The Wall Comes Down.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader read over both Llamabutcher Steve’s and Robert’s recollections of the Wall coming down. In keeping with that meme, your Maximum Leader remembers watching CNN in his dorm room with his roommate as the wall came down. Neither of us could believe what was happening as your Maximum Leader recalls. Your Maximum Leader also seems to remember that he got a call from a few Republican/right-leaning friends that night who all wanted to say “We won.”

And one of those friends, if your Maximum Leader’s memory serves him, was later indicted, tried and convicted for political dirty tricks he pulled while working for the Virginia State Republican party.


Carry on.

They Hate Us

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must take a moment to agree completely with the BigHominid’s lastest post.

Carry on.

We’re Alone In the World, So Let’s Play with Guns.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader makes sure he visits Gut Grumbles at least twice a day. It is because of little bits of wisdom and joy that the Tall Dog gives to your Maximum Leader across the ether of the internet.

Today was a great example of this. One moment we’re dealing with metaphysical issues. The next, we’re shooting guns. How great is that?

Carry on.

Hobbes Just Loved His Dram.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wasn’t too surprised in the results of the following quiz:

You are a cardinal! You love to try & get others into trouble, even if you have to make up lies...NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!
You are a cardinal! You love to try & get others
into trouble, even if you have to make up
lies…NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!

What Monty Python Sketch Character are you?
bought to you by Quizilla

Thanks to Robert the LlamaButcher for showing us this one. And BTW Robert, your Maximum Leader loves the Philosopher’s Drinking Song too. He sometimes sings it with the Smallholder on the farm, while drinking beer!

Carry on.

Ouch! Bitch Slapping Stings!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is just getting around to reading other blogs today. (Busy day. He just finished reading and writing a little bit for his own blog a few moments ago.)

Your Maximum Leader directs his minions to a loyal minion who has rushed to his Maximum Leader’s defence in the whole issue of your Maximum Leader’s way of doing things in our political process would result in us still having “colored” drinking fountains and the like. Loyal Minion Dr. Rusty Shackelford sticks up for your Maximum Leader in his post: The Myth of the Supreme Court as Agent of Desegregation.

And while he is talking about Dr. Rusty… Don’t complain Rusty! Your Maximum Leader didn’t even make the top five.

Carry on.

More on Courts, Civil Rights, and Fiscal Responsibility.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t often get to say that the Minister of Agriculture’s reading of history is completely wrong. So please forgive him if he is a little giddy in his typing.

First off… Civil Rights did not just come about in 1954 ex nihilo as the Smallholder intimates. It was the product of nearly 200 years of wrangling and debate in our political system - as well as bloody fighting in the Civil War. And frankly the Court’s decision in 1954 just started a whole new round of political discussion which culminated in the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

If anything the Civil Rights struggle clearly illustrates the difficulties in changing societal norms. And it also shows that if you don’t have the majority of citizens behind you, no progress will be made. By the time the Civil Rights movement came to a head, there was a narrow but growing majority of Americans favouring equality for the races.

(And by the way, an activist judge is one who take it upon himself to “solve” a political problem without the input of the political process. Your Maximum Leader is plenty disappointed with judges who deliver rulings with which he agrees - but in doing so keep the issue out of public debate. And frankly, many politicans are responsible for this happening in the first place because they would rather be “told” what to do by a court than show the balls to take a stand on the record.)

Now the Smallholder claims that conservatives have already ceded that the ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional. This is just wrong. The whole issue stems not from our federal Constitution, but from various state constitutions where “Equal Rights Amendments” were added in the 70s. These Equal Rights Amendments were added to redress differences between men and women. At the time they were adopted many opponents claimed that they would be used to recognize gay marriages and all sorts of other improbable situations. Of course the proponents of the Amendments said, “Poo poo! Oh stop using those logically flawed slippery slope arguments with us! These Amendments have nothing to do with Gays or anything. They are just to be used to make sure men and women are paid equal wages for equal work.” Well, it is amazing what 30 years will do to make a slippery slope argument come about.

Your Maximum Leader read over the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling concerning gay marriage. And you know something, even though he doesn’t agree with it - it makes sense if you are a lawyer. So he can easily see and understand the court’s rationale. That doesn’t mean he’s ceded anything on a national level. A state constitution can be modified - and thus state laws can be modified as a result. All these states adding Gay Marriage bans are just cutting off the courts from doing something they don’t want done.

