Oh La La.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, as frequent readers know, has something of a crush on the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt. But there is something very very ery alluring about Scarlett Johansson. So he is sure that his hetro male readers must already have heard about the racy Vanity Fair cover…

No? The one with Keira Knightley and Scarlett posing nude on the front? Really? Well… Your Maximum Leader provides for you below the fold.

He supposes the image is moderately NSFW. And he thanks Brendon for the photo.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that an undisturbed tomb from the 18th Dynasty has been found in the Valley of the Kings. It is likely not a royal tomb, but probably the tomb of some noble or court functionary.

Details are sketchy now because the archeologists on the scene aren’t really speaking to the press (much). The information comes from unidentified and annonymous sources. There will be a major announcement tomorrow by the Egyptian government.

How exactly does one find annonymous and confidential sources in the community of Egyptologists? Must be a mouthy group…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader read in the paper this morning that the Grammys were awarded last night. Who knew?

Who cares?

Aren’t the Grammys that balkanized award? Aren’t there also Latin Grammys, Black Grammys, Anglo Grammys, Fogey Grammys, New Age Grammys, and the oft overlooked Can’t-Carry-A-Tune-In-A-Bucket Grammys? What exactly is the relationship between these awards? Does anyone watch them?

That last question was purely rhetorical.

Carry on.

But I’m Getting Better…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is beginning to feel better. He was going to write that he is “feeling human” again, but as we all know being a conservative negates one’s humanity… Or so it would seem after listening to the various speakers at Coretta Scott King’s funeral. Your Maximum Leader would link some of the commentary about the funeral remarks but… Okay, He’ll link to Dan. Because Dan’s post amused your Maximum Leader. Oh… He’ll also link to James Joyner too.


Your Maximum Leader was up and around a little bit yesterday. More so today. His iPod has been a blessing. Why? Well, because he couldn’t look at a computer screen without throwing up he only logged on for long enough to download a bunch of audio podcasts. So, he got lots of listening done. Listening to the iPod and watching TV was fun.

As far as the illness goes, your Maximum Leader hopes that he has turned a corner. Blogging may still be light for another day or two. But if he feels up to it, and computer monitors don’t induce vomiting, he’s got a few ideas for posts.

Carry on.

Still Rife…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is still rife with pestilence. He doesn’t appear to be making much progress towards recovery. Of course his recovery may be complicated by the fact that now both of the Villainettes have been home from school with some nasty stomach flu. Which your Maximum Leader believes he’s caught.

In addition to everything else, your Maximum Leader has discovered that one of his medications is making it hard for him to focus on objects close to him. This is to say close is within about 24 inches of his face. Thus, he can’t read a book, nor can he use the computer for very long. After about 25 mins of reading (computer or book) he starts to get sick to his stomach. Yesterday he threw up after reading for a while. Not fun.

Expect blogging to be light for a few more days.

PS - To all the DC area bloggers who got together this weekend… Your Maximum Leader is very sorry for missing the festivities. He really wanted to met up with you all. We’ll try it again sometime.

Carry on.

For Ally

No sonnet today, I fear,
But try this link, dear.
I’m sure your antennae
For societal decay
Will perk up at this:
Artificial tits
Paid for by indulgent mothers
Whose daughters envy others
Moms who eschew the title
(After all, motherhood’s a trifle)
In order to tell their teen
That what they really mean
To be a friend
To the end
Plastic surgery:
The new urgency
Where will it end
If Mom is a friend?
Shallow little tarts
Just for starts.
Down with modernity, Smallholder cries!
Don’t believe the advertisers’ lies
You are fine the way you are
You don’t need the implant scar.

Looter Quiz

What kind of looter am I? You decide!
You can also view a breakdown of results or put one of these on your own page!
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Smallholder Lacks Self Respect

No self-respecting man will play second fiddle to a woman.

Heck. I do play second fiddle to a woman.

My wife has the important job - raising Emilie and Jack.

I’m just the assistant - making just enough money to avoid starvation.

Where do I go to turn in my man card?

I’m Confused

People in the Middle East are so upset at the Danish cartoonist’s depiction of Islam as violent that they are…

Acting violently?

I must be missing something.

Rife with Pestilenc

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader isn’t well. Indeed, it seems something short of a miracle that he is even with you now. He’s had a hacking cough for about three weeks. It hasn’t gotten worse, or better. Today he went to see his physician.

