And We’re Back…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that his server and website are back up and working fine this morning. That is very good news to all of you; as he is sure that you have been aching to your very core as you suffered from Naked Villainy withdrawl DTs.

Your Maximum Leader has a lot to blog about and he will get right to it shortly. He still owes JohnL a meme update (which will come today).

Alas, there is much upon which your Maximum Leader wanted to opine that now seems to have reached its expiration date. Damn the medium of the blog. If you don’t post right away some things seem like old news…

Your Maximum Leader and the Smallholder were discussing the fleeting nature of some stories (and other) topics on the phone over the weekend. A very interesting topic of conversation was the role of morality in society. That is a timeless issue on which your Maximum Leader would like to bloviate about soon.

One interesting little happening overthe weekend that your Maximum Leader will share with you all… He received an e-mail from a gentleman who googled the name “Richard T. Couture.” The gentleman was going through the extended results and found a post your Maximum Leader wrote referencing his friend “the late Richard T. Couture.”

The writer of the e-mail was a student of Richard’s in the late 1950s and was wondering “what ever happened to him?” Your Maximum Leader was a student of Richards in the late 1980s. Your Maximum Leader responed to the gentleman and gave him an update on Richard Couture’s life (and death) in the years since 1959. Indeed, your Maximum Leader is going to try and find a photo to send along to the writer.

It was this morning that your Maximum Leader stopped to think about how amazing that little virtual encounter was. Two people who have never met sharing memories of a mutual friend… How technology can do incredible things.

Expect more updates later today.

Carry on.

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