Blogger Haiku For No Particular Reason

Dead sexy? What’s that?
Smallholder prefers women
With a bloody pulse

Semen sabatoeur
Spiteful Sadie seeks solace
Siccing Smallholder

Kudos to Ally
JP in green stilettos
Drool on my keyboard

Who moved my truth?
Abortion debate hangs me
Out to dry. Of course.

MoP in funk
Ally refrains from posting
Skanky crack whore pics

Maximum Leader
AWOL yet again
While the cat’s away…

Ho cruxifiction?
Photoshoped Golgotha
Cheeky Blasphemer!

Commenting William
Blaming pernicious teachers
Smallholder is hurt

Commenting William
Scores highly for heresy
Jehovah’s Witness

What are you, William?
An effeminite pansy?
Unicorn blog post!

Smallholder uses
Religious hyperbole
Memento objects

Disclaimer? No need
Brian will set the record straight
Mark is heretic.

Bonnie’s New Love Match

Well, we’ve bred Bonnie for the third time.

I hadn’t ordered any new semen from Norway, so had to go with what my AI guy had in the tank, which was all Holstein or Angus. I went with O-Bee Manfred Justice, one of the storied bulls of the Holstein breed.

I think I have put my finger on why she hasn’t caught yet - Bonnie is a bit on the thin side - as a grass-based dairyman, I have to watch for her “milking off her back” (also called “will to milk) - when Cows produce large amounts of milk despite not getting a lot of grain - they actually draw down their body fat. I’m going to supplement her with some corn until she gets condition back.

If she doesn’t catch this time I’ll spend the next couple of months fattening her back up and then breed for a February calf.

I’m A Bear of Very Little Brain

Well, Piglet,

What I’m thinking about is this.

There is a root for England. Anglophile. Anglicize. Anglican.

There is a root for China. Sinophile. Sino-Soviet split.

There are three roots for France. Francophile. Gallic. Cheese-eating surrender monkey.

But there are no roots for Germany. If I want to pronounce a kid’s name by making the w sound like a v, am I Germanicizing his name? The phrase seems awkward.

A Safer Hajj?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Fiqh Academy are working to make the hajj a safer experience for the millions of pilgrims who journey annually to Mecca.

If their efforts are successful (and your Maximum Leader is pretty confident that so long as Abdul-Aziz al-Sheik remains opposed to changes to the stoning ritual - and hotel structures remain unreconstructed - they will not be) it could mean that fewer pilgrims will die trying to fulfill their religious duties.

Of course, if the changes are successful it will also mean that our friend Jeff will have to retire the Hajj-o-meter.

Carry on.

More on FISA

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, and his Minister of Propaganda, have written a few posts about the developing FISA situation. Loyal minions will recall that your Maximum Leader and the Minister of Propaganda are pretty close in agreement on how we view many of the salient points that have come to light so far.

But to give the other side some fair play, and to give you all a chance to think more on the subject, your Maximum Leader will direct you towards a post of the good Dr. Rusty Shackleford from yesterday. The most interesting item is the leaking of Department of Justice documents which support President Bush’s decision to authorize the electronic surveillance. Dr. Rusty also provides some thoughtful analysis.

Your Maximum Leader will ruminate more on this and probably give you thoughts in a bit.

Carry on.

The Fertile Irish

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, contrary to the sometimes exhortations of the Smallholder, is quite facinated with studies of genetics. He remembers a number of scientific papers which came out over the past few years on the tracing of the “Cohen” gene among jews - and how that gene found its way into a remote primative tribe in southern Africa. Very interesting stuff. And one should mention the genetic studies that link Thomas Jefferson with Sally Hemmings. Also very interesting.

Well… This article is very interesting as well. Niall of the Nine Hostages (which by the way is one hell of a cool moniker - it may not be quite as cool as Abdul the Damned - but it is quite cool) appears to be the biological father of his country. One in twelve Irishmen could be related to Niall of the Nine Hostages. 1 in 12!

According to the piece the decendants of Niall of the Nine Hostages are part of the “Ui Neill” dynasty. The family names included in the dynasty appear to be Gallagher, Boyle, O’Donnell and O’Doherty. One wonders if O’Neills” might also be part of this group.

Hummm… Could Stotch (McStotch?) also be part of the “Ui Neill” dynasty? The world wonders.

Carry on.

Opinion Journal on Reaganomics

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will draw yor attention to today’s lead-off editorial from the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal. It is on Reaganomics 25 years later. Your Maximum Leader believes that you may need to register to view the article. (It’s free - and well worth it.) So go and read.

If you are too lazy to clicky and read… Well your Maximum Leader reproduced the whole article below the fold.

Carry on.

Naked Villainy is #1

For googling “demery’s underwear.”

I’m so proud.

Bad News For Agent Bedhead

Sadie claims that this photo bears no resemblence to her appearance in real life.

Bad news, toots.

I was just thumbing through the old college photo albums.

Remember that time we hopped on the train to visit the Minister of Propaganda in New Haven?

And slammed the Heniekens at Demery’s?

And woke up in the gutter in our underwear?

