Inappropriate Questions Part Two

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to post some more inappropriate questions for your reading enjoyment. These are questions pertaining to the Alito nomination that Democratic Staffers rejected passing along to their bosses…

1) Judge Alito, you seem to be a skinny guy. Do you eat right? Do you exercise? I ask because I was hoping that you would make a habit of eating fatty fried foods and drinking melted butter. We hoped this diet plan would get Clarence Thomas off the Court sooner. Even though it hasn’t worked so far we figure it is worth a second try.

2) Judge Alito, have you seen “Brokeback Mountain?” If you had to choose would you rather nail Heath Ledger or Jake Gyllenhaal? Could you make the one you chose squeal like a pig? You know like that scene in “Deliverance…”

3) Judge Alito, Senator Feinstein says that this is proper technique for fellatio. Is it your experience that this technique works?

4) Judge Alito, that chunky daughter of yours over there… Can she go on a date with Senator Kennedy?

5) Judge Alito, my colleagues on this committee have implied or actually called you a bigot, a homophobe, and an elitist over the past few days. I’ve seem to have misplaced my notes here, but could you also confirm for me that you are also a closed-minded, misogynistic, anti-semetic, greasy-haired dago-guinea-wop? I seem to remember reading talking points which indicated that you are…

6) Judge Alito, you’ve said many times in these hearings that the President is not above the law. If the President sent you a nice fruit basket and personally invited you for a weekend of “carousing” at his ranch in Crawford, would that change your mind? If yes, could we change it back by inviting you on our next “investigation” of how legalized prostitution in Nevada impacts the national economy? We promise that you and Senator Dick “Tiny” Durban wouldn’t have to sit next to each other on the plane ride out…

7) Judge Alito, what am I gonna have to say here to make your wife cry again?

After listening to a few hours of the interrogation, your Maximum Leader isn’t really sure that thse haven’t already been asked…

Carry on.

Inappropriate Questions Part One

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to pose this question to his loyal minons.

If you are stampeded to death on your way to a symbolic stoning in Mecca during the Haj do you go right to heaven? If you are a man, and reach heaven, are you greeted by 72 doe-eyed (horny) virgins?

Your Maximum Leader is trying to find the up-side to this story.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was over on Jeff’s site amusing himself… ahem… Well, your Maximum Leader was over at Beautiful Atrocities when he clicked through onto a link to the Babalu blog. Then he read the article and clicked through again to the MSNBC site.

What could have merited all that clicking?

The mini-vaca. Yes boys, girls, and minions everywhere. The mini-cow. Go. Read. Return. Pretty cool huh?

Just remember, your Maximum Leader told you about it before the Smallholder brought it up… BTW, Smallholder is probably still sitting alone in his barn being shocked (shocked!) that Texas judges could be fooled into thinking that redistricting isn’t a political process and its outcome isn’t always aimed at minimizing the influence of the opposition and creating safe seats. Silly judges… Politics is for crooks and Trix are for kids.

Carry on.

Birgit Nilsson - RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is filled with sadness… Birgit Nilsson, one of your Maximum Leader’s favourite Wagnerian Sopranos, has died. She was 87. Your Maximum Leader has numerous recordings of Nilsson singing in various Wagner operas. Indeed, your Maximum Leader would have to say that one of his regrets is that he never saw her perform. She retired “in the 1980s” according to the article. Your Maximum Leader thinks that 1982 was her final US performance. Alas, he wasn’t going to many operas then. He does have some recollections of listening to some of her Met performances over the radio. (Both your Maximum Leader’s sainted mother and dearly departed grandmother were/are regular listeners to the opera broadcasts on WETA in Washington DC on Saturday afternoons.)

This afternoon he will have to transfer some of his Wagner to the iPod and listen to Birgit Nilsson sing.

Carry on.

Happy Birthday Alex!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to wish Founding Father Alexander Hamilton a happy 250th birthday. On this day in 1755 Alexander was born in the West Indies to a Scottish merchant and a Hugenot mother. He grew up and emmigrated to the British American colonies. He attended Kings College New York (now Columbia) and became a Colonel in the army under George Washington. He was an influential member of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia (where he was the only representative from New York). He wrote, with James Madison and John Jay, the Federalist Papers. He served in the Washington Administration as Secretary of the Treasury - and counter-wieght to Thomas Jefferson’s Secretary of State. He is responsible for putting the financial affairs of our new nation in order. He is widely regarded as one of the founders of the Federalist party. Because of a dispute with Arron Burr concerning the Election of 1800, and Burr’s subsequent defeat in the 1804 election for Governor of New York, Hamilton and Burr dueled on the plains of Weehawken, New Jersey. Hamilton was shot and died from his wounds.

