Card Resigns

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that the President’s second term shake up has begun. Andrew Card, the President’s Chief of Staff, has resigned. Your Maximum Leader supposes that this means that Sherman Adams, President Eisenhower’s Chief of Staff, will continue to hold the longevity record at that position.

Now-Former Budget Chief Joshua Bolten will take over for Card on April 14th.

The criticism over Bolten’s selection seems to have already begun judging from a paragraph near the close of this Washington Post peice. The quote:

In picking Bolten to replace Card, the current President Bush stayed close to home. Resisting Republican advice to pick a seasoned Washington veteran the way Reagan brought in former Senate majority leader Howard H. Baker Jr. when his own presidency was listing in his second term, Bush characteristically picked someone he knows well and trusts implicitly.

While advice from Republicans to bring in a seasoned vet might be good, your Maximum Leader thinks that it would have been completely out of character for the President. Once hopes that Bolten will bring the much needed “new blood” to the West Wing.

Carry on.

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