Rendering Unto Bill

I thoroughly enjoyed Bill’s Sermon.

His points are very interesting, and as an Episcopalian I have no problem with him straying off the theological reservation (The Nineteen Articles: It’s all good!).

He does lose me on the Christian persecution bit. I tend to think of persecution as when they come and shoot you for following your beliefs. If I ever get up the gumption, I’ll issue a concurring opinion elaborating our theological similarities and our glaring divides.

But go read. Really. It is good stuff.

‘Ware the Flying Pigs

Glory be!

One of my favorite sparring partners (oh how I wish she would post more regularly, but suspect this is the pot calling the kettle black) has written something with which I am in complete concurrence.

Go see Ally.

Smallholder Quiz Results

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader shouldn’t have to remind you that the poor agrarian Smallholder has trouble connecting to the internet from home. So your Maximum Leader decided to take some quizzes on his behalf and share the results with you…

Which historical general is the Smallholder?

George MacClellan
You scored 31 Wisdom, 73 Tactics, 27 Guts, and 16 Ruthlessness!
Like General McClellan, you’re smart enough to know what tactical decisions to make. However, the problem with McClellan is that he could never sprout the balls to act on his information, and in the end, that’s why Geoge McClellan is only a sidenote in the history books.

After graduating from West Point, he served with distinction in the Mexican War and later worked on various engineering projects, notably on the survey (1853-54) for a Northern Pacific RR route across the Cascade Range. Resigning from the army in 1857, he was a railroad official until the outbreak of the Civil War. In May, 1861, McClellan was made commander of the Dept. of the Ohio and a major general in the regular army. He cleared the western part of Virginia of Confederates (June-July, 1861) and consequently, after the Union defeat in the first battle of Bull Run, was given command of the troops in and around Washington. In November he became general in chief. The administration, reflecting public opinion, pressed for an early offensive, but McClellan insisted on adequate training and equipment for his army. In Mar., 1862, he was relieved of his supreme command, but he retained command of the Army of the Potomac, with which in Apr., 1862, he initiated the Peninsular campaign . The collapse of this campaign after the Seven Days battles was charged by many to his overcaution. In Aug., 1862, most of McClellan’s troops were reassigned to the Army of Virginia under John Pope . After Pope’s defeat at the second battle of Bull Run, McClellan again reorganized the Union forces, and in the Antietam campaign he checked RobertE. Lee’s first invasion of the North. He was slow, however, to follow Lee across the Potomac and in Nov., 1862, was removed from his command.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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Link: The Which Historic General Are You Test written by dasnyds on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Hey… At least he’s not a hippie.

And in other news the Smallholder is…

Rachael Ray
Which Food Network chef are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Your Maximum Leader suspected as much… But Rachael Ray is much better looking than is the Smallholder. But the Smallholder might beat out Rachael Ray in the boobie department… Might…

Carry on.

What a Job

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t know what to write. He is almost at a complete loss for words…

Why? He just finished reading about a professional computer game player making over $40k a year.

Your Maximum Leader has heard of (and have even known a few) computer professionals who do game testing and design. They play lots of computer games - because they create and program and test them. But the fellow in the post article is just a playa. He enters tournaments and plays games for money…

He wins a lot… He drives a BMW and has a (long distance) girlfriend.


At least your Maximum Leader doesn’t live in his parents basement…

Carry on.

Saint Crispin’s Day

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to point out to his mnions that today is Saint Crispin’s Day. If you are a member of the Catholic or Anglo-Catholic tradition, and particularly devoted, you should remember Saint Crispin in your prayers and obligations today. For those of you unfamiliar with Saint Crispin you should clicky here to learn more about Crispin. He is the patron of shoemakers, leather workers, and cobblers (among others).

But then again, if you are a history geek Anglophile (like your Maximum Leader), you may recall that on this day in 1415 the Battle of Agincourt was fought. Wanna learn more about Agincourt? Clicky here, here, or here.

