Barnes on VA Elections

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will direct you to an interesting little article by Fred Barnes that was published on Opinion Journal today. Your Maximum Leader agrees with much of what Barnes says about the Virginia Governor’s election.

And, your Maximum Leader will have to admit that Skippy was right when he mentioned in a comment thread to an earlier post that your Maximum Leader wasn’t giving enough weight to the suppressing effects of negative advertising by the Kilgore Campaign. Many voters who trend Republican appear to have stayed home in some rural areas. While the precise cause of this hasn’t been nailed down your Maximum Leader will opine that the two major causes were 1) the election was seen as a referendum on Mark Warner (the current - very popular - governor) and 2) negative ads by the Kilgore campaign may have created a feeling of ambivelence among religious voters (in particular) who didn’t like Kilgore attacking Kaine’s beliefs on the death penalty.

Carry on.

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