A Little Housekeeping

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was reviewing his site server statistics from the good people at Superb.net today.

After doing the math and checking figures…. It seems that Nakedvillainy.com passed the 100,000th unique visitor some time in March. Your Maximum Leader is confident of the numbers, he is just a little sad that he couldn’t pin down the lucky IP address of the 100,000th loyal minion. He thinks that it is really something to have gone in one year (the period for which he’s been using Superb.net as his host) from roughly 51 unique visitors a day to nearly 450 unique visitors a day currently. This site has averaged over 10,000 unique visitors a month for a while now.

Your Maximum Leader thanks all of you for reading and coming back. He is especially thankful for his top referrers. They are: The Big Hominid, Sadie, Rusty, Bill, Rob, The Llamas, JohnL, Brian, The Crack Young Staff - let’s call him “Chip,” Eric, Kathy, Rachel, Christina, Wizbang, Misspent, Skippy, and the Celebate. Thank you all.

Of course, with all you readers out there you’d think that someone might go and buy a nakedvillainy t-shirt or something. Afterall, wearing nakedvillainy.com apparel has been shown to increase your sexual allure to members of the opposite sex; and spontaneously add 20 points to your IQ…

And, if you have noticed, there are a few changes over on the sidebar. Welcome additions include: itsapundit.com, TeaFizz, and Deleted by Tomorrow.

Of course, the saddest change to the sidebar is the new subcategory of the “Loyal Minions” area. The oft lamented and much missed Kilgore Trout was added to the rolls of “Our Glorious Dead” the day that chaoticnotrandom.com no longer resolved to a web page.

And that is all the housekeeping for now. Thank you all again. And try the veal! Don’t forget to tip your servers, we’re here all week!

Carry on.

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