Like the Smallholder, your Maximum Leader doesn’t think the Defence of Marriage Amendment will make it through the Senate. And according to the news while the President will seek a gay marriage ban, he is in favour of civil unions or “other legal arrangements.” And your Maximum Leader heard some talking head on Fox say that polls taken late last week show that 61% of Americans favour non-marriage legal unions that help people get benefits, legal rights, etc. This brings your Maximum Leader back to his point of last week. Namely the people want debate and discussion - not judical fiats.

It is going to be a long road for gay activists. As it should be. But it isn’t as bleak as the Smallholder makes out if gay activists would stop for a moment nd get realistic about what they can and can’t accomplish. If they insist on Andrew Sullivan-esque tirades and pouting they are not likely to acheive very much.

As for fiscal responsibility… Your Maximum Leader doesn’t think that the current batch of Republicans will rein in their spending in the near term unless the President makes them. Which he could. (Again some talking head on the news said that the President recognized that further tax cuts - that is those beyond the ones he’s already gotten and wants to make permenant - are not a good idea at this point.) Your Maximum Leader’s point was that under (even these) Republicans the starting point on spending will be lower than it would be under John Kerry. For Example: If the Republicans agree that a One Trillion Dollar program is needed for some health care thing the Democrats will say that the Republicans are nickle and diming it to death and will demand that Two Trillion Dollars be appropriated. With George Bush as President, and Republican control of both Houses of Congress, we’ll likely get the One Trillion Dollar program. If John Kerry were President the sides would negotiate down from Two Trillion towards something between One and Two to get anything passed. Thus, you spend even more. If the Smallholder doesn’t think that this is how the political system works, then he is the one with the crack pipe. He can come to the Villainschloss Library and read some accounts of budget battles between Reagan and Congressional Democrats in the 1980s to refresh his memory.

Look, is your Maximum Leader happy that the deficit is growing? No. But on the other hand, Democrats as a rule of thumb don’t give a damn about the deficit unless they can use it as a cudgel against Republicans.

All this talk is making your Maximum Leader think he should declare Nakedvillainy a “malaise-free” zone for the next few days.

Carry on.

Get Brain… Who Knew?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader will freely admit to something. He is not a particularly hip guy. While he is more hip than, let us say… the Minister of Agriculture; he is not a particularly “with it” type of guy.

Imagine his surprise when your Maximum Leader read this off the Reuters news wire: Read a Book, Get Oral Se? It seems “Get Brain” is street slang for fellatio. Who knew?

Carry on.

Like Lemmings Off A Cliff

Democrats seem to be learning the wrong lessons from 2004.

Some of my students have been arguing that “we didn’t have a candidate liberal enough to mobilize the base! We need to nominate Hillary in 2008 and sweep back into power!”

Other Democrats bemoan the “death of democracy.”

Um, no.

The base was mobilized. But so was the base of the other side.

The Republican base outnumbers the Democratic base.

That is, by definition, democracy.

democracy doesn’t mean “a result I like.” It means that the majority rules.

And hopefully the majority rules while respecting the rights of the minority (if I remember my Federalist papers correctly).

I know a huge number of democrats who desperately want Hillary to be president. It boggles my mind. Listen closely, my friends. Hillary. Is. Not. Electable.

Democrats failed in 2004 to win the middle. So the plan for 2008, as far as I can tell, is to mover further left.

Republicans are going to get awful comfortable in the White House. Are the Democrats positioning themselves to become a permanent minority?

Could we be entering another Era of Good Feelings*?

I really don’t think so. The modern party system is too durable. But the historian in me wants to find a pattern matching the decline of the Democrats with that of the Federalists. Eventually the Democratic-Republicans split apart as the ruling faction forgot the principles on which it was elected. Could the Republicans attain majority status only to be rent asunder by tensions between the neo-cons, social conservatives, and fiscal conservatives? Hmmm…

* The bad, hateful feelings of some vocal social conservatives aside

The Courts and Civil Rights

The Maximum Leader opposes “activist judges” who impose a minority viewpoint of rights on the majority. He advocates slow, democratic change and persuasion.

Well, friends, if we had followed the Maximum Leader’s advice, we would still have “colored” drinking fountains. The desegregation of America was (rightfully) accomplished through the action of “activist judges” who decided that the Constitution applied to everyone, public consensus be damned (or, in the case of the army, by an a President who ended segregation by fiat, public consensus be damned).

And once we started going to school together, and working in the same military units, and sharing restaurants, and working on PTA committees, we decided (for the most part), hey, people of a different skin color are just people. This was a GOOD thing.

(Side note: The definition of an “activist judge?” A judge who makes a ruling with which the speaker disagrees.)

