More on Dover

I posted a few links to the coverage of the Dover intelligent design judicial proceedings a few days ago.

It was a poor post. Other than raising Brian’s hackles, it didn’t really have enough ooomph to grab anybody.

Ally’s post on Dover inspired me to elaborate.

When I first read about the Dover statement about intelligent design, I shrugged.

The Dover folks were wrongheaded - there is nothing scientific about intelligent design (witness the Kansas’ school board’s need to redefine the word “science” in their curriculum). But the statement that people disagree about evolution is factual. So big deal.

In fact, good science teachers might use the issue to inspire their students. Students who actually look at the evidence will reject intelligent design. I have been following the “debate” for a while now, and every single time the ID folks show a “problem” with evolution - like irreducible complexity - it turns out that it isn’t really a problem. But understanding why the problem isn’t really a problem takes a bit of reading and some complex, hard thought. The ID folks know this, but also know that most people won’t take the time to read the complex studies. The ID proponents are fundementally dishonest. (The best example can be seen here with ID adocate Micheal Behe denying that scientists had answered the irreducibly complex problem of the immune system, whilst surrounded by over 50 papers that do just that. Great courtroom theatrics.) You also consistently see claims that the Dariwinians are fundamentalists who won’t tolerate challenges to their “dogma,” which ignores the very lively debate going on about mechanisms, as well as ignoring the awesome battles that took place at the turn of the century (See the book: Reef Madness). Scientists, aren’t dogmatic: they want proof. Their rejection of ID isn’t a evidence of a faith-based scientific community, it is evidence that ID doesn’t have any proof.

But more troubling than the bad science is the consequence of the dishonesty. Despite their “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” disclaimers, ID is being promoted only by creationists. Unfortunately, with our human tendency to generalize, many people will generalize the lying ID folks to the larger Christian community.

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount lays out the most fundamental duty of Christians: bring people to Christ. Good people disagree about the best tactics to use in this mission. I would submit to you, my friends, that eggregious dishonesty will not convince many people.

And the Dover people are being eggregiously dishonest. Click through to my previous post and read those news articles. This isn’t an example of liberal MSM slandering the poor noble school board members. At least two school board members committed perjury to cover-up their fundamentalist Christian motivations in imposing ID. Lest you think I am cherry-picking evidence, here is a link to an index of all of the local paper’s trial coverage.

Ally: After reading those courtroom accounts, do you still feel that there was no religious motivation behind the school board’s “ID” platform?

Technology Race

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, in a vain attempt to make up for quality of posting by just putting up some crap, would like to provide you with two links.

The first link shows that American engineered and built aircraft are the finest in the world. A new Boeing 777 just flew 12,586 miles with out refueling. In case you are wondering kids… That flight was from Hong Kong to London via North America. A new world record. Breaking a record previously held by another Boeing aircraft…

Hey Airbus Industries! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

But alas, while US aircraft are superior to all others… It seems that the US is lagging far behind the Japanese when it comes to microwavable lingere. Your Maximum Leader demands that US companies start working to close the microwavable lingere gap! We can’t have hot Japanese chicks going around warming their boobs during the winter while hot American chicks go around with cold boobs! We all know what happens when boobs get cold… Oh yeah… Humm…

On second thought… We can afford a microwavable lingere gap after all.

Carry on.

Thursday’s Men’s Club & Diva Discussion

This week’s topic is fairly ambiguous…
What constitutes “sexy” in a member of the opposite sex?…


I am not going to include all that obligatory BS about how important “sense of humor,” “self confidence,” and “Fun Personality” is. I know some very funny, self confident hunch backed burn victims that have great personalities but don’t get dates… ever!

Back on topic…

As I grow older, I find that I have switched from the “sniper” days of my youth (when I had a fairly narrow view of what I thought was hot), to more of a shotgun blast approach (she has a pulse?… Great!).

Of course we are fed a fairly steady diet of what Hollywood, Women’s magazines, and the Fashion industry WANTS us to think is sexy, but fortunately, everyone is different as to what he/she likes.

Its kind of like NASCAR…

In NASCAR, you generally decide if you are a Gordon Fan or a Ernhardt Fan, and then pick the real driver that you follow.

So guys in general have a Category that we like (Red heads, big tits, legs etc) which relates to the Gordon/Ernhardt thing, and then we have the “reality” women (the driver we pull for every week).

That is to say, some guy might claim to love big breasts, but the women he dates/marries is slight of build. He might love Blondes, but has been dating a Brunette all his life.

Can’t explain it, I am just glad that the world works that way, otherwise guys like me would never have a shot at getting married.


