Britney is my April Fool

You’ve doubtless seen the strange yet wonderful statue (if so dignified a term may be applied to a piece of bad fiberglass pop art) depicting Britney Spears blissfully giving birth to her son, Sean Preston, upon a bearskin rug.



Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wishes he had Golden Palace’s money. (He will not link them unless they choose to buy a link. Which, in case anyone in the marketing department is reading this, he is glad to do.) The company that paid $25,000 for Admiral Kirk’s kidney stones, and $28,000 for a grilled cheese sandwich seems to have now issued a $250 reward for the return of Jerry Garcia’s toilet. (A toilet that Golden Palace purchased for $2,550.)

Oh to have money flowing freely out of one’s coffers to spend on things like grilled cheese sandwiches, kidney stones, and dead Dead frontmen’s toilets…

Carry on.

Winchester Plant Closes

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader notes with some sadness that the Winchester factory in New Haven, CT has finally closed. When the close was announced many bloggers, including your Maximum Leader, started to post obituaries for the venerable American rifle. Well now the plant has closed and the future of the Winchester brand is uncertain. Well… What is uncertain is where the rifles will be produced. It seems certain that Winchesters will be manufactured… Somewhere.

Your Maximum Leader likes the photo that AP chose to run with that story. The one with Ike, Omar Bradley, and Winston Churchill. Here it is.

Your Maximum Leader will have to admit, that he can’t tell if these rifles are Winhesters. He is not as good at id’ing gun porn as he should be. But one thing he will note. Your Maximum Leader’s firing stance is closer to Ike’s than Churchill’s or Bradley’s.

Carry on.

Contra Polygamy

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has often thrown out the slippery slope objection to legalizing gay marriage. The slop, he claims, could lead to polygamy among other things.

Well… Your Maximum Leader has finally read a thoughtful blog entry on why polygamy’s legalization would be significantly more difficult to do than the relatively simple change required for same-sex marriage.

Here it is. Thanks to Dale at the Volokh Conspiracy.

Your Maximum Leader will still stand by slippery slope arguments in many areas of public policy as still being possible. But he will concede that in this area it is not a practical objection.

Carry on.

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