And if you have ever read/seen/heard any of the plays of William Shakespeare you may be familiar with the famous St Crispin’s Day speech from Henry V. As the speech is one of the most famous passages ever delivered on the stage your Maximum Leader will reproduce it for you here:

O that we now had here
But one ten thousand of those men in England
That do no work to-day!

What’s he that wishes so?
My cousin Westmoreland? No, my fair cousin:
If we are mark’d to die, we are enow
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not in my desires:
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England:
God’s peace! I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more, methinks, would share from me
For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made
And crowns for convoy put into his purse:
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is called the feast of Crispian:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Crispian:’
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.
And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.’
Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember with advantages
What feats he did that day: then shall our names.
Familiar in his mouth as household words
Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remember’d.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember’d;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day

So, your Maximum Leader hopes that with a little bit of reading here all is minions have gentle’d their condition by educating themselves a little about Agincourt. Perhaps if your Maximum Leader has time today he’ll write more about Henry V and how his reign held so much promise, but was cut short.

Carry on.

General Test?

Have I been in Europe too long?

A Hippiebr>
You scored 68 Wisdom, 54 Tactics, 54 Guts, and 34 Ruthlessness!
You know nothing about tactics or war. You are docile and cowardly and
the mere thought of violence is enough to make you wet yourself. Hate
to break it to you, but chances are very good that you’re not General
material…. not even BAD General material. Hell you’re probably not
even a productive member of society. Why are you even here? Don’t you
have a peace pipe to smoke, or a war to protest or something? So here’s
to you and to whatever naive country that lets you vote….

Leaders who share your beliefs include: Jaques Chirac and Gerard Schroeder

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 71% on Unorthodox
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You scored higher than 16% on Tactics
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You scored higher than 58% on Guts
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You scored higher than 12% on Ruthlessness

Link: The Which Historic General Are You Test written by dasnyds on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test
Bill Frist Is Too Dumb, Too Dishonest, and Too Unprincipled To Be President (Part I)

Bill Frist would like to win the Presidency in 2008. This is not going to happen.

Bill Frist has garroted his own presidential hopes with his stupid lies about his stock transactions, his shameful duplicity in the Terri Schiavo affair, and his Machiavellian poll-driven machinations on stem cell research.

I have been toying with pasting old Bill with Terri and medical research for some time, but until today I didn’t think there was much meat to the whole HCA stock issue. After all, most Senators are rich fellows and the appearance of a conflict of interest doesn’t necessarily mean that voting on any particular issue is profit-driven.

Let me be very clear from the outset. I haven’t seen any evidence that even begins to support a conspiracy to inflate personal wealth through legislative fiat.


The Senator from Tennessee made the front page of the Washington Post today. It seems that, taking a page from Bill Clinton’s playbook, he wagged his Monica finger and claimed that he did not know about his hospital stock. Set aside the lying for a moment - I can already here our conservative readers ginning up their “it was an honest mistake, and doesn’t really matter” talking points. Lying, whether it really matters or not, on something so easily tracked by reporters, using documents generated by your own people, is monumentally stupid.

Many folks are willing to tolerate duplicitous public officials - witness the left’s ontinuing love affair with Bill Clinton. They ought to have been troubled by the President’s distant relationship with the truth. But they should have been troubled to a much greater extent by what it revealed about his judgment. The guy with access to the launch codes is going to risk his political career on whether a childish intern will keep her mouth shut when grilled by a seasoned prosecutor? Republicans alarmed by Clinton’s judgment should be, if they are honest, just as alarmed by Frist.

From the Washington Post:

In January 2003, after winning election as majority leader, Frist was asked on CNBC whether his HCA holdings made it difficult for him to push for changes in Medicare, a federal health program for seniors that added to the hospital company’s revenue.

“I think really for our viewers it should be understood that I put this into a blind trust,” Frist replied. “So as far as I know, I own no HCA stock.” He added that the trust was “totally blind. I have no control.”

