T-Shirt Babe Needed.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader needs a t-shirt babe. Yes. That would be a babe to model the fabulous swag available for you over at the Villainous Commerce store (clicky clicky on the Coin on the right side toolbar which exhorts you to “Buy Minions! Buy!).

Anyone interested in becoming the Naked Villainy T-shirt babe should just shoot your Maximum Leader an e-mail.

First disclaimer: The T-shirt babe would not have to pose in the “Well Hung” shirt. As we would anticipate that the T-shirt babe was not “hung” in that sense at all. Anyho… Phin has us covered in that department.

Second disclaimer: Your Maximum Leader promises that he will not try to date the Naked Villainy t-shirt babe. Nor would he ask her to move in with him. Nor would he, after the T-shirt babe had moved in, allow his blog to become a “cat blog.” Not like other blogs out there…

Carry on.

Influenza Reborn

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, or all together different reasons from yesterday, has little time for posting today. Mrs Villain appears to have come down with a particularly nasty flu bug. Allow him to say that it hasn’t been pretty at the Villainschloss.

And speaking of flu bugs… Did you see this neat article off the Washington Post? Researchers have recreated the deadly 1918 Influenza virus in a laboratory for study. They had most of the genetic makeup of the “Spanish Flu” but had to get the last bit of the genetic code of the virus from the remains of a victim of the epidemic. (They found one buried in the permafrost of Alaska.)

Fascinating article about the similarities of the 1918 Flu and the modern “Bird Flu.” You should click through and check it out.

Carry on.

For Those Keeping Score

With the retirement of O’Connor and the death of Rehnquist, the current vote of the court in favor of an expansive interpretation of eminent domain is 5-2 with Roberts’ opinion unclear.

I Take It Back - I Do Want a Litmus Test

The one litmus test (if Smallholder ran the world) for the Supreme Court would consist of the following question:

Will you use the next eminent domain case to come before the court to overturn Kelo v. New London?

The correct answer, as you all know, is: YES. HELL YES.

Reject Meirs

Your humble Smallholder supported the confirmation of Roberts. While I am opposed to some of the rulings that conservatives hope for from Roberts, the chief justice was qualified. Presidents gets to appoint and the Senate gets to confirm; the Democrats were being silly for opposing Roberts. The people have spoken at the polls and given both the White House and the Senate over to Republican control. So Republicans get to pick the judges. This is not to let Republicans, who blocked many more of Clinton’s appointments than the Dems have of Bush’s., off the hypocricy hook, but in the Roberts case the government worked the way the framers designed it to.

The Senate has the right to ask questions about a nominee’s viewpoints and it is a shame that partisanship has removed all meat from confirmation hearings. But the Senate ought not to have a litmus test on any single position. Having a variety of Constitutional constructions on the court is a good idea. Even if Roberts refused to address any substantive positions, his viewpoint was apparent from his “paper trail.”

Justice Meirs is a horse of another color. The best piece I have seen on her nomination is vie the Volokh Conspiracy. Randy Barnett points out that one of the major functions of the Senate’s confirmation check of Presidential appointment power was (and is) the prevention of cronyism. Regardless of what kind of justice Meirs turns out to be (if confirmed), her record does NOT speak for itself. If she follows recent tradition and does not answer questions about her Constitutional analysis, the Senate will be asked to confirm her on pure speculation.

This is bad policy. We ought to have nominees with established judicial or intellectual credentials.

Reject Meirs. Whether you are a conservative, moderate or liberal. It’s not the judge. It’s the cronyism.

Baseball Predictions

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is positively brimming with topics on which he would like to opine. Alas, he is in Dee Cee attending to some other business with the bureaucrats at our very own United States Department of State. He has a little time at lunch on a WiFi connection and decided to make some baseball predictions. Here they are:

New York over Los Angeles (Angels) in 5 games
Boston over Chicago (White Sox) in 5 games
St. Louis over San Diego in 4 games
and the upset…

Atlanta over Houston in 5 games.

BTW, your Maximum Leader finished 2nd in the Lovely Annika’s fantasy baseball league. If he had bothered to trade one of his outstanding closers for a starter who could get some more wins he might have made it a little closer down the stretch… Ah well. (NB to Annika: Thanks for the invite. Your Maximum Leader would love to do it again next year.)

Carry on.

Speaking of Mormon Girls and the Minister of Propaganda

Don’t think I haven’t forgotten that Mormon girl you didn’t hook up with at Longwood.

Who went on to derail my Sophomore year.

Thanks a lot, buddy.

I think the MOP’s two week absence is going to be fun…

Oh Heck - I AM Feeling Political Today

Who says cronyism?
How is horse breeding really
Diff-rent from FEMA?

Luttig and Gonzales
Sadly weep and gnash their teeth
In outer darkness

Yes confirmation
No dangerous paper trail
Lipstick on Bush butt

Overturn Roe v Wade?
Defang the Christian right wing?
Surely you must jest

Smallholder admits
Maximum Lader right
Duck the flying pigs

Memento Moron
Likely to savage MA?
Prob-ly will happen

Rusty Shackleford
Refuses to drink Kool-Aid
Delink apostate!

Will Big Hominid
Dig the new category?
Write feces haiku?

Fistful of Fortnights
Bereft of the MOP
Irish Lad sleeps soundly

Bill’s Comments will
Blame poor education for
Smallholder’s opinions

MOP Salt Lake
Conservative Mormons flee
Comes for your daughters

Foreign Minister
Silently drinks German beer
Will he bash MA?