Yeah, you looked like that picture.

not a heretic?

I decided to try that “heretic” quiz, using my theo class knowledge to finesse the results and see whether I could score as a non-heretic. Sure enough– 100%, baby. Read it and weep. I can pass for a good Christian at will.

You scored as Chalcedon compliant. You are Chalcedon compliant. Congratulations, you’re not a heretic. You believe that Jesus is truly God and truly man and like us in every respect, apart from sin. Officially approved in 451.

Chalcedon compliant




























Are you a heretic?
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Brian, Bill, and Kevin Are Right!

Smallholder is a heretic:

You scored as Pelagianism. You are a Pelagian. You reject ideas about man’s fallen human nature and believe that as a result we are able to fully obey God. You are the first Briton to contribute significantly to Christian thought, but you’re still excommunicated in 417.



Chalcedon compliant


























Are you a heretic?
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You humble Smallholder has nominated Ally’s “Who Moved My Truth” for Loyal Minion Status on multiple occasions.

But the Maximum Leader does not bestow this ultimate state sanction lightly.

But I predict that this post may finally convince Mike to elevate our pretty Pennsylvanian paramour into the exalted Pantheon, taking her place alongside Kevin, Bill, Sadie, Phin, Skippy, and Dr. Shackleford.

I have only one question to ask about Ally’s placatory purveyance of pictures o’ pulchritude:

What am I, chopped liver? I can’t believe you’d post JLH without a companion post of JP. Very, very disappointing.

UPDATE: You are under no obligation to placate the MoP with KM. She’s a scawny crackhead anyway.

Smallholder: Patriarchal Oppressor of Ally and Sadie

Upon further reflection, I’m going to adopt a literalist view of the Bible.

The next time Ally or Sadie has the temerity to question my role as “THE FONT OF TRUTH,” I’m going to give them the back of my hand, spare not the rod, and deliver unto them the wise words of Paul in I Corinthians 14:34-36:

“Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church, for Adam was formed first, then Eve.”

If they complain I am missing the true meaning of Pau’s words, I’ll bolster my patriarchal oppression with another Pauline injunction from Timothy 2:11-3:

“Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence For Adam was first formed, then Eve.”

Or, I might go all Old Testament and bust out Genesis 3:16:

“Unto the woman He said… your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.”

So, ladies, I hereby command you, as man, to stop publishing your opinions on your blogs. When I want your opinions, I’ll give them to you.

Of course, I need to be careful about flinging Bible verses around or the Maximum Leader is liable to break out the Deuteronemy. Darn Deuteronemy.

Smallholder: Patriarchal Oppressor of Women

When a woman claims that the man is keeping her down, I’m the man.

Smallholder’s the man.

Seriously, Ally warns me that I’m about to lose something very precious.

The feminist mantra that men ought not to opine about abortion is (insert profane, dismissive phrase here).

If one believe that the fetus is a human life, abortion is murder. The fact that the murder is taking place within the body of another person is irrelevent. One is obligated to protect human life against those who would take it.

So the intnt of abortion foes is not to subjugate women. Period.

That said, it is clear that a high proportion of pro-life crusaders are men. This is probably because the religious groups most likely to (erroneously) believe that their literally interpreted Bible says that life begins at conception are also the same groups most likely to belive that their literally interpreted Bible says that women should not hold leadership positions in the church. Their relegation of women to second class status has a great deal more biblical support than their anti-abortion stand. If you don’t believe me, peruse the fiercely sexist Pauline epistles.

For fundamentalists,
Abortion = murder.
Leadership = men.
Therefore, anti-abortion leadership = men.

I’ll confess that many fundamentalist leaders like Pat Robertson would like to re-relegate women to the domestic sphere. But the opposition to abortion is not, repeat not, a function of their patriarchal viewpoint. Their patriarchal viewpoint and their opposition to abortion are both the result of their particular way of inerpreting the Bible.

So it is:

Literal interpretation = anti-abortion + female submission
Female submission = anti-abortion.

As I grapple with the abortion issue in the coming updates, please don’t send any Steinemesque invective my way. I am not a literalist and, being the rationalist Episcopalian that I am, believe that God’s equal distribution of intellect to men and women is indicative of his desire that men and women be equal partners in every sphere*. I think Paul’s admonitions to women to be silent are more reflective of Paul’s cultural sexism than the WILL O’ GOD. For me, the entire issue is whether or not the fetus is human (and yes, Brian, I acknowledge that the term is problematic) and possesses a soul. Everything revolves around that issue. If the fetus isn’t human, women ought to do whatever they want to the tumors in their wombs. If the fetus is human, feminist ideology is no defense for murder.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader saw this quiz over on Brian’s site. He thought he’d give it a shot…

You scored as Pelagianism. You are a Pelagian. You reject ideas about man’s fallen human nature and believe that as a result we are able to fully obey God. You are the first Briton to contribute significantly to Christian thought, but you’re still excommunicated in 417.























Chalcedon compliant






Are you a heretic?
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One hopes there will be no burning as a result of taking this quiz…

Carry on.

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