For the most definative resource on Hamilton your Maximum Leader recommends Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton. A book which he owns, but hasn’t finished. He’s read through Washington’s death in 1799. After Washington’s death you can see that there is a pathos in Hamilton’s life that goes steadily downhill… It becomes hard to read…

So… Happy 250th Alexander. (If in fact is it really your 250th. Sources debate the actual year and day of Hamilton’s birth. Hamilton himself gave January 11, 1757. But subsequent research shows that he may have lied about his age when coming to America. Your Maximum Leader will go with Chernow and 1755…) After George Washington, you are your Maximum Leaders favourite founder.

Carry on.

Non-Partisan Announcement

As a Packers and Redskins fan, I don’t expect to be in the playoffs much.

The Redskins got really lucky last week. I expect that they will be crushed by the Seahawks. Already outmatched, we will need all of out players.

But I still say that Taylor ought to be suspended for the spitting incident. If the league issued suspensions rather than fines, Taylor’s brand of obnoxiousness would end. Even if it removes any chance of the Redskins advancing, suspending spitters would be good for the game.

Most sports leagues make the mistake of believing that their declining conduct standards are acceptable as long as people keep watching. I suspect people would embrace sports more strongly if we could admire the athletes’ character as well as their physical ability.

Rule of Law Rebuttal and Redux

Shockingly, Memento Moron has taken exception to my Rule of Law post. Heh.

My post is here. You can scroll down to Brian’s comment.

I believe Blog brouhaha be brewing. (But you know, where has Ally been lately? She has been remiss in her Smallholder bashing duties. I miss her…)

I’ll take Brian’s comments bit by bit:

First of all, regarding Texas redistricting: Last I heard, the courts ruled in favor of the redistricting, which would indicate that the lawyers at DOJ were wrong. If they were wrong, and the GOP had good reason to disagree with them in the first place, I fail to see how that’s a bad-faith, intentional violation of the law.

The good reason to disagree with the courts: They were gauging the political gains, not the law. Their decision to ignore the very group of people charged with overseeing the law was bad-faith and intentional. And the Texas court decision likely will not stand for long as the Supreme Court has issued a certiori on the case. As I understand it, the Texas court did not have the internal DOJ memos revealing that the intent of the redistricting was to achieve a political goal of reducing the influence of democratic-leanign minorities and gerrymandering safe districts. Pehaps if you took a step back from your strong support of the Republican party and reversed the parties and left the facts the same, you might see it differently. In another post you disagreed with my warning of giving powers to President Hillary. I think it is entirely apropos to point out that most Republican apologists are no longer looking at things based on principles. Instead, everything is viewed through partisan glasses. If Clinton had ignored the monolithic advice of the DOJ on a similar issue, don’t you think the Republicans would be raising all holy heck? Democracts do this too. I would urge members of both parties to start adhering to principle and start holding their own partisans accountable. If you are supported by one party, and that party gives you a free pass on principles, why should you act honorably? Once again, I’m talking about Republican sins because they are in power. I felt exactly the same about the Clinton apologists.

Brian also take umbrage over my despair with the Abramoff scandal:

As for Abramoff, youll find many of us who have no problem with investigating and prosecuting every single violation of the law that occurred involving Abramoff. What we object strenuously is the attempt by many on the Left to characterize this as proof that the GOP is inherently more corrupt than the other side (considering how many Dems have been implicated, I think we’ve been justified in that regard), and the use of the scandal as a refutation of Republican IDEAS. I know that’s not what you’re doing, but it IS what a LOT of people on the left are doing, and while you say, “I’m not attacking basic conservative principals, many of which I share.”, I have to observe that you also don’t seem to speak too loudly in DEFENSE of those principles when the Left makes ad hominem attacks on them based on scandals.

