remarkable a feat that is? Most of the time you can’t drive your car to the next state without filling up. But in an experimental aircraft one man can fly around the world without stopping. The technology boggles the mind.

The other amazing substory to this story is that the flight is Fossett’s endurance. While your Maximum Leader would imagine that Fossett took some catnaps during his 67 hour flight, it is still an incredible accomplishment for a 60 year old man. Your Maximum Leader has read accounts of Charles Lindberg’s flight across the Atlantic and how hard it was for him to stay awake and focused on the job of flying his aircraft. One can only imagine the problems Fossett would have.

Congratulations Steve Fossett. Your Maximum Leader doffs his bejeweled floppy hat in your direction.

Carry on.

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