Notice that this statement has two parts. He first says that he does not know whether there is any HCA stock. The second is that he has no control - the stock is “totally blind.” Both are parts are demonstrably untrue.

One suspects that the Elephant Echo chamber is begining to look for weasel room here. “Look!” shout the kool-aid drinkers, “he said ‘as far as I know.” They are right. There is a bit of vagueness here. But the fair-minded are asking themselves, “selves, why would he feel the need to add that weaselly language if he wasn’t lying?”

Because he knew that he was lying and in true Clintonesque manner, was already planning on parsing grammar if he got caught. The problem is, he can’t hold a candle to the master of weasel words. Bill’s weasel words, while ultimately futile, at least were hard to nail down. Frist was passing out hammers. To negate the weasel words, you would only have to produce a document showing that he did indeed know something about it.

Preferably a recent document.

Let’s go to the Washington Post, shall we?

Two weeks before that interview, M. Kirk Scobey Jr., a Frist trustee, informed the senator in writing that one of his trusts had received HCA stock valued at between $15,000 and $50,000.

Doh! Well, say the apologists, Frist probably deals with a lot of letters from his trustees on a daily basis. He probably just forgot the part about HCA. To which I reply: He doesn’t take special notice of the company founded by his father? The company that made him a multi-millionaire? And there is still the problem with the “totally blind” trust. If he gets “lots of letters” from trustees, the trust ain’t that blind, is it? Heck, if he gets just one notification - say the one that the Washington Post has revealed, the trust, at the very least, is not “totally” blind.

I don’t envy Frist’s spokesman. When your man is caught in a bald-faced lie, what do you do?

Shovel bullshit to the Washington Post, that’s what!

“He [Frist] could have been more exact in his comments,” said Bob Stevenson, spokesman for Frist. Stevenson added that Frist might better have said he did not know to what extent he owned HCA shares.

And Bill Clinton, rather than saying “I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” might “better have said,” “I tapped that intern ass. I had her every which way but Sunday. Hell, who am I kidding? I had her Sunday too!”

Come on, Bob! Your boy Frist wasn’t equivocal about his knowledge of shareholding. He said that he was unaware that he owned any. And to admit that he had some knowledge defeats the second part of his statement about the trust being totally blind.

I’m not the only person who noticed this:

Kathleen Clark, a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis, said she was surprised that Frist had ever claimed before this summer’s liquidation that he might have owned no HCA stok. “Did he say that? What was he thinking of?” she asked. “How did he know to tell the trustee to sell it [his HCA stake] if he didn’t know that he had it in the first place?”

When Bill Clinton’s supporters finally had to abandon their hero’s grammatical gamesmanship, their next line of defense was that the lie didn’t matter - lying about Monica was a private matter. This line of defense is not available to Frist partisans. Frist was talking about the matter in the first place because even he realized that presiding over legislation giving higher payments to hospitals was a conflict of interest.

Frist’s partisans might argue that the notification of $15,000 worth of shares was too small to indicate a conflict of interest and beneath Frist’s notice, even if it was his family’s company. $15,000 is chump change to a fellow like Bill. The problem with this line of argument is that it is standing on the railroad tracks and the document train is coming through. That trustee letter that was sent to Frist just two weeks before Frist went on CNBC and lied to the American public was just the tip of the iceberg. I’ll grant you that he probably didn’t pay much attention to the $15,000 - but only because he owned MILLIONS more worth of shares:

Disclosures by the trustees to the Senate and to Frist indicate that Frist and his family probably owned a great deal of HCA stock at the time. When Frist’s federal trusts were created in late 2000, the trustees disclosed that one trust alone contained between $5 million and $25 million in HCA shares and that each of seven other trusts held more than $1 million of the stock.

