Blogger Haiku For No Particular Reason
Dead sexy? What’s that?
Smallholder prefers women
With a bloody pulse
Semen sabatoeur
Spiteful Sadie seeks solace
Siccing Smallholder
Kudos to Ally
JP in green stilettos
Drool on my keyboard
Who moved my truth?
Abortion debate hangs me
Out to dry. Of course.
MoP in funk
Ally refrains from posting
Skanky crack whore pics
Maximum Leader
AWOL yet again
While the cat’s away…
Ho cruxifiction?
Photoshoped Golgotha
Cheeky Blasphemer!
Commenting William
Blaming pernicious teachers
Smallholder is hurt
Commenting William
Scores highly for heresy
Jehovah’s Witness
What are you, William?
An effeminite pansy?
Unicorn blog post!
Smallholder uses
Religious hyperbole
Memento objects
Disclaimer? No need
Brian will set the record straight
Mark is heretic.