A name, booze and sundries…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader woke in the night after a vision. In the vision he saw a great legion of villainous bloggers set to do his bidding. And thus he found the name to separate the quality bloggers he knows and loves from those those mega blogs. And thus the “The Legion of Villainy” is born. The sidebar has been updated accordingly. One will also note that the fabled ranks of the “Loyal Minions” category has been expanded by one. Dr. Rusty Shackleford has entered the ranks of Loyal Minions. Perhaps your Maximum Leader should award some sort of gift for those who are granted the Loyal Minion status. Hummm… Your Maximum Leader will ponder that.

In the “sundries” department… Ever wonder what the root cause of the Poet Laureate’s humour is? Look upon his dingus ye mighty and lament!

Your Maximum Leader reviewed two recent posts by Bill, both kindly mentioning posts in this space. In the first of Bill’s linked posts, he discusses how he felt he had to resign from the National Geographic Society due to their publication of bad science. Your Maximum Leader asks rhetorically, how susceptible is scientific journalism to the affects of ideology? In discussing global warming (the scientific question at the heart of Bill’s decision to leave National Geographic) there is a tendency among “left-leaning” scientists to ignore data that may contradict their preconceived notions concerning that phenomina. “Right-leaning” scientists commit the same sin in reverse. The open question on this matter may be do we have enough data to make an informed hypothesis? Humm… Something to ponder.

In the second linked post, Bill discusses some of the AirMarshal’s (very popular) booze posts. Specifically he asks about Oban. Your Maximum Leader has not had Oban for a number of years. This should not be construed to mean that he didn’t (or doesn’t) like Oban. He doesn’t remember the taste in fact. (Which is a sure sign that he should pick up a bottle.) Your Maximum Leader, like his AirMarshal, will wholly endorse Johnnie Walker Gold. He was drinking some last night. It was served frozen. And it was a fine compliment to a bowl of vanilla ice cream (Edy’s) and fresh peaches.

Carry on.

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