Bring out your dead!

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is pleased with the ongoing commentary between the Minister of Agriculture and the Foreign Minister. Thanks for blogging while I have be predisposed.

Your Maximum Leader was persusing NRO today in a free moment and read (as he is wont to do) John Derbyshire’s January Diary. Towards the end of the column he asked that readers forward to him lists of the recently dead who should be exhumed and hanged.

What fun! Here is the first list I could come up with… (after only 5 minutes reflection)

Lenin (not recently dead, but in such a state that hanging remains an option)
Stalin (ditto Lenin’s comments)
Kim Il-Song (isn’t this the current Kim Jong-il’s - dictator of North Korea - father?)
Fidel Castro (okay he isn’t dead… but if we could hang him…)
Idi Amin
“Papa Doc” Duvalier
Ayatollah Khomeni
Emperor Hirohito (okay, I think he was cremated… But after lots of reflection I think he should be hanged for complicity in WW2 crimes.)

Your Maximum Leader requests that his loyal Ministers and minions give this some thought and blog away!

Carry on.

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