If you want to know what is sexy to you, you can take these simple test! (ladies, take the test answering what you think that your man would answer)


and finally

Back to the trenches…

When News Threads Collide

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has wanted to get himself motivated to comment on the riots in France. And he’s wanted to comment on the Carolina Cheerbabe scandal. But he’s found that computer games have occupied his free time… So, he was trying to figure out how to include these two completely unrelated news threads together for pithy commentary…

Our friend Steve the Llama Butcher has discovered what happens when news threads collide. And the results are fabulous.

Carry on.

Barnes on VA Elections

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will direct you to an interesting little article by Fred Barnes that was published on Opinion Journal today. Your Maximum Leader agrees with much of what Barnes says about the Virginia Governor’s election.

And, your Maximum Leader will have to admit that Skippy was right when he mentioned in a comment thread to an earlier post that your Maximum Leader wasn’t giving enough weight to the suppressing effects of negative advertising by the Kilgore Campaign. Many voters who trend Republican appear to have stayed home in some rural areas. While the precise cause of this hasn’t been nailed down your Maximum Leader will opine that the two major causes were 1) the election was seen as a referendum on Mark Warner (the current - very popular - governor) and 2) negative ads by the Kilgore campaign may have created a feeling of ambivelence among religious voters (in particular) who didn’t like Kilgore attacking Kaine’s beliefs on the death penalty.

Carry on.

Show Him Some Love

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader suggests that you go over to the Commissar and give him a little love. He’s crested 1,000,000 visitors and 2 years in the arena. No small feat that.

Your Maximum Leader wishes him many years of visitors and blogging.

Carry on.

Disappointment Part the Second

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is sure that by now you’ve probably heard about the Virginia Gubernatorial election results. Just in case you haven’t, feel free to clicky on the linky. Tim Kaine, the Democratic Lt. Governor, won in his contest with Jerry Kilgore, the Republican former-Atty General. It was a resounding victory in fact for Governor-Elect Kaine. He appears to have captured about 52% of the vote. Your Maximum Leader would have guessed the race would be a little tighter.

So you may ask, “Is my Maximum Leader disappointed today?” Well, a little, he supposes. It is not like the world will end or anything. Indeed, your Maximum Leader remembers how completely devastated he felt when George H.W. Bush lost to Bill Clinton in 1992. He doesn’t get that worked up over elections like that anymore. He’s learned that we in American don’t like electing transformational leaders. Frankly, we don’t like electing really extraordinary people in general. So, we get incremental change one way or another.

Of course in 1992 your Maximum Leader would have identified himself politically as “Republican.” If you ask him now to identify himself politically he would say “Conservative.” There is a slight difference thee. One that perhaps he shall expound upon in a later post.

Congratulations Governor-Elect Kaine. You fought the good fight and prevailed.

This victory will be viewed by the national press as a blow to President Bush and the National Republicans. Your Maximum Leader thinks that rhetoric is overwrought. Afterall, (very conservative) Republican Bill Bolling was elected Lt. Governor. The Republicans still hold a commanding majority in the House of Delegates. (Even if the Washington Post’s headline reads how the Democrats won a few key races.) And it looks like (pretty conservative) Republican Bob McDonnell will be elected Atty General. That race is too close to call. And if your Maximum Leader may speculate a little bit on the Atty General race… He thinks the reason it is too close to call is the NRA. The NRA endorsed Creigh Deeds (D) over Bob McDonnell (R) and your Maximum Leader thinks that the NRA endorsement has made the race so close. If your Maximum Leader remembers correctly, McDonnell supported a few bills to restrict firearm sales at gun shows. (But he could be wrong on that.)

So, he is a little disappointed in the top of the ticket results, but on the whole he is pretty pleased the rest of the way down.

And in case you were wondering, your Maximum Leader helped oust his incumbent County Supervisor; but the incumbent School Board member was re-elected.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, rather than reading blogs or blogging himself, spent a good portion of last night playing Rome:Total War. He finally won the game. He was the Scipii faction of the Romans. He first conquered Sciliy. Then he moved on to North Africa. (He spared the Egyptians because they paid large tribute to keep his armies at bay.) Then he split the conquest of Greece and Macedonia with the Brutii faction. He also made some territorial gains in modern Germany and Austria. Then he started the civil war. He conquered Latinum and Rome herself. Then he crushed the Brutii. Then he drove the Julii out of Italy and central Europe.

Then the game just ended. He had built up his armies and has crossed the Alps. He was prepared to wrest Gaul and Spain from the Julii. He took Massila and then the game just ended with a cheesey pop-up screen that said that Victory was his and he was the master of a great Empire.

