What did they expect? Here again, they are so confident in their winning the steel tariff issue that they want to take this to the WTO.
And to hear Russia complain that they are owed 9 Billion! That is what they get for selling Saddam crappy soviet military equipment, outdated oil drilling equipment, and GPS jammers. This Iraq business is going to cost the US way over 80 Billion and I don‚ÄövÑv¥t want a penny of it to go into the hands of the EU vultures REGARDLESS of whether or not it was a ‚ÄövÑv just‚ÄövÑvp war.
And, now the UN is meeting in Geneva to discuss Internet access for everyone (read poor countries that cannot afford the infrastructure). That is fine and dandy, but I am sure that they want the US to help foot the bill. I have also heard that on the agenda is moving the control of the internet out of the hands of the United States and under UN control.
Yeah, that is exactly what we need. Maybe Robert Mugabe will be the UN minister responsible for this equal access project.
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