Um, many Democrats were corrupt when the Democrats held congressional majorities. Having power increases the opportunities for corruption exponentially. But it isn’t just about power. The DeLay-lobbyist incest has created a new environment that specifically excludes Democrats. Part of the Hammer’s legacy is that he made sure that lobbying organizations could only hire Republicans. And those Republicans in turn distributed the goodies to the people in power. Republicans ARE NOT anymore inherently corrupt than Democrats. But the system DeLay has created has made them more corrupt (currently). Nurture trumps nature, if we want to express it in biological terms.

Have Democrats been implicated? Even if some have, I am pretty sure that the twenty congressmen under investigation in the Abramoff scandal mostly have “R-” before their names. I could be wrong. Does anyone have a source for who exactly is under DOJ investigation?

I, for one, don’t use the corruption as a way to refute Republican ideas, as you acknowledge. In fact, if you read my post closely, I’m urging conservative bloggers to apply their ideas and step out of the partisan cheerleading. Conservatives and liberals alike ought to stand for honesty and the rule of law. So I would say that the Republicans themselves often fail to live up to their own ideals. As to Democrats using the scandal to score purely partisan points: they are part of the problem. Many of the Democrats screaming about the rule of law wanted to give Billy a pass on the perjury charge. BOTH parties are being hypocritical.

Moving on to the end of that paragraph:

>…while you say, “I’m not attacking basic conservative principals, many of which I share.”, I have to observe that you also don’t seem to speak too loudly in DEFENSE of those principles when the Left makes ad hominem attacks on them based on scandals.

I suspect your failure to remember examples of my bashing the left is a product of how the human brain works. We tend not to remember things that are pleasant or agreeable as much as things that annoy us. If you will recall, I’ve gone nuts over left’s erroneous interpretations of Geneva, defended Bush from charges of ill-intentions on the Gulf War (”He lied, people died” is asinine. I think the problem was one of cognitive processing rather than deliberate warmongering), defended the pure motivations of (non-violent) pro-lifers, made the case that no reasonable person doubted Saddam’s possession of WMD, and taken issue with claims that we acted unilaterally in the Iraq war (nevermind all the allies who helped, symbolically or not). I have advocated the confirmation of Roberts and Alito. These examples don’t come to mind because we agree. The human brain is designed to find differences, not similarities.


em>As for torture, you claim that the RIGHT is “Redefining” it, yet the same argument can be made from the other side — a big part of the problem is that our opponents attempt to define too broadly what constitutes torture. Definition of terms IS important, otherwise we can’t be sure we’re even arguing the merits of the same thing.

I’m not aware of any serious person who has tried to change the deinition of torture to include silly stuff. There are silly people out there who have tried, but no one takes Moveon seriously (sorry, MoP). When it comes to people that matter, oh, like say, goverenment officials, the redefition of torture was actual policy. Witness Gonzalez making toture mean only permanent organ failure. Waterboarding, for instance, has been defended as nontorture by Cheney when there is legal precedent that it is indeed torture (we have succesffully prosecuted folks under UMCJ). And I would think that you would agree that waterboarding is torture. Saying that the redefintion is happening on the left is Orwellian. I am not particularly concerned about the rights of illegal combatants - I think they ought to be shot. But I am concerned about the rule of law. And, although it is unrelated to this context, am concerned about the wisdom of the folks who thought this was a good idea, revealing their fundamental misunderstandings of human nature: the unreliability of torture-extracted information, international response, and impact of Americans’ support for what needs to be done.

Back to Brian:

As for your reference to the Plame affair, you have proven yourself on multiple occasions to be all to willing to accept without question the explanation of events as described by the administration’s critics, including what happened and why. I’ve tried to raise the question of whether or not your description of the events is accurate or not, and you did not respond. The more you persist in holding to that view uncritically and beating the drum that it’s proof of Republican calumny, the more it sounds like a straw man and you sound like the drink mix imbiber.