The diagnosis wasn’t fun. Your Maximum Leader is suffering from an ear infection, a sinus infection, and acute bronchitis. He left the doctor with 8 presciptions. He’s never EVER left with more than two before. They cost your Maximum Leader precisely $186.54.

It was not a good day.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. You Maximum Leader hopes that February 2006 is good for you. This morning the Villainettes and Mrs Villain, each individually, approached your Maximum Leader and proclaimed (loudly) “Rabbit.” It seems this is a tradition in Mrs Villain’s family. On the first of every month they rush around calling all their relatives to be the first one to say “Rabbit.” It seems like an odd custom, but rather harmless…

So for all of you out there your Maximum Leader says, “Rabbit.”

Carry on.

State Of The Union

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been debating his choices of television viewing tonight. Does he watch the President’s State of the Union address? Or does he put on Tombstone and try to figure out if Doc Holliday really is Johnny Ringo’s hucklberry?

The State of the Union doesn’t look to promising. As we all know our President is not a orator of Churchillian quality. (And he was speaking of Jack Churchill, Winston’s brother, who was sort of shy and didn’t care for public speaking.) But beyond that, the President will likely lay out an agenda that, as much as your Maximum Leader hates to say it, is going no where.

Did any of you minions read George Will today in the WAPO? You should. Here is the link. After reading Will today your Maximum Leader became less likely to watch the State of the Union than he was. He is tired of craven wish lists meant to appease the unthinking masses with promises of nanny-statism from Republicans (or Democrats).

He thinks he’d rather follow Wyatt Earp’s escapades tonight.

Carry on.

Burgess-Jackson Abuses Strawman


Analphilosopher has been calling attention to the obnoxious debating tactics of Brian Lieter. While Analphilosopher’s critique of Lieter’s abusive style is dead on, one wonders whether Analphilosopher ever pauses for self-reflection, as he is also want to fling ad hominem attacks. If the ad hominem attacks were confined to Leiter posts, one would think the overwrought snide comments were intended a parody. But criticizing opponents intelligence and motives rather than intellectual engagement seems to be endemic over at Analphilosopher’s shop.

The format of this post is both a tribute to Burgess-Jackson’s pursuit of Lieter and rueful disappointment with what could be a better blog.

At any rate, Burgess-Jackson sets up a straw-man in his post, titled “Leftist Stupidity“:

Burgess-Jackson summarizes the “leftist” view on charity:

“Charity will never replace government. The problem with charity is that it‚Äö?Ñ?Â¥s unfocused, uncoordinated, and inefficient. Those who have resources to contribute to the needy don‚Äö?Ñ?Â¥t know who the needy are or where they‚Äö?Ñ?Â¥re located. If they end up giving at all, they‚Äö?Ñ?Â¥re as likely to give to those who don‚Äö?Ñ?Â¥t need the resources as to those who do. Governmental agencies, by contrast, specialize in distributing resources to the needy. They do it efficiently and effectively.”

Actually, the leftists critique of the nightwatchman state is that private individuals will never give enough to alleviate the ills of society. It’s not an argument about the focus of the charity, is an argument about the amount. “Leftists” take a dim view of human nature and assume that most people’s innate greed will stop them from voluntarily contributing to the general weal in adequate amount*. Taxation, by making contributions toward the general weal mandatory, assures that society will be able to meet its obligations to the less fortunate. One can make reasoned arguments for and against this proposition, but one ought to actually deal with the actual “leftist” position. I doubt many people would argue, straightfaced, that government allocation of funds is rational and approriately targeted - witness the profligate, whorish earmarking of this Cogress.

* Leftists, particularly Communists’ dim view of innate human greed always struck me as hypocritical, since they assume that man is infinitely malleable. If we do away with private property, hold up a few Stakhonvite models, then people will suddenly work hard for the common good without anyone material reward. Once the New Soviet Man emerges, the state will wither away and we’ll all live in the People’s Worker’s Utopia. Um, I thought man was so greedy that he had to be purged, exiled, and re-educated.

Science Question

Why do things hurt more when it is cold?

Best Movies of 2005, MoP Edition

Minions across the political spectrum, this post is politics-free! Because no one should dare refuse our Maximum Leader: these are the Oscar-nominated movies that I’ve seen, in personal order of preference from best to worst.

Note: I’m not judging them necessarily by the categories within which they were nominated; nor will I be using my preferences to predict winners (although hoping for my favorites to be recognized usually means that I lose my shirt when making selections in my oscar pool).

After the jump:

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