When your Maximum Leader clicked on the button to get rid of the pop-up he expected that he would be allowed to play on just for the sake of closure. No dice. He returned to the main menu.

He is more than a little disappointed. He didn’t really care for the Medieval:Total War victory screen either. The cool one was the Shogun: Total War ending with a little movie and all.

He is feeling miffed.

Carry on.

Civic Duty Done

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is pleased to report that he has already visited his local polling station and done his civic duty and voted for the various elected offices being contested on the ballot.

Well to be totally honest he voted in both the contested and uncontested races on the ballot. For some mad reason they insist on putting the uncontested spots on the ballot too. (In case you are wondering your Maximum Leader’s representatives in the Virginia House of Delegates, William Howell, is running unopposed.)

Excursus: Your Maximum Leader once asked Mr. Howell how it felt to be the Speaker of the world’s oldest continually meeting democratic legislature. His response “It is a good feeling.”

So, your Maximum Leader cast his votes. He voted for Mr. Kilgore for Governor, Mr. Bolling for Lt. Governor, and Mr. McDonnell for Attorney General. As both parties are “for” education and roads and “against” crime your Maximum Leader had to move to the second tier issues. In many respects he felt a little guilty for doing so. Afterall the second tier issues are not ones on which there is likely to be any change from the status quo regardless of who is elected Governor. And as your Maximum Leader had noted before, he doesn’t think that either Jerry Kilgore’s or Tim Kaine’s plans for education or infrastructure improvements honestly looks at the costs involved.

Mrs. Villain asked your Maximum Leader what it would take for him to vote for Kaine in the election. Your Maximum Leader responded that if Tim Kaine legally changed his first and middle name to Charles Foster then he would have earned your Maximum Leader’s vote - for cinematic reasons.

In case you are wondering, your Maximum Leader voted against the incumbent county supervisor and against the incumben school board member. While one runs as an independent for county supervisor and school board it turns out that both men your Maximum Leader voted against were Republicans. Your Maximum Leader wonders, does splitting your vote between statewide and local offices count as splitting your ticket? Humm…


If you are a resident of Virginia or New Jersey (or New York City) get out and vote. You’ve got major issues to decide for your locality. Of course you should always vote whenever you are able.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is pleased that he provided some amusement to some of his readers last Saturday night. Upon reviewing the previous posts he can see that they are sort of funny. He was not particularly affected by his drinking the next day. His head was stuffed up (which might have just as much to do with seasonal alergies as anything else). He did have a headache. But the headache disappeared after a hot shower, some breakfast, and a particularly good sermon in church.

Today might be a light blogging day. Lots of stuff going on today. Your Maximum Leader hopes to blog some tonight before Monday Night Football.

Carry on.

nadruwrina part 2

greetings loyal minions. your maximum leadr is even more drunk than last time he types. i can’t hit the shift key and thr right letter at the same time. and i am typing really slowly. i see comments on the early on. i don’t tell stories or stuff on the blogs too often molly. it is not my style.

i am really pissed off at teh virginia tech hokies. looks like they are lose to the canes. bastards. it has upset the wife too. they play like shit. well played like shit for the first time this year. losers.

i didn’t play medival total war. i did play rome total war for a little bit. then it got too hard to consentrate on. that was when i started to watch the stupid football game.

i have thought of boobs more. boobs are good. well boobs on girls are good. boobs on guys are not good. sorta like rustys good gay vs bad gay from a while ago. i’d link if i could.

too ahrd to type. gonna sleep

carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader remembered that tonight was national drunk blogging night or some such beastie. So he got an early start on it. You know that in addition to it being national drunk bloging night it is also Guy Fawkes day. it also happens to be your Maximon Leader’s sainted fathers birthday. So we got the whole villainous family into the truck and went to have lunch with my dad.

That was where the drinking began. I had a beer with lunch. It was a stout. It was homebrewed at the place we ate. I think the place was called Sweet Water Inn or somthing. Your Maximum Leader’s father likes it a lot - hence why we went.

Anyhow. We treked home after lunch and your Maximum Leader waited a little bit before really pouring it on. According to his superlative swiss chronometr writswatch the time is now about 6:45. Your Maximum Leader has been drinking Knob Creek bourbon since about 3:30. That isn’t completely true. He did start off the night (or is it afternoon) with a shot of wild Turkey Rare Breed. That stuff is potent. Something like 110 proof or something.

