A few housekeeping items…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wanted to point out a few little housekeeping items.

First, the Villainous Commerce link has been restored to the left side toolbar. Go now and buy thee a t-shirt, hat, or thong.

Second, a new section has been added to the left side toolbar. That section is the Villainous Profiles section. Your Maximum Leader, the Poet Laureate, the AirMarshal, and the Minister of Agriculture have all added their profiles to the new blogger profile section. They are there for minions to read and review.

(NB to the Foreign Minister and Minister of Propaganda: If you all create some profile pages, your Maximum Leader will add links to them too!)

Third, once again, thanks Francey for a great new look to the site. Your Maximum Leader appreciates your work. (Especially love those rotating tag lines!)

Fourth, the good Minister of Agriculture and your Maximum Leader were on the phone tonight. During our call, the M of A mentioned that according to the Truth Laid Bear site, Nakedvillainy.com is a Flippery Fish in his blog ecosystem. Thanks to all my minions who help push up the rankings of this site. Your Maximum Leader hopes to be a Marauding Marsupial before too long. (Of course, the Poet Laureate’s site is a Flappy Bird… His actual numerical ranking is 1976. A fine year, and a fine rank.)

Fifth, thanks to the person(s) who found this site using these search terms:

national geographic thailand ten course monkey feast
researchof the vegetarian restaurant for strategery

and your Maximum Leader’s favourite:
evil lesbians attacking dwarves

Now if only your Maximum Leader could get a photo of some of those evil lesbians attacking dwarves and doing other things lesbians do… While wearing only Nakedvillainy.com thongs!

Carry on.

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