
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader’s PC is back and apparently fine. Which is the good news. But there is a dark cloud hiding behind this silver lining… Mrs. Villain.

It looks like Mrs. Villain has a rightful claim to use the computer to complete work-related stuff during your Maximum Leader’s prime blogging time. So, his postings might be a little sparse this week.

Well… Minions your Maximum Leader must blog about some annoyances that are bothering him right now.

First. His Shogun:Total War game does not appear to be fully compatible with Windows XP. This really pisses him off. Your Maximum Leader didn’t feel like playing Medieval: Total War this past weekend, but did want to conquer feudal Japan instead. The game just seems to crash with XP. He downloaded various patches that supposedly would help. But they did not. And this started him down the path of annoyance which became a theme this past weekend.

Second. Your Maximum Leader became a little annoyed at libertarians. While this is not directed at anyone particularly, it was prompted by a post from Sadie, and a phone converstation your Maximum Leader had with an acquaintance he has here in town. What has annoyed him was the assumption that libertarians are “socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and in favour of limited government.” (That quote was from your Maximum Leader’s acquaintance.)

This is what is annoying. (And annoying with your Maximum Leader’s friend specifically, many other libertarians generally, and almost not at all with the beautiful, desireable, but wholly unavailable Sadie.) Why is it that so many libertarians feel that they have to label themselves as “socially liberal.” Isn’t this appelation really a subset of their belief in limited government? Ostensibly, a libertarian is in favour of limited government because they believe in the primacy of the individual and individual liberty. The whole purpose of being a libertarian is to show that you believe that people should be able to do what they will without government interference. (Within certain contraints.) What does being socially liberal have to do with it? Are people libertarians so that they an smoke pot and grow their own hemp and own guns without government interference? Are there any socially conservative libertarians? If there was such an appelation - it might fit your Maximum Leader. (As it stands, he’ll stick to conservative.)

Really now. Beyond pot, abortion, and gun ownership - what are the core beliefs of many many self-styled libertarians? Have they ever really thought out what their “belief system” might actually entail or look like if implemented. Your Maximum Leader is all in favour of a Robert Nozick style-minimalist state. All in favour of it theoretically. But could it work? NO. Not given the way things are now and are likely to remain for the period of the dominion of humans on this Earth.

Third annoyance. This was pointed out to your Maximum Leader by the lovely (and desireable, and available) Annika. Annika wrote your Maximum Leader to inform him that the gun on the M-1A1 Abrams tank was manufactured in Germany.

This little tidbit provoked three reactions in your Maximum Leader. The first was purely hormonal. How many beautiful, ideologically pure, California girls could tell you off the top of their pretty blonde head that the main gun on an M-1 tank was made in Germany?

Not many is your Maximum Leader’s guess.

And that little bit of knowledge is DEAD SEXY. Ohhhhh yeah buddy. DEAD SEXY.

The second reaction was, “This surely could not be.” Let us call this second reaction the “google reaction.”

The third reaction was annoyance. Because the tidbit is perfectly true. not only is it true, but the gun isn’t even a Krupp. (Sad.)

So in addition to being annoyed at dependence of our military on foreign suppliers for microchips and such; we’re also dependent on foreign suppliers for tank guns.

How pathetic is that?

Pretty friggin pathetic.

The fourth thing that annoyed your Maximum Leader was the play of the Philadelphia Eagles at the end of the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl. What the hell were they doing lollygagging their way up to the line of scrimage? Were they waiting for the Patriots to TELL them what defence they would run? Were they hoping to strike a pose for the millions of viewers? Were they imagining Janet Jackson’s breast. Were they hoping to get home to watch all the Tivo’ed Super Bowl ads?

Who knows. But they wasted at least minute of time that they desperately needed. It was poor coaching at the least.

The fifth thing that annoyed your Maximum Leader was the overall quality of Super Bowl ads. They sucked big donkey dicks. Damn. That was the most pathetic crop of ads in decades. Timid advertisers suck.

The sixth thing that is annoying your Maximum Leader right now is that he has to end this blog now (other things to do little minions) when he still has a number of things annoying him.

Carry on.

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