a Korean on the dog question

A bit of research turned up a site called the Napoleonic Guide, wherein we find this little ditty about the death of Josephine’s dog, Fortune:

Barely has the electronic ink dried on our request for information on Napoleon’s dog and Mike has come up with a possible answer to the Master’s Degree question that Chuck has been [pondering].

“I wonder if the examiners really meant Josephines dog, which was a pug (if memory serves) called Fortune.

“Napoleon hated the animal (a feeling which was mutual) and was therefore quite pleased when his chef’s big dog at Malmaison killed the unfortunate beast in a fight.

“Hope this is useful.”

Well, Mike, you have certainly saved us from having to dig through the old books again and we’ll get a message off to Chuck.

Thanks for the help.

- Richard Moore.

I assume from this that there’s more than one take on what fate Fortune/Fortunato suffered.


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