The last resort of a politician caught with his hand in the cookie jar is to seize the moral high ground:

Frist said last week he was not required to set up a blind trust after he went to the Senate, but he wanted to “apply the highest ethical standards I possibly could. I thought, why not raise the bar, why not do a good deed . . . and avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest.”

Oops! Frist just opened up the senate-rules-can-of-worms:

Senate rules prohibit any lawmaker with a blind trust from contacting his trustees unless the ownership of an asset poses a potential conflict of interest “due to the subsequent assumption of duties” by the lawmaker. The lawmaker can then ask the trustees to dispose of the asset.

Frist did not take on any new duties this year. But a Frist adviser said the senator had been thinking about selling his HCA stake from the time he was elected majority leader in 2002. Frist had not known that he could sell his shares until this spring, the adviser asserted, and so went ahead with the sale based on his nearly three-year-old wish.

So he did know he owned the stock (note that the aide is saying that Frist has been wanting to sell for three years - more info from his own camp that he lied in the CNBC interview), but didn’t know he could sell it? Cynical moonbats might question whether he held on long enough to take the gains generated by the new Medicare rules. I won’t go down that road - that would be a remarkably hard thing to prove and I am a believer in Hanson’s corollary to Occam’s Razor: Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence.

Maybe Frist didn’t know about Senate rules for selling stock. But he did know he owned stock and he did know that his trusts were not blind. And he was dumb enough to think that his own paper trail would sink him.

Bill Frist is too dumb to be President.

Part II: Schiavo and Part III: Stem Cells will be forthcoming

Historical General Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is in a quiz mood it seems. Here is one courtesy of Lysander.

Your Maximum Leader is:

Julius Caesar
You scored 53 Wisdom, 73 Tactics, 58 Guts, and 44 Ruthlessness!
Roman military and political leader. He was instrumental in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. His conquest of Gallia Comata extended the Roman world all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, introducing Roman influence into what has become modern France, an accomplishment of which direct consequences are visible to this day. In 55 BC Caesar launched the first Roman invasion of Britain. Caesar fought and won a civil war which left him undisputed master of the Roman world, and began extensive reforms of Roman society and government. He was proclaimed dictator for life, and heavily centralized the already faltering government of the weak Republic. Caesar’s friend Marcus Brutus conspired with others to assassinate Caesar in hopes of saving the Republic. The dramatic assassination on the Ides of March was the catalyst for a second set of civil wars, which marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire under Caesar’s grand-nephew and adopted son Octavian, later known as Caesar Augustus. Caesar’s military campaigns are known in detail from his own written Commentaries (Commentarii), and many details of his life are recorded by later historians such as Suetonius, Plutarch, and Cassius Dio.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 17% on Unorthodox

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You scored higher than 56% on Tactics

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You scored higher than 70% on Guts

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You scored higher than 38% on Ruthlessness

Link: The Which Historic General Are You Test written by dasnyds on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Carry on.

Food Network Quiz

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that his results on this quiz are the same as JohnL of Texas Best Grok. That is a good think as best he can tell.

Alton Brown
Which Food Network chef are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Your Maximum Leader is glad he didn’t come up as Rachael Ray or Giadia DeLaurentiis. Although he is fond of both Rachael Ray and Giadia DeLaurentiis. At some point in the past he (or was it Brian) imagined being in a Rachael Ray/Giadia DeLaurentiis sandwich…

Hummm…. Sandwich…

Carry on.

Le Club des Hommes: 3 Questions

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must have forgotten to leave instructions with his ministers concerning last week’s episode of the Men’s Club. It was the one where we men were supposed to raise three questions of the fairer sex that puzzle us.

You know the type of question of which your Maximum Leader speaks? Surely you do. But just in case he’ll give you an example. Why do women actually ask men if a particular outfit makes their arse look big? Can there be a right answer to that question? If a man says “yes” it causes a scene and prevents him from gettin’ any good luvin’ for a while. If he says “no” the woman thinks he might be lying. These are the weighty matters with which we concern ourselves today.

