Zarqawi Tape

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must admit that he has yet to see the soon-to-be-infamous Zarqawi tape in which the terrorist has trouble operating his machine gun…

Your Maximum Leader just learned that the tape in question is even more shocking than first expected… Steve the Llamabutcher shows us the true extent of the depravity.

The horror… Oh the horror!

You know something… Your Maximum Leader suspects that this young woman has no trouble firing a machine gun.

Carry on.

Random iPod Thought

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was listening to his beloved iPod this morning. The Stevie Nicks song “Talk to Me” came up in a playlist. Immediately your Maximum Leader started thinking about an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story. The story is “Myra Meets His Family.” (Which your Maximum Leader seems to remember being adapted into a teleplay on PBS called “Under the Biltmore Clock.”)

In fact, every time he hears “Talk to Me” he thinks of the Fitzgerald story. Insofar as your Maximum Leader can tell, there is no similarity at all between the two. Somehow they’ve been linked in his memory. Don’t know how…

Thought you all would like to know that.

Carry on.

Cinco De Mayo

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader notes that today is Cinco De Mayo. On the Fifth of May, Mexicans celebrate their victory over a French Army at the Battle of Puebla in 1862.

Your Maximum Leader supposes this is as good a reason as any to take a day off and drink some beer and eat some burritos…

Then again, if the Germans celebrated every victory over a French Army they wouldn’t do anything beyond drinking beer and eating schnitzel…

Carry on.

Nationals Sold to Lerner Group

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is pleased. Pleased that MLB has finally gotten off its collective arse and sold the Washington Nationals franchise to the investor group lead by Ted Lerner.

As your Maximum Leader has mentioned before, he has some indirect ties to the Lerner’s. He hopes these translate into some choice seats at a few games in upcoming seasons.

Speaking of upcoming seasons… They look to be rocky for the Nationals. According to Ted Lerner and Stan Kasten (who will be the new club President), the plan to build a strong franchise in DC is a long-term one. One that relies on good scouting, drafting, and an outstanding farm system. Just being able to type those words makes your Maximum Leader grin. Old school. Yes… The new owners are Old School. Just like your Maximum Leader…

Carry on.

Moussaoui - Prison

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader first heard yesterday about Zacarias Moussaoui getting life in prison without parole from an e-mail from our friend and loyal minion, r Rusty Shackelford. The good Doctor and his co-bloggers have the best round-up of links about this story (as is always the case it seems).

Your Maximum Leader had blogged earlier about how he didn’t think Moussaoui should get the death penalty. He still believes this to be the case - based on what he’s read of the case. (NB: Your Maximum Leader will freely admit that if he had full access to everything presented in court his opinion may have been different.) That being said, your Maximum Leader is concerned about what the jury felt might be a mitigating circumstance. Namely that Moussaoui’s unfortunate childhood and poor upbringing somehow lessens the fact that he did plot to kill many thousands of Americans. It is distressing if this is, in fact, a key reason for the jury sparing Moussaoui’s life.

What every happened to free will and people being responsible for their actions?

Carry on.

Reverse the Hate

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was amused this morning. Very amused. The Crack Young Staff’s pitch for a new MTV show today just made your Maximum Leader laugh.

Of course, there was that one time the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt was on Punk’d… Surely you remember the episode… It is, in fact, the only one your Maximum Leader has ever watched… The one where the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt was speaking to a “producer” about a possible film role. In the middle of their discussion a “gangsta enforcer” came into the “producer’s” office to collect on a very large “Super Bowl bet.” The “producer” begged the dreamy Miss Hewitt to help him get some cash and thereby save his life and limbs…

What? You didn’t see that one? Well… Too bad. Your Maximum Leader did. As he said, it is the only one he’s ever seen. Let it suffice to say that your Maximum Leader wouldn’t want to acutally put the dreamy Miss Hewitt in a bad situation. Anyone else is fair game (even the Smallholder); but not the (platonic) object-of-your-Maximum-Leader’s-affection - Miss Hewitt.

Carry on.

Life At the Villainschloss

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t generally blog about his family or home life. As Dr. Evil once said, “The details of my life are quite inconsequential…” But once and a while your Maximum Leader is moved to write about his personal/home life. ou know… To give his loyal minions a glimse into the secret life of their Maximum Leader. This is one of those times.

Your Maximum Leader has started to grow out a goatee. He has “sported” one in the past. Twice in fact. Once when in graduate school. Your Maximum Leader lived in an old plantation house (built c 1839) at the time. The well was old and on really hot days in July and August the water pressure was sketchy at best. So, to cut down on the water he consumed on bathing, he had his hair cut down to stubble and grew a beard. Alas, the beard didn’t fill in just right, so it was shaved down to a goatee.

At this point your Maximum Leader was about 30 pounds lighter than he is now and had a penchant for wearing vests. He also had small, round, wire rimmed glasses. Some of his friends, and a few students to whom he taught Western Civilization, commented that he looked a bit like Lenin.