So three hours later and your maximum Leader is still able to type reasonably well. He’s been pouring himself drinks in a large skull shaped plastic cup. ONe of the girls got it at the club halloween party last week. It sort of freaks her out to look at so I’ve approprated it for drinking tonight. The cup is about 7 inches high and must hold at least one can os soda in it. Well slightly more than one can of soda actually. I started with filling the cup from with bourbon just up to the level of the bottom row of teeth on the skull. That was the first drink. By about the thrid or fourth I think i’ve been filling the cup with bourbon to the bottom of the nos hole. AFter the bourbon has come the coke. Coca-cola taht is - not coccaine. Heh. (Taht will probably be a lot less funny tomorrow than it seems right now. Which I take as a sign that I must not be drunk enough.)

YOur Maximum Leader has forgotten how many drinks he’s actually had. But mywife is looking at me funny so I have to think that it has been a lot. I’ve now cloistered myself in my office with the computer. I also have my bottle of bourbon and a six pack of coke and a thing of ice. And my skull cup.

I supose the purpose of this is to write what migth be going through your mind. Frankly my mind is filled with all sorts of crap I’d like to blog about.

I’ll pour myself another and continue int he extended part. If you’ve had enough

CArry on.

Virginia Gubernatorial Race

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader figures you are probably sitting in front of your computer screen saying to yourself, “Self, I wonder what my Maximum Leader thinks of the hotly contested gubernatorial race in his great Commonwealth of Virginia?” Well that is an excellent question to ask.

Let your Maximum Leader state up front that neither candidate has gotten your Maximum Leader all worked up. Indeed, this is one of the few times in his memory that he wishes that a Governor could run for re-election. Most of the time your Maximum Leader is pleased as punch to get a new Governor every four years. But, quite honestly, your Maximum Leader would vote for Mark Warner (D-VA) for Governor again.

Let your Maximum Leader also state upfront that he is peeved at both Jerry Kilgore (former Atty General of Virginia - Republican) and Tim Kaine (current Lt. Governor of Virginia - Democrat). They both seem to be particularly adept at twisting the truth (or outright lying) during this election. In you Maximum Leader’s opinion, neither has used reasonable estimates of how much their proposed programs would cost (or save) as the case may be. Both verge on slander in discussing their rival.

Now this was not always the case. Early on in the electin cycle both Kilgore and Kaine were pretty much issues men. They didn’t go out for attacks on the other guy. They both stayed “on message.” All in all it was pretty pleasant.

Then they started to read polling data in August. The polls showed a dead heat. Well… Depending on how you did your poll and who did your poll it would show a slight advantage to one candidate or the other. If you looked at all polls in the aggregate it was a dead heat.

As you all surely know, when you are in a dead heat with your opponent and Election Day looms you’ve got to mix things up a little. By “mix things up a little” we really mean “go negative.”

Now your Maximum Leader doesn’t recall exactly who went negative first. Frankly it doesn’t make any difference. One goes negative to get a jump in the polls. If you can’t boost your own positives you can boost the other guy’s negatives. In a way, going negative can actually improve your positives because it shows you really want the job enough to go the extra mile to make the other guy look particularly distasteful.

Having said he didn’t remember who went negative first, your Maximum Leader does clearly remember the first negative ad that made an impression on him. It was the Kilgore Ad called “Kelly.” (If you have a high speed connection you can click here to watch it.) In the ad you have an attractive blonde widow telling the viewer how Tim Kaine doesn’t want to execute cop-killing drug dealers. It is pretty powerful stuff. Of course what makes it more powerful is that Tim Kaine has been very clear that he does support a moratorium on the death penalty so that all the people on Death Row in Virginia can have their cases reviewed. Tim Kaine furthermore has gone on the record saying that his Roman Catholic faith informs his strongly held moral conviction that the death penalty is wrong.

So. You have the law-and-order Republican painting the Democrat as not wanting to support the death penalty. The death penalty which, your Maximum Leader adds, is quite popular in Virginia. (We’re number two behind Texas. Watch out Lone Star staters! We’re on your heels on this one!) Your Maximum Leader, dear minions, is perfectly willing to let a man say that his faith has shaped his moral judgement on the death penalty. Indeed, for a candidate to high office to come out and say something that unpopular in Virginia shows that someone has got some big balls. Your Maximum Leader may disagree, but you’ll score some points.

Well, you’ll score some points until you go around saying that while your faith leads you to believe that the death penalty is wrong; your faith doesn’t inform your moral beliefs at all when it comes to abortion. Surely Tim Kaine is welcome to whatever religious beliefs he thinks are right for him. But what turns off your Maximum Leader is when you invoke your faith to score points in one area, and deny it in another. If you are going to do that, your Maximum Leader would honestly prefer you keep your faith to yourself.