Smallholder goes right
Says “I likee me rifle”
Joining NRA?

Groundhog Haiku

Lest you think Smallholder has gone all political:

Fat obnoxious turd
Making holes in the pasture
Eat hot lead you punk

Mrs. Smallholder
Is finally out of patience
She says feed the pigs

Caddyshack not true
307 rounds do kill
Non-puppet groundhogs

The Moral High Ground

At Jackfest this summer, the ML and MOP got into it a bit with the Plame affair. The MOP saw it as a major scandal that could be leveraged into Democratic gains. The ML was already following the “technically, he didn’t break the law mode.”

I came down with the opinion that it just didn’t matter. Without the sexiness of orally fixated interns, the scandal would not hold the average tv news viewer’s attention. I didn’t agree with the ML’s glib assessment, but foresaw that average Republicans’ position of moral rectitude was easily suspended when the accused was one of their own.

It has now been revealed that in addition to Karl Rover, Scoter Libby was also talknig to the press about Ms. Plame. These fellows are professional, capable guys, so I find it hard to believe that they were both randomly off the reservation at the same time. This was definitely a political payback.

I’m not sure of the “techincal” legality of the leaks. It would be hard to call Plame an active “covert operative,” but I guess that is up to the CIA to define. But it seems to me that Clinton’s “It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is,” has become the Republican Party’s line of defense.

DeLay’s indictment has renewed the chorus of political hypocrisy. Democrats who defended Clinton’s smarmy techincal defenses are now shocked - shocked I tell you - to discover DeLay’s crimes. (Second concession of the day to the Maximum Leader: we aren’t hearing much from Dems in Congress, perhaps because they are guilty, albeit on a smaller scale, of similiar misdeeds.)

Republicans are now jumping on the “DeLay is being prosecuted by a partisan prosecutor! Indictments mean nothing! It’s a vast left wing conspiracy!” bandwagon. Sound familiar? All those fellows who screamed for moral rectitude are so full of crap that their eyes are brown. A hat tip does go out to our friend Professor Jawa, who has refused to “drink the kool-aid” and is bearing the wrath of conservative bloggers.

One has to wonder…

If the Republicans apply moral principles only to the opposition,
Raise non-defense spending by 29% and pack 6000 pork projects into the budget, spending money like Ted Kennedy in a liquor store,
Won’t keep campaign promises to their core constituency (see my Meiers post below),
Shift power toward the unitary rather than the confederate side of the geographic power spectrum,
Deny individual liberty outside the economic realm,

Why ought Conservatives to support them?

If you are a conservative, please explain in the comments why you support a non-conservative president. Is it simply a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils (with Kerry playing the part of Lucifer)?

For The Minister of Propaganda

In case you feel the need to comfort Kate, here are the driving directions.

Cleanliness is Next to…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that his Holiness, Benedict XVI keeps his dentist appointments. Even if it means missing a meeting of a general synod of bishops.

Makes one wonder if the Pope doesn’t want to pay that missed appointment fee…

Of course, that dentist must have some balls. Would you really charge a missed appointment fee to the man who holds the keys to the kingdom of heaven? Your Maximum Leader thinks not.

Carry on.

Today Is A Red Letter Day

Mark it on your calendars kids:

The Smallholder hereby bows to the political wisdom of the Maximum Leader.

Many moons ago, the Maximum Leader explained to his Minister of Agriculture that Republicans had no intention of overturnin Roe v. Wade. If Roe v. Wade was overturned, the fervor (read: campaign contributions and voter turnout) of Evangelical Protestants would decline. Liberals, alarmed by news reports of women suffering from the complications of do-it-yourself coathanger abortions, would get energized. So overturning Roe is a lose-lose proposition for the Republicans.

Your Smallholder did not believe it. He actually believed that Republican politicians were sincere about being pro-life.

Today’s nomination of Meiers, coupled with the elevation of Roberts, is solid evidence that the Maximum Leader knows whereof he speaks. I know - if you are shocked at me writing that last sentence, imagine my surpise!

Both Roberts and Meiers belive in stare decisis - deference to past court decisions. Neither strike me as being activist.

Bush hasn’t just backstabbed the pro-lifers who pushed him over the top in hopes of ending abortion. He’s shivved them in the liver.

Worse yet, he’s made me admit the Maximum Leader was right and I was wrong.

Excuse me. I have to go take a shower.

Harriet Who? Part Deux.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just finished reading the latest from David Frum concerning the Miers nomination. So far, your Maximum Leader finds himself in agreement with Frum on the point he makes in his update. Agreement not just insofar as the Miers nomination is concerned, but also in agreement on many of the personnel issues that are touched upon.

Neutral feelings moving towards cold pricklies…

Carry on.

The Great White North

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to give advanced warning to all loyal readers. He will blog little to none-at-all during the period from October 16 to October 21. He will be away from the Villainschloss and traveling to Toronto, Canada between those dates. It looks like he might have some free time in Toronto during that time and may be able to meet up with any Toronto area readers.

(FYI, he is not going to Toronto to get involved with the Sex Party. In case you were wondering.)

If he is lucky he might catch a Leafs game. (Ick… The only available game would be Toronto v Carolina. He would have hoped for a contest against one of the original NHL franchises… Born under a bad sign…)

If you are interested in trying to meet your Maximum Leader, send him an e-mail. Address listed on left side nav bar.

Carry on.

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    • maxldr


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