A Better Sauraman Analogy

A group of leaders say they are on your side. They claim to be ready to fight Sauron, or bring honesty and integrity back to government.

Then it turns out that they are really doing just the opposite. The Republicans aren’t doing anything the Democrats haven’t done.

They are just more competent at being corrupt.

Booya! Who’s Sauraman now, Foreign Minister?

My humble pie post for for the Minister of Propaganda seems to have generated some heat. I do want to take a moment to take on a critique from loyal minion Brian.

Brian writes, in defense of the Texas Plan,

“According to the article, the people who wrote the redistricting plan knew that certain people in the justice department BELIEVED the plan to be illegal. They obviously disagreed and thought there was at least a fighting chance that it WASN’T illegal, and the fact that the courts have ruled in their favor would seem to justify that belief.”

It wasn’t certain people. It was ALL the people. ALL the Republican-appointed people. ALL the lawyers. ALL the people whose job is was to examine and understand the law. On what basis would the political hacks believe their understanding of the law was better than DOJ’s best lawyers?

And perhaps they did it anyway since it would give them a tactical advantage. If the court overturns the plan, they would still get a couple election cycles out of it.

This is all making me nostalgic for Rostenkowski.

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