A philosopher who is talking sense!

Greetings loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is really really really impressed with this prof. After only a day on the blogroll Professor Burgess-Jackson is (again) making a similar point to one your Maximum Leader made a while ago. The esteemed Minister of Agriculture (who, by the way, really should post some sort of organic farming column from time to time in this spot) accused your Maximum Leader of creating a debating artifice by eliminating reason from his position. Your Maximum Leader said this was not the case. My position has been that one should conserve the elements of our civilization that have been shown to be beneficial through years (centuries) of human experience. Thus, tradition should be given more weight than it is in political discussions. Your Maximum Leader knows that he was very provocative when he insisted that “Reason is a destructive faculty (outside of scientific or mathematical discussions).” But, it is. (At least from a societal viewpoint.) Regardless… Professor Burgess-Jackson, when the MWO comes, you will be well treated by your Maximum Leader.

Update: Your Maximum Leader was reading over the Volokh Conspiracy blog a moment ago and found this. He brings it to your attention as an indication of where a noted legal scholar thinks reason could take the law in Massachusetts.

And while your Maximum Leader is talking about (to?) his Minister of Agriculture… Here is an article that he might find interesting… Your Maximum Leader doesn’t find sushi served in this style controversial at all. (Provided basic hygenic precautions are followed.)

Carry on.

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