Denying the rights of marriage to homosexuals IS unconstitutional. Conservatives have already ceded that ground. If it wasn’t unconstitutional on it’s face, continued discrimination would not require the amending of state and national constitutions. Civil unions are one way to offer rights to homosexuals without using the religiously-charged term of “marriage.” But I’m not sure that would stand up to constitutional scrutiny either; remeber “separate is inherently unequal?”

The Anti-gay Marriage Amendment was DOA last time. I suspect that it will have a hard time making it through the Senate, but its odds just improved. The Analphilosopher believes it will sail through and become the law of the land. He’s right about the House, and the election results give credence to his claims about state ratification, but I’m still not sure it will be able to make it through the Senate. As the founding fathers intended, the Senate, with rolling six-year terms, is less susceptible to pressure from the mob (the mob word used advisedly as the founding fathers would have used it). I think the furor over Spector may tell the tale about the Senate’s reaction to evangelical influence. If the Senate stands by a moderate and the seniority system, it will demonstrate its insularity from public opinion. But if old Arlen gets thrown out of the lifeboat, Dobson and his boys will be ascendant and the amendment might just squeak by.

If the Anti-gay Marriage Amendment passes, I think things look very bad for gays in the future. Even a slow erosion of homophobic bigotry would not lead to equality; to overturn an amendment requires a supermajority. The repeal, even if more tolerant young people begin to vote in solid numbers as they age, will be long in coming.

I think a movement to sway popular opinion will have a hard road as well.

A campaign to shame middle America into rejecting bigotry will be harder than MLK’s campaign four decades ago.

1) Gays, being a smaller proportion of the population, have a smaller pool out of which to produce activists.

2) Unlike blacks, gays can hide their identity; the pool of talented, activist, leaders will be small. If a gay man or woman is successful, they have a serious interest in remaining in the closet rather than embracing the cause.

3) African-American protests gained strength from deep religious convictions. Folks who are fervently Christian most likely belong to a denomination that condemns homosexuality. Folks who belong to denominations that are laissez-faire towards sexuality probably aren’t very fervent about their faith. As Eddie Izard, the official comic of the Maximum Leader, says, Episcopalians don’t go on Jihads: “Cake or Death!” isn’t an effective battle cry.

4) Americans, out of a sense of fairness, don’t like to deny people rights because of their birth. Public perception, science be damned, is that homosexuality is a choice, which presents a stark contrast with being born black. If the willingness of the public to deny science when it refers to deeply held religious beliefs, reflected by the continued distrust of evolutionary theory in 2004, serves as a guide, the belief in “choice” is here to stay.

5) When African-American activists marched for civil rights, Machiavellian calculation put children in front of the march. When redneck sheriffs turned fire hoses and dogs on little kids, middle American, watching television in their comfortable living rooms, recoiled. But kids, not having fully expressed their sexuality at 10, will not be part of the movement. Gay teenagers are likely to be living with straight parents who are in denial of their kid’s orientation, and leery of the peer-group consequences of coming out of the closet, also won’t be marching. So public protests are unlikely to garner much sympathy. In fact, the in-your-face, we’re-here-and-queer, beleashed-leather-boys who turn out on the margins are likely to arouse the opposite emotion.

6) Parents will take risks for their kids. Black parents were willing to take risks to improve the lives of their children. White parents could feel empathy for a parent’s love. Neither of these factors will be work for gay activists - either to create activists or persuade the majority.

So, my friends, it looks like a long road ahead for our gay colleagues. Someone please tell me why I’m wrong.

Dobson v. Specter


Can the Evangelicals sink their “big problem?”

What do the NakedVillains think?

Fiscal Discipline

Thanks to the Maximum Leader and the Foreign Minister for answering the questions I posed about Bush’s election.

I hope the Foreign Minister is correct in his belief that Bush’s muscular foreign policy will be successful. I, as my friends and our readers know, am an advocate of an interventionist, muscular, even pre-emptive engagement with our enemies, so the Foreign Miister and I are on the same page - but I fear the Bush’s version, laden with ideology, may not be an effective muscualr policy. The recent pressure on Fallujah is, hopefully, a good sign.

The Maximum Leader’s post about the perennial nature of Evangelicalphobia is well-taken. I don’t remember commentators attributing previous elections to Christian fervor. I for one was not particularly bothered by the elections of any of the Presidents I remember in my lifetime; I may have disagreed with one policy or another, but didn’t think that basic civil liberties were in jeopardy.