But just to be interesting, your Maximum Leader has decided to channel his ministers and what types of questions they would like to ask the fairer sex…

In the mode of the Minister of Propaganda:

1) Are you interested in me because of my wit and charm, or is it my wholesome Liberal political philosophy that turns you on?
2) So? Would you like to go out and catch a flick then head back to my place; or should we find a nice coffee house and monologue for hours about the evil neo-con conspiracies now besetting our great Republic?
3) Would you like me to show you something I learned from Bill Clinton?

In the mode of the Foreign Minister:

1) So, visit the Biergarten often?
2) Whaddya say we head back to my place? I’ll show you my big guns then I’ll see how good you are blowing off a few rounds?
3) What? I didn’t mention that there’s a time for fuckin’ and a time for sleepin’? And sleepin’ time isn’t the same as cuddle time?

In the mode of the Poet Laureate:

1) Have you ever considered the relationship between scatology and the early Byzantine Iconoclasts?
2) Is your Buddha-mind also connected to your Buddha-sphincter?
3) Have I shown you my little alien friend? The Cosmic Import is his name.

In the mode of the Smallholder:

1) Are those real? Because if they are I’d sure like to practice by technique?
2) I’ve got a ram back at the farm. Would you like to come over and have me show him to you?
3) Would you like to test fly the button fly?

And finally in the mode of your Maximum Leader:

1) Do you know how you could best serve your Maximum Leader’s… needs?
2) Would you be willing to undergo massive reconstructive surgery to make yourself look a bit more like the dreamy Jennifer Love Hewitt?
3) Would you like to learn more about pseudo-benevolent autocracy darling?

Now if you are interested in real questions go an read Phin, Stiggy, Jamesy, and Nugget. Or for the ladies questions check out Kathy, Silk and Phoenix. The lovely Sadie is taking a little brea…

Carry on.

Toronto & Skippy

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is glad to be back in the dark foreboding confines of the Villainschloss. After a week away it is a relief to be back with the lovely Mrs. Villain, the Villainettes, and the wee Villain. It is a relief in so many ways, not the least of which is how much better he is sleeping. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t sleep well in most hotels. The mattresses are soft and the pillows inconsequential. At the Villainschloss the mattresses are firm, the pillows firm, and the water pressure in the showers resemble that of a power-washer.

But your Maximum Leader digresses…

Indeed, if you are looking for reasonable accommodation in Toronto, Canada you may choose to stay at the Delta Chelsea Hotel. It is nicer than most hotels, but not as nice as others. In point of fact your Maximum Leader has always taken a shine to Hiltons. Hiltons are ubiquitous enough to be everywhere your Maximum Leader needs to go. They are accommodating enough to meet his needs. And Hiltons generally are at an acceptable price-point for travel.

The Delta Chelsea in Toronto didn’t strike your Maximum Leader as being quite as nice as the better Hiltons, but surely as good as your better Sheratons. Indeed, before going to Toronto some of the more “jet-set” people with whom your Maximum Leader is acquainted informed him that he needed to stay at the Ritz-Carlton in the Yorkville District of Toronto. Your Maximum Leader had to turn tables on them and inform them that the last time he was in Toronto he stayed at the Royal York. The consensus among the “jet-set” was that the Royal York was the better hotel, but that the Ritz was nearer to the best shopping and dining.

But your Maximum Leader digresses again…

It had been a long while since your Maximum Leader had visited Toronto. He had forgotten how much he actually likes Toronto. All the big city attractions and culture you need, with fewer homeless people, less trash, and minimal crime. Indeed, on the list of great North American cities, Toronto is rather highly rated by your Maximum Leader.

Your Maximum Leader will not bore you all with the details of why he was in Toronto. It should suffice to say that he was there to further his ever expanding plots that will culminae in the establishment of the Mike World Order.

But your Maximum Leader will share with you all a few highlights of his trip.

