
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was over reading Norm Geras’ blog and he noticed this piece: Attlee wins.

What the hell? A group of British Profs got together and ranked the British PMs of the 20th Century. According to the list, Clement “A sheep in wolf’s clothing” Attlee was number one. Attlee attainted the number 1 ranking by edging out WINSTON CHURCHILL.

At first your Maximum Leader thought, “Oh. How droll.” But then it dawned on him. These profs were serious. They gave more weight to the establishment of the National Health Service and all the other socialist institutions in Britain than to the salvation of Britain itself! It is as if to say, “You know, a Nazi takeover of our nation wouldn’t be that bad; provided we had mediocre free health care and the Trade Unions were taken care of.”

Great Jeezey Chreesey. Your Maximum Leader can take heart from these findings. When the eventual MWO takeover of Britain occurs, so long as your Maximum Leader keeps up the free health care he’ll be in like Flynt.

Carry on.

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