The administration hasn’t provided any alternate theory. In fact, the administration, as well as Scooter and Rove’s legal defense, all play to the technical definition of Plame’s status. Rove and Libby’s revelation of her identity (though Rove clung for a while that he mentioning the wife without giving her name was not the same as naming her, at least prior to discovering an e-mail that jogged his memory) to reporters is not disputed. Can you think of any other reason to disclose her than to discredit Wilson (whose report on Niger turned out to be right, by the way)? What’s to assess critically here? The very disciplined nature of two simultaneous leaks of the same information by two highly placed, professional political operatives can very reasonably be seen as intentional coordination. Random, unmotivated verbal diarhea while talking to the fourth estate? Rove and Libby are too talented to have dropped that information unintentionally. That said, a conspiracy to do this is legally unprovable. Rove and Libby have essentially ceded this by focusing their defense on her status. If they weren’t the source of the leaks, her status would be immaterial, no? The law itself is vague, so the prosecution of Libby may founder upon bad lawmaking. But the disregard for the rule of law is still evident. They certainly believed that there was a good chance that they were breaking the law - why consistently deny that they were the souce of the leak and then “forget” crucial information while being deposed? Why would Bush, through his spokesman, have promised to fire anyone involved in the leak? Why didn’t they step forward and admit they were the sources when reporters went to prison to shield the leakers’ anonymity? Why, in Rove’s case, frantically negotiate to avoid an indictment? There is no doubt that there was consciousness of guilt. To restate: Although it may not be convictable, Libby and Rove knew that there were, at the very minimum, risking prosecution (if discovered) for purely political reasons.

You wound me with the “uncritical” charge. I’m open to changing my mind based on new evidence. If you have presented new evidence, I missed it. I would have hoped that our months of crossing swords would have at least earned your respect for my intellectual integrity.

As to strawman, I’m a farmer. I’d nver waste straw on the farm or in cyberspace. As for drink mixes, the MoP is the one drinking those fruity, umbrella-decorated beverages. I’m a beer from the bottle kind of guy.

Regarding the wiretaps: Please see my comments in The Maximum Leader’s post on this. FISA is intended to provide the means of obtaining a warrant in an emergency. But if the situation doesn’t and shouldn’t require a warrant, I fail to see how that is a violation of the law.

I just went back into the archives to read your comments. Your interpretation of the Supreme Court’s stance on this does not jibe with conservative law professor Eugene Volokh. In an earlier post I directed folks to the Volokh Conspiracy’s running commentary on FISA. I think your cases are wrong, but have not read them myself. I wouldn’t trust my own interpretation of the cases to be as lucid or valid as Volokh’s so will defer to authority. I’m reasonably confident that Volokh is an honest broker and considers the law rather than partisanship.

If we expand the scope of our inquiry, the disregard for the law isn’t the only troubling thing about FISA. Since FISA had only turned down one of thousands of requests, and Bush had requested of Congress, and been given, a 72 hour emergency exemption (in emergency situations, wiretapping could go on for 72 hours without a warrant), one wonders why they needed to avoid getting warrants. If you can do what you want to do by simply meeting the legal requirements, why disregard the law purposelessly? Like the Plame affair, this raises questions about the judgment of the players involved (just as the Monica situation raised troubling questions about Clinton’s judgment).

Furthermore, I find your argument to be a bit inconsistent. In your comments regarding torture, you say, “I’m concerned here with meeting the letter of the law.” but in the Plame comment, your criticism is, “We can argue that, technically, no law was broken, “. So if your concern is with the letter of the law, and no law was broken, what’s your beef? Pick your poison.

My position is consistent. My concern is respecting the rule of law (actually, the current lack thereof). In the statement about the Plame affair, I was acknowledging that the technical legal defense of Libby’s actions may have some merit due to the poorly worded law. The potential weaseling on this technicality doesn’t remove the fact that he acted in a way that he believed at the time to be against the law, or at least suspected could and would be interpreted as illegal. I also note that the legalistic defense was not raised until it became very clear that there was clear evidence of Libby and Rove’s argument. The intitial White House pledge to investigate never raised the issue of Plame’s status as an undercover agent. If the White House didn’t consider her to be covered by the law at the beginning of the investigation, there would never have been an investigation.

There are emergency situations where bad laws must be broken to prevent an even greater evil from happening, and the consequences faced later. I’m not saying that’s the case in any of the situations above, but I refuse to be pigenholed as someone who unquestioningly obeys every law no matter how heinous just because, well, it’s the law, and I’m a Conservative, and that’s just how we roll. maybe we have more of an ability to see in shades of grey than a “Progressive” like yourself wants to give us credit for.

