Bachelor Update (The Best Laid Plans…)

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader should not have deviated from his plan yesterday night.

Yesterday he wrote that he would do a little shopping, then get chinese food from the restaurant with the drop dead gorgeous owner. Well, he was diverted from his plan while shopping. At the grocery store your Maximum Leader was enticed by a frozen crab cake. Samples of which were being offered to patrons. Your Maximum Leader sampled a crab cake and was pleasantly surprised by it’s texture and taste.

He bought some.

Now generally your Maximum Leader prefers to buy seafood fresh (if he doesn’t catch it himself). And to be quite honest, your Maximum Leader generally makes his own crab cakes from crabs caught by his esteemed and much beloved in-laws.

Excursus: Your Maximum Leader’s in-laws live on the Chesapeake Bay. Well, actually on a river right near the bay. As owners of waterfront property they are allowed to have one unlicensed crab pot for every taxpaying permenant resident of the improved property. So my mother & father-in-law have two crab pots in the water during much of the crab season.

Your Maximum Leader makes his crab cakes very carefully. He picks the meat himself. Then he adds one baten egg and a few tablespoons of homemade bread crumbs into 2 lbs of crab meat. He seasons lightly with Old Bay seasoning. Then he hand molds the crab mixture into patties and fries the crab cakes in melted (salted) butter in a medium heat iron skillet.

Needless to say, your Maximum Leader is particular about his crab cakes. But he was hungry last night and these crab cakes tasted good. So he bought some.

Then he went home and put them in the oven to cook/reheat.

While they were cooking he set about cleaning up the Villainschloss. He also puttered around in the garage for a moment.

When the crab cakes were done, he plated them. Got a little melted butter ready. He had his cucumber salad at the ready. He sat down in front of the TV preparing to watch some news… Then he bit into the first Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville Crab Cake.

It was awful.

So he took a bite of a second crab cake. It was a little better. But still not very good. He did in fact eat them all. (Your Maximum Leader’s Catholic upbringing somehow compells him to eat at least a regular portion of bad food without throwing it away all together - as wasting food is sinful.) He ate them with a particularly strong cocktail sauce he whipped up to masque the taste of the crab cake.

The cucumber salad was good however…

Lessons to be learnt here: 1) don’t deviate from the well laid plan; 2) don’t ever buy Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville Crab Cakes.

Tonight’s adventure is to the Washington Nationals/LA Dodgers baseball game. Consider yourself warned that blogging may be light the rest of the day.

Perhaps some of your Maximum Leader’s ministers might choose to blog a little… (Hint! Hint!)

Carry on.


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