Concerned Alumni of Princeton

Alito’s “no recollection” response smells bad and disingenuous.

That said, what exactly is so bad about membership in CAP?

Now, I haven’t seen any reputable summary of the group’s principals, but from tidbits I’ve gathered from the Washington Post and NPR, I don’t think it is fair to call it anti-women and anti-minority.

As I understand it, and the MoP is encouraged to enlighten me based on his readings on the left of the blogsophere, the CAP started out protesting the expulsion of ROTC from campus. I think even our left-leaning MoP would agree that colleges ought to allow ROTC to be housed on campus, as he himself has suffered from this policy at Yale.

Opposing co-education is not the same as being anti-women. There is a place for private (as opposed to publicly-funded) schools that are single-sex. One wonders if women who opposed making Longwood College coeducational were anti-men or simply “keep the school we love the way we love it” types.

As I understand it, the anti-minority charge stems from CAP’s opposition to lowering admissions standards in order to artificially increase minority enrollment. This is silly. Saying that there ought to be academic standards is not the same as donning a klansman outfit. One can oppose affirmative action on the basis of justice, efficacy, or merit without being a racist.

Perhaps I’m missing something, but the CAP membership seems innocuous to me. If this manufactured issue is all the Dems have, I urge the Senate to confirm him forthwith. If I am missing something, point me to it in the comments.


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