But your Maximum Leader digresses…

The second goatee came in late 2001 - April 2002. The company for which your Maximum Leader worked was acquired by another firm. It soon became clear that your Maximum Leader’s job would be eliminated, but if he stayed through the transition he would get a positively generous severance package. At this point your Maximum Leader decided to “let things go” a little and grow a goatee.

It turns out Mrs. Villain liked it a lot. But after some time your Maximum Leader grew weary of it and shaved it off. Mrs. Villain, although claiming that she loved the goatee, didn’t even notice. Indeed, it was gone for two weeks before she even noticed.

Anyhoo… Your Maximum Leader and Mrs. Villain were looking through some photos he took in London in 2002. During the 2nd Goatee period. Mrs. Villain suggested that your Maximum Leader grow back the goatee. He has started to do so. Alas… This time the goatee is showing signs of age. There is much gray hair in the goatee. He’ll let it fill in some more before determining to cut it off. It does make him look thinner, but it also makes him look older. In point of fact, the benefit of looking thinner outweighs the looking older considerations.

In other news around the Villainschloss… Mrs. Villain is now planting the garden. Your Maximum Leader suggested some peppers to add in this year. But Mrs Villain rarely takes your Maximum Leader’s advice on such matters…

For those of you minions who are married here is something… How many times have you resolved just to ignore a tendency, habit, or trait of your better half because you realize that no matter how much you mention it the habit will never change? Your Maximum Leader was reminded of one of Mrs. Villain’s habits yesterday.

You see… Mrs. Villain was baking a chicken for dinner. Nothing fancy. Some garlic cloves stuffed into the meat. A nice dry rub applied liberally to the skin and cavity of the bird. When the bird was finished cooking it was removed from the oven and moved to the carving board. Your Maximum Leader stood watching what unfolded. And what unfolded did so exactly as he predicted it would.

Mrs. Villain regarded the bird and reached for the knife block. From the block she withdrew a magnificent German-made surgical steel knife. The knife in question was a paring knife with a two inch blade. She attempted to slice off some breast meat for the Wee Villain to get things started. Upon realizing that the two inch blade was insufficient for the task, she placed it in the sink and withdrew a second knife. This time a paring/utility knife with a 4 inch blade. Again, the knife wasn’t up to the task of carving the 7 lb bird. She placed the second knife in the sink and withdrew a third. This time she took out of the block a santoku style chef’s knife with an 8 inch blade. In the hands of your Maximum Leader this knife could have done the job - if called upon to do so. But, Mrs Villain found the blade too wide for her tastes. The knife went into the sink. The fourth knife pulled out of the block was the 10 inch chef’s knife. It made short work of thebird once she got going.

1 chicken to carve. Four knives used. Your Maximum Leader both annoyed and amused by this spectacle stood in silence as he watched his lovely wife move from cutting utensil to cutting utensil. For some reason passing understanding your Maximum Leader said, “It’s surprising that you didn’t use the carving knife too. That would have made a clean sweep of all the knives in the block except the tomato and bread knives.” Mrs. Villain shot your Maximum Leader an evil look. Deciding to push his luck, your Maximum Leader said, “If you were doing dishes tonight would you have used all the knives?” To which Mrs. Villain responded, “Yes I would.” Your Maximum Leader smiled at his wife and said, “I know you would have. The Leopard cannot change his spots.”

With that we all sat down to dinner. It was a fine dinner. Afterwards, your Maximum Leader did the dishes. He cleaned, sharpened, and cleaned again the four knives used to dissect the chicken.

In other domestic news… Your Maximum Leader just started to read “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.” He picked it up Sunday night. Currently he’s about 250 pages in. Yes… He knows that Dumbledore gets it in the end from Snape. But it is a good read nonetheless.

And finally… The absolutely delightful Mrs. P asked your Maximum Leader a question in the comment thread of a post on her site. He figured he’d take a moment to answer in this space.

NB to readers: If you don’t read Patum Peperium frequently you are really missing out. Your Maximum Leader visits every day. Sometimes twice a day. He just loves Mrs. P. That is not to say that he doesn’t care for Mr. P. No, not by any stretch. But Mrs. P has an edge to her that he finds captivating. She also is a damn fine cook if her recipes are any indication…

But your Maximum Leader digresses…

Your Maximum Leader’s family was for many years divided when it came to liquor. There were the Scotch drinkers. And then there were the Gin drinkers. If you were inclined to drink liquor you allied yourself with the Scotch side of the family or the Gin side of the family.

Your Maximum Leader was, and still is, a Scotch drinker. He loves his Scotch. For many years it was the only liquor he drank. Period. Nothing else. But about two years ago, on the Fourth of July, your Maximum Leader and his esteemed brother-in-law at the beach. On vacation with our families. For some reason we both decided that we needed some liquor instead of beer with which to celebrate the birth of our great Republic. So we went to the liquor store. Your Maximum Leader walked right up to the Scotch section and started to look for something to buy. Whereupon his brother-in-law said something to the effect of, “You’re gonna drink Scotch on the Fourth of July?” Your Maximum Leader thought about this for a moment and determined that there might be something unpatriotic about drinking Scotch on the Fourth of July. Afterall, our ancestors didn’t throw off the yoke of British rule just to become dependent on British liquor… So, your Maximum Leader picked up a bottle of Makers Mark. He discovered he liked Bourbon. Not as much as he liked Scotch. But he liked it nonetheless. Now your Maximum Leader drinks Bourbon and Scotch in almost equal quantities.

