Back… Sorta

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is returned to the Villainschloss. Actually he was back last night and ready to blog his little heart out. But he couldn’t seem to connect to his blog. If you are having trouble reading this page (and if you are reading this it would seem as though you don’t) let you Maximum Leader know. Indeed, let your Maximum Leader know if anything seems funky about the site.

In the meanwhile… Your Maximum Leader wanted to blog about the Roberts nomination, the elections in Egypt (and an interesting question put to him by the Minister of Propaganda concerning your Maximum Leader’s support of religious groups in that election), the continuing situation along the US gulf coast, and complete a meme for JohnL of Texasbestgrok.

But he has some other things to do which are more pressing right now. He’ll blog later as he has more time. Check back for updates…

In the meanwhile…

Click through here to read about a drunk Belgian woman who died badly.

Yeah. Yeah… All the stuff in the world going on and your Maximum Leader links to a drunk woman being killed while peeing on someone’s grave. Makes you wonder why you read this site doesn’t it.

NB to Minion Molly… Your Maximum Leader is interested in any anecdotes you can share about Katrina victims in your area.

Carry on.


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