And I want to thank Jesus for bringing you to my blog…

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will direct you to his post on the Poet Laureate’s site. Ah the things your Maximum Leader will do for his minions while they are away. (If only the Foreign Minister would post something to let us know that he hasn’t been devoured by wild boars…)

Anyway… Your Maximum Leader was reading David Bernstein’s post over at the Volokh Conspiracy today. The one in which he states that he would like to see an athlete say “Jesus really had it in for me today.” following a loss. Your Maximum Leader would love to hear that too… Just once. It would be sweet. You know when it would have been extra sweet… If Randy Moss had said it after the Vikes loss to the Cardinals that not only cost the Vikings their playoff spot, but sent their arch-rivals the Green Bay Packers to the playoffs. Oh to have heard Randy say “Yeah, well other than my teammates fucking up today, it seems God hates the Vikings and loves the Packers. What the fuck is up with dat?”

But you will never hear it…. Sad… By the way… Did your Maximum Leader say “Go Packers!” yet? Did you know that your Maximum Leader is a 1/4,748,910th owner of the Green Bay Packers? The Minister of Agriculture’s father is also a 1/4,748,910th owner of the Pack. And your Maximum Leader supposes that when the M of A’s father passes from this life - which will not be any time soon - the Minister of Agriculture may inherit that cherished share of the Pack. Since your Maximum Leader is an owner of the team, does that mean that he could get his own Super Bowl Ring if the Pack should (against the odds) win The Big Game? NFL Owners always get a ring. (Look at this photo of Jerry Jones. He has his on. I bet Daniel Snyder would run down Pennsylvania Avenue wearing nothing but a spikey dog collar and an ill fitting thong if it would ensure a Redskins Super Bowl win and a ring for him.) If the Packers win the Super Bowl, will your Maximum Leader be able to get himself a ring? He wonders…

Anyway… Your Maximum Leader is anxiously awaiting the Packers vs. Eagles game. The line out of Vegas is the Eagles by 5.5… Bastards!

Carry on.

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