And that is how your Maximum Leader came to drink bourbon…

Carry on.

Idiots Part Two

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader saw a headline today on Reuters and all he could think was “idiots.”

Headline: Alcohol industry profits from underage drinking.

Really? Here your Maximum Leader had thought that alcohol companies didn’t mark up their product for the underage? Your Maximum Leader thought that the alcohol companies were sort of like crack dealers; give you the first few samples at no mark up and no “sin tax” to get you hooked… Then, when you hit 21, WHAM! Throw down that mark up and those taxes cause they’ve got you hooked…

Carry on.

America for Americans

I have had just about enough of all this illegal alien stuff. I have notice that NPR doesn’t call them Illegal aliens any more…. They are undocumented workers.

If I hear that ,”They are just doing the jobs that Americans don’t want to do” tripe one more time I think that I am going to puke.

No shit. Who wants to clean toilets or cut grass for $4 an hour?
But if you didn’t have the illegals here to do it at that absurdly low wage, you would have to pay $12-$18 an hour to have it done…
and maybe a LEGAL American WOULD take the job then.

Not only that, but if you give them citizenship, then THEY will become the Americans that “won’t do the job” for such low wages too…. then we will need another 12 MILLION illegals to do the work for us.

I say we adopt Mexicos immigration policy.

also, It doesn’t seem that Americans Get the same break in Mexico as Mexicans get in the US

What if we had a day “without an American”? Sure, you could still get your car valet parked and maybe even your grass cut, but the world economy would collapse.

Back to the Trenches….

Inflamatory Language Leads to Resolve

Greetings, loyal minoins. Your Maximum Leader reads in the Washington Post that Major League Baseball is moving closer to awarding ownership of the Washington Nationals to the group lead by Ted Lerner. This move might be hastened along by the statements of DC Council Members Marion (”The bitch set me up” Barry and Vincent (I wanna be the mayor.) Orange. Barry and Orange stated that the Lerner group was “renting blacks” to further their ownship bid.

Apparently the comment isn’t having the intended affect…

Well… Allow your Maximum Leader to restate… If the intended effect of Councilmen Barry and Orange’s comment was to strengthen the resolve of MLB (aka Bud Selig) to award the team to the Lerners; then the statement is working as planned. If however the intended effect of the statement by Barry and Orange was to push Bud Selig nto giving more consideration to other groups with “significant” minority representation; then the statement didn’t work too well.

Frankly, your Maximum Leader is a supporter of the Lerner group. But more importantly, your Maximum Leader wants to see the team get owners as soon as possible. Your Maximum Leader is a thoughtful deliberative type, but the prevarication and delays by Bud Selig are amazing. Selig must be waiting for not just one, but mulitple burning bushes to appear and the Lord God himself give him guidance in this matter.

Bud, if you are reading this, just take the Lerner’s money and be done with it.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader asks rhetorically, “Do you know what the problem is with idiots?”

The answer: “They look just like normal people.”

Carry on.

Boycott Part Dos

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is planning a second boycott this week. On Friday. Mark your calendars.

On Friday, the Fifth of May (sometimes called Cinqco de Mayo), your Maximum Leader will lead a large protest in Mexico City (or Nuevo Laredo or Tijuana or somewhere Mexican) to show th Mexican government that it needs to treat undocumented American immigrants more fairly and not take their contribution to the Mexican economy for granted.

Your Maximum Leader anticpates bringing up topics like: how Americans perform jobs in Mexico that Mexicans will not take (like entrepreneurs, chemists, physicists, computer programmers, and hotel managers), how undocumented immigrants keep border-town pharmacies, doctor’s offices, and liquor stores afloat, how undocumented immigrants keep thousands of young, buff, tanned, cabana-boys up to their elbows in drunk co-eds who want nothing more than to be ridden hard by someone named Jose in various resort towns across the length and breadth of Mexico.

Of course the first step towards making Mexico more friendly for the average undocumented American will be to require that all government services, documents, road signs, and customer service telephone numbers be available in English. In fact, Mexicans should be required to speak English and Spanish. They should become officially bilingual (like Canada!).

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is boycotting his blog today.

Until he gets a full amnesty, citizen benefits, and the respect due him as a toiling labourer, he will continue to show his solidarity with the legions of undocumented immigrants protesting around the US today. Writing a blog isn’t easy work. If it were easy then regular Americans would want to do it. Indeed, your Maximum Leader toils on this site day after day and doesn’t recieve even minimum wage payment for his services.

Oh yes… And while your Maximum Leader is protesting he should add the following chants. Down with Bush! No blood for oil! Stop McChimpy Haliburton! Viva La Revolucion!

And, of course, (lighters out)… Freebird! Freeeeeeeebiiiiiiird!

Carry on.

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