I highly doubt that the Elephant Echo chamber is really looking at shades of grey. Comparing the right and left’s reaction to Clinton’s transgressions and the reaction to Bush’s transgressions is like night and day. People simply flip sides. I have hopes that many Republicans are beginning to see that a culture of lawbreaking is not conservative: DeLay did not give up his post selflessly. He was pushed off the ledge by congressmen who want to redeem their image prior to the election. It is just unfortuante that ittook the spectre of electoral consequences to turn on their moral radar.


em>While the law should be obeyed in all but the direst of circumstances, there’s plenty of grey area in politics where things are done that are not illegal, but are definitely less than on the up-and-up. One would have to be a fool to think that any side is completely dove-white innocent. The question becomes, how strenuously does one object to such activities? Our argument (or at least mine) is that there is no easy answer to that question. One has to weigh the negative implications of such means against the ends they accomplish. The reason that many of us on the right are scornful of the Left is not because they pl;ay the game, because we have to admit we play it too, our scorn has to do with the perception we have that their means are all out of proportion with their ends.

If we accept the fact that conservatives are willing to put up with extralegal means to achieve necessary ends (at least as long as the extralegal means are “proportionate” to those conservative ends), I think we have to ask ourselves: what conservative ends have been achieved?

Bush has shanked the pro-lifers with the Roberts-Alito appointments. Government spending is bloated. Earmarks are at an all time high. Domestic spending has increased at a faster rate than it did under Lyndon Johnson. A fiscally reckless Medicare program has massively expanded the welfare state. Federal involvement in local education has increased. Gaybashing yields electoral dividends but a constitutional amendment is an impossibility. The war in Iraq has been badly mismanaged.

What conservative ends have been achieved?

Are they proportionate to the damage DeLay and his crew have done to the wall between lobbyists and lobbyees?

Are they proportionate to the damage to the public’s already low opinion of our political leaders?

In the case of torture, are they proprtionate to the damage to our ability to win hearts and minds of Iraqis and the maintenance of homefront morale?

UPDATE: I will grant that capital gains and estate taxes have been cut. So a small proportion of the conservative agenda has been achieved. Was it worth the rest? Proportionally, I mean.

The Love/Hate Fest Continues

Villainous minions often express surprise that a group of fellows so diverse in their political views can be good personal friends. We may go at each other’s ideology hammer and tongs, but if you look beneath the surface, the Maximum Leader and his minions are remarkably similar in their core values. Our friendships have stood the test of time. The Minister of Propaganda and I have been friends for two and a half decades. The Maximum Leader and Foreign Minister and I used to be college carousing buddies. Now we are family men whose families look forward intensely to our (too infrequent) reunions.

I think Brian B. would fit in very well with this group. My political commentary may drive him to disraction, but if you compare our “four things memes,” we aren’t that far apart.

Brian here.

Smallholder here.

I note with pleasure that Brian is also a fan of “Mad Dog and Glory,” a wonderful, subtle little gem of a movie.

His list of books differs from mine, but all but the Lewis work COULD have been on my list. I particularly smiled at the Armour book - I have a well-thumbed edition that I probably read once a year. I get on a sci-fi powered infantry kick and read Armor, The Forever War, and Starship Troopers in a weekend. I’ll confess that on long weekends, I’ll even add a couple of books from the considerably lower-brow Hammer’s Slammers series. I would add a caveat about Killer Angels. I enjoy the read and have re-read it several times, but I am troubled that Shaara seems to buy into the Southern hero mythology a little too strongly. I just can’t bring myself to think charitably of fellows who waged a treasonous war to preserve slavery.

I never watched the Firefly series, being unaware of its existence, but want to know that I’ve seen Serenity. The movie script lived up to Whedon’s reputation for snappy two-level dialogue. Brian and I are both fans of the Buffy series. It might interest that Willow hit on one of the Naked Villains, who spurned her advances. I won’t call out the putz. Said putz can confess his sins against the “great story value” code of guydom if he wishes.


George Will and Smallholder: True Conservatives

Our loyal minion at Memento Moron questions my conservative credentials. I’d have him (and you too, valued reader!), read George Will’s latest article.

Those who defend Cogressional Republicans are NOT conservatives.

George Will, whose ideological purity is, one would think, above reproach, condemns the liberality of the vast majority of Republicans in Congress. Your humble Smallholder is certainly more fiscally conservative than the vast majority of Republican representatives.