We are all inconsistent in one way or another when our personal beliefs may differ from the doctrine of our chosen church. (Except for the Smallholder - who is Episcopalian. And as we all know, it’s all good when you’re an Episcopalian.) When those inconsistencies are personal it isn’t a problem. But when one touts one’s faith to gain political favour with one group, then reject your faith to curry favour with another group it is just… well… cheap. Instead just say you’re against the death penalty and for abortion; don’t bring faith into it.

The second attack ad run by the Kilgore campaign that seems to be working is one concerning illegal immigrants. Tim Kaine, the Democrat, has said that he favours extending state welfare services to illegal immigrants; and furthermore wants to give the children of illegal immigrants in-state tuition at Virginia’s public universities and colleges. With a stated position like Kaine’s it is easy for Mr. Kilgore t tauntingly add to the end of his ad “What part of illegal doesn’t Tim Kaine understand?” Frankly your Maximum Leader agrees. Why should the children of illegal immigrants get in-state tuition at Virginia schools when the children of US citizens who live in different states not get that benefit? That seems like a fair question to ask.

Of course, Tim Kaine has run his own negative ads against Jerry Kilgore. The one that resonates with your Maximum Leader is the ad that states that Kilgore wants to outlaw abortion. All abortions. Even in cases of rape or incest. Well, actually there is an out for rape and incest. Kilgore would allow the abortion in cases of rape or incest if the crime was reported to police within 7 days of the occurance. That is a pretty extreme position to take if you plan on running for Governor one day. Of course the lucky thing is that so long as the Supreme Court stands by Roe - there isn’t a chance of there being completely illegal abortions. (BTW, if you want to see some of Kaine’s ads - they are here. But the abortion one isn’t on that page, don’t know why.)

Tim Kaine also runs a pretty effective ad against Kilgore on taxes. It basically states that while Kilgore is talking the talk about cutting taxes and spending by the state government; he is all in favour of letting localities raise local taxes as high as they want. It is a catchy little ad.

Your Maximum Leader will say one thing for Tim Kaine, he is doing a very effective job of using incumbent Governor Warner (who by the way has a 70% - or higher - approval rating) in personal apperances and job ads. Kaine is doing everything he possibly can do to wrap himself in the mantle of Mark Warner. In those ads Warner goes on and on about how Kaine was a big help to the Governor during the very nasty budget battles of a few years ago. The funny thing is, your Maximum Leader never remembers hearing Kaine’s name mentioned during the budget battles. Indeed, he seems to remember Kaine sticking to the sidelines and laying low - fearing (one supposes) that the deal could go bad. He had to maintain his own electability after all.


You may be asking yourself, why is my Maximum Leader going on and on about negative ads, the death penalty, abortion, taxes, and in-state tuition for illegal immigrants? Aren’t there more important issues facing the Commonwealth of Virginia? Indeed there are. In fact most non-partisan polling information indicates that Education and Transportation are the number one and number two issues in the Commonwealth. A few months ago the death penalty, abortion, and illegal immigration weren’t even in the top 15 issues on the minds of voters. But thanks to the ads, those issues are moving up.

So what do we have here in Virginia? We have a state that is pretty well run. One might even say that (at least financially) Virginia is the best run state in the Union. (We are the only one with a AAA Bond rating afterall.) The state’s economy is growing. There is a budget surplus projected for quite a while. All in all things are good.

So when things are going well, what can two men who want to succeed a popular governor do? They can say they are for education and new roads. Of course they are. Who isn’t for smart kids and roads? Voters don’t want to be bothered by difficult things like reading position papers or plans. They like the short sweet who do you love issues. So, both candidates have determined to bring to the forefront issues that most voters wouldn’t think were important if someone weren’t talking about them so much.

One of these men will be elected governor next Tuesday. Who ever the winner is will likely have a negative ad to thank for a tiny margin of victory.

Not much else to say on this subject except to urge those of you who are registered to vote in Virginia that you do so next Tuesday.

Carry on.

Curious Don’t You Think?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader read something in the Post that was interesting. Here is the link:

$75,000 in Bull Semen Stolen.

One should ask the Smallholder, “What were you doing and where were you Sunday night?”

Bonnie the Smallholder’s House Cow is “caught” but she’ll need to be “caught” again before too long.

Carry on.

Shocked! Shocked I Say!

People in Wisconsin want beer!

This can’t be true.

The Smallholder family orginates in Wisconsin and, as the other ministers will attest, my whole family is staunchly opposed to beer.

Mmmmmm… beer…

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