First, his anger towards the National Hockey League has abated. He watched a lot of hockey in the evenings before retiring; and he was able to go to the Hockey Hall of Fame. The love of Canadians for hockey (their national sport) did much to rekindle the love of hockey that your Maximum Leader has had since his youth. So that is a good thing. The Hockey Hall of Fame is great. But it was somewhat smaller than he remembered. And once the expansion of the Baseball Hall of Fame is completed, Cooperstown will once again reign supreme in the Halls of Fame category of tourist attraction.

Secondly, the shopping in Toronto is actually quite good. With the strong US dollar he was able to make a few nice purchases for Mrs. Villain and the Villainettes while away.

Third, your Maximum Leader’s animosity towards the US airline industry has grown. Never before in the history of the service sector was so much extorted from so many for so little tangible comfort. Your Maximum Leader has made a note to himself to bring his own liquor and fine food on the flight with him.

Fourth, your Maximum Leader was able to pick up the latest Cowboy Junkies album. It is entitled “21st Century Blues.” Unfortunately, most of the album consists of covers of anti-war Bruce Springsteen and John Lennon songs. Not the sorrowful, yet compelling, stories of humanity that are the songs written by Michael Timmins. All the songs are well produced and movingly performed. Margo Timmins is still on the list of the sexiest women in the universe as far as your Maximum Leader is concerned. And your Maximum Leader must admit that the cover of “One” by U2 is very very good.

But the real highlight of the trip was meeting Skippy…

Your Maximum Leader feared, for reasons that need not be discussed here, that he might not get to meet Skippy at all. Skippy is a busy man. Your Maximum Leader is a busy man. Schedules didn’t coincide… It was a touch and go thing.

But once your Maximum Leader determines he is going to do something, he does it. So in anticipation of meeting with Skippy your Maximum Leader thought it might be a propos if he bought a little gift of greetings for Skippy. Afterall, your Maximum Leader was a guest in Skippy’s nation.

So, the first component of the gift was hardly a gift at all. Your Maximum Leader had fallen a little behind on his reading of National Review. So he brought the two most recent editions with him on the trip. Normally, your Maximum Leader, when he travels, brings along old National Reviews and leaves them conspicuously in public places. He does this in the hopes that some fellow traveler will be wanting reading material, pick up the National Review, and be converted to the Dark Side. In a way this is something of a public service in your Maximum Leader’s opinion.

On this trip it seemed appropriate to give these two copies of National Review to Skippy (given his love of American politics).

But two old (and pre-read) copies of National Review were hardly a gift. So something else had to be added to the mix. Something that Skippy would like and would actually use (in some way).

Being the avid reader of Skippy’s page that he is, your Maximum Leader knew that only one gift would do the trick. That gift is the gift that keeps on giving over and over again. Namely pornography.

To read the tale click through below the fold… Otherwise…

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has returned from his trip to Canada. He’s actually been back for a few days. But over that time he’s been taking care of family business. He’ll write a more lengthy post in a bit. But for the moment he will direct your attention to this bit off the Reuters news wire:

Dead British Parrot had deadly bird flu.

If the content of the article weren’t so grave one would be tempted to start making dead parrot jokes.

And if your Maximum Leader has to explain dead parrot jokes to you… Well… That is just sad.

Carry on.

Coincidence? Methinks Not

Has anyone noticed that Sadie’s break has conveniently coincided with the Minister of Propaganda’s absence while filming “on location?”

Be gentle when you tell the Irish Lad.

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm…

If Sadie is taking a break, is it okay to bust her chops with impunity?

I mean, I do it to the poor Minister of Propaganda whenever he is on location…

Poetry Day

Annika’s “Wednesday is Poetry Day” is a fun episodic posting theme. Last Wednesday it was “Casey at the Bat,” which amused me because I had referenced that poem in my farewell haiku for Sadie.

But today ought to be “Trafalgar Poetry Day:”

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