Let us all hope Boehner is chosen.

Annual Performance Review

Since the Maximum Leader is a human resources type, I’d be interested in his take on this article.

Solidarity With The Proletariat

More evidence of Belafonte’s bond with capitalism’s victims.

Harry Belafonte

What a maroon!

I liked John Stewart’s take:

HB: “Mr. Chavez, millions of Americans support your socialist revolution!”

JS: “Mr. Belafonte, there aren’t millions of Americans who can find Venezuela on a map.”

But Belafonte’s hostility towards capitalism and America is understandable. Capitalism’s inherent injustice has been so cruel to Belafonte:

“Singer Harry Belafonte is selling the Manhattan co-op he bought in the 1950s. Or, to be more specific, he’s selling his residence in the co-op building he bought in the 1950s, after the landlord turned him down for an apartment. The asking price is $15 million, according to The New York Observer.

At the time, Belafonte had recently recorded the incredibly popular album Calypso, which sparked a music trend and sold more than a million copies, when he was denied the apartment. So, the Observer says, he bought the turn-of-the-century building on West End Avenue and converted it into a co-op. He has lived on the fifth floor ever since.

The 21-room apartment includes eight bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a pool room, library and four wood-burning fireplaces. There is a sauna in the master suite, and the kitchen is clad in Mexican tile. The owner had combined two apartments into one.

This isn’t Belafonte’s only current real estate listing. He recently put his oceanfront estate in St. Martin on the market for $2.9 million, according to the New York Post.”

Speaking of iPods…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader should mention something…. He thinks he is developing an unhealthy fixation with Lala from Tiki Bar TV. She is quite capitvating. And she lives in his iPod… Along with Dr. Tiki and Johnny Johnny, also of Tiki Bar TV.

Also living in his iPod… The dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Barenaked album. Which he spent an amazing $9.99 for on iTunes… Lucky he used a gift certificate to pay…

Carry on.

Dork Alert!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was going to write a FISA entry last night. But as you can see from a quick perusal of the site no new FISA entry has appeared. So what gives you may ask? Well… Your Maximum Leader decided to spend yesterday evening entertaining the Wee Villain (aged 19 months). We played with toy lightsabers. Then we built proper doric style temples with blocks. Then we destroyed said temples by smiting them with the aforementioned toy lightsabers. After that we drove toy trucks into one another while making crashing noises.

And when all the playing was done your Maximum Leader and his wee son sat on the sofa and watched the English language Canadian Party Leader debate on C-Span.

When Mrs. Villain came down she asked what we were doing. Your Maximum Leader replied that we were watching the Canadian Party Leader debate on C-Span. Mrs Villain asked why. Your Maximum Leader replied, “To better understand the world around us… And to be able to comment pithily on Skippy’s observations on the Canadian elections.” Mrs Villain shrugged her shoulders and took the Wee Villain to bed.

Your Maximum Leader watched in rapt attention to the rest of the debate. He should add that Gilles Duceppe looked like a confused idiot for most of the night. He had that deer-in-the-headlights-google-eyed-slack-jawed-what-the-hell-am-I-doing-here? look most of the night. Your Maximum Leader wouldn’t be surprised if he also had an achy neck today, as he spent most of the night jerking his head from left to right to look at Paul Martin and Steve Harper. If your Maximum Leader had been there, he would have given the pauvre M. Duceppe a glass of wine and a tranquilizer after the debate. He looked like he needed one.

When the debate was over your Maximum Leader took out his iPod and watched the Battlestar Galactica special he downloaded…

Carry on.

AVN in Vegas

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was perusing the news wires and he noticed a Reuters bit on the AVN awards in Las Vegas. For those of you unfamiliar with the abbreviation, AVN stands for Adult Video News. Or something to that extent. It really is hardly important. What is important is that the AVN’s are the “Oscars” of the porn industry.

Now, your Maximum Leader actually wouldn’t have commented at all about the AVN awards until he read one thing in the article. The total haul of the porn industry last year was about $12.6 billion (US dollars, not Canadian - in case Skippy is reading). The total haul of the regular release movie studio industry was $8.9 billion (US dollars).

That is: Porn = $12,600,000,000.00. Hollywood = $8,900,000,000.00.


What else can one say other than wow?

Carry on.

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