But evangelicals haven’t been shy about claiming credit for this election and immediately moving to advance their agenda - witness James Dobson’s moves against Arlen Spector (that dirty, Christ-denying Jew!), and Dobson’s declaration that since his boys delivered the election, he expects an Anti-Gay rights amendment, a repeal of Roe v. Wade, a crackdown on pornography, and prayer in school.

If anyone out there rememebers similar euphoria amongst the Christian right after previous elections, please e-mail me or the Maximum Leader.

As to fiscal discipline, I say, with all due respect, Mike and Greg are smoking crack. A divided government is almost always more likely to result in fiscal discipline. Bush was not a deficit hawk in the last administration - even setting aside military expenditures and entitlements, discrentionary spending rose faster than at any point in Clinton’s admistration. Bush has said he intends to pass a new tax cut every year. Republican-controlled Congress remains addicted to pork. And after the election results minimized the influence of fiscal conservatives, why does the Maximum Leader believe that the Republicans will suddenly begin to rein in their profligacy?

At any rate, I hope Mike and Greg are right and I am wrong; as Kerry said, once the election is over we are all Americans and have to pull for the success of the administration.

Thank you (again) John Kerry.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that the AP is reporting numbers in a poll that show that Voters Relieved by Decisive Election.

Your Maximum Leader agrees that all voters should feel relieved by an election that is over. And there is one person to thank for this outcome. That person is Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts. Senator Kerry showed himself to be a better man than candidate by conceeding the election when the outcome seemed clear to him. Senator Kerry got a tip of your Maximum Leader’s bejeweled floppy hat last week for this. And he gets another this week.

The person of whom we should all be cautious is Senator John Edwards of North Carolina. He was true to his nature as a trial lawyer when he wanted to fight down to the last dollar and last breath of the last lawyer in Ohio. Yet another reason why your Maximum Leader was glad he didn’t head the ticket.

Your Maximum Leader just can’t stand John Edwards…

Carry on.

Friday Villainy 11/5/2004- Late!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wrote this last friday, but it must have gotten stuck in the little Blogger problem that affected many last week. So, here it is a few days late…

Your Maximum Leader wanted to pick another villainous persona this week who had some bearing on current events; but like Ming the Merciless was always seen in pimpin’ outfits. Thus your Maximum Leader presents Ayatollah Khomeini.

If you would like a quick overview of the Ayatollah, check out this short article from TIME Magazine.

Carry on.

UPDATE FROM YOUR MAXIMUM LEADER: After reading a recent post on Rusty’s site he should add some villainous pronouncements attributed to Khomeni. How could your Maximum Leader have forgotten to add such great stuff? Of course, the quotations might not be authenitic… But they are good reading!

Hispanic Vote

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader recommends that you take a moment to read the Michael Gonzalez peice featured on OpinionJournal today. A great short comment on how the hispanic vote is not one big monolithic entity as many people had assumed.

Carry on.

I am sorry that this

I am sorry that this is a little tardy… but I have had a devil of a time getting blogger not to crap out on me. Its working today so I will try posting it again.

The left really has a weak game. Its soooo tiring to hear over and over again. The Republicans are the boogey man and they are going to be waiting in your bedroom, closet, workplace, coffee shop, to get you. They are so busy worrying about the “hate mongering right that they are blinded to their own lack of guiding principals.

The Dems F*&%K’d up.


You Nominated the WRONG GUY.
End of story.

You want back into power? Read this its from your own side!

Show me a Dem like that and I’ll vote for him myself.

I read Bennet and Kudlow. Was it supposed to make me say hmmm?

Once again the other side of the Aisle has misjudged the Right. Again its to their peril. A lot of Americans Identify themselves as religious. Probably the majority of them would tick the box for Christian. Why do the Democrats have such a hard time with that. I lurk at the Democratic Underground often. I keep having to remind myself that these are the so called “Liberal” and (I mean the open minded caring definition of the word that they like to describe themselves as) and you will find more Hate than at a Klan rally!

Gay Marriage
This was too much too fast for the MAJORITY of Americans. EVEN in the BLUE states where Kerry won HANDILY, it was a loosing proposition. And those were just Zell Miller Dems saying no to Gay Marriage like some on the left would like to believe.

Personally, I don not think that it should be banned. If it were up to me, I would institute civil unions tomorrow and give the Gay community the same legal rights as anyone else.
Personally, I do not think that homosexuality is a good thing, but what I think about who a person should be allowed to Love should not matter a hill of shit. If we truly separate Church and State than gay marriage should not even be an issue.
We will get there. It will just take time and it will be a process of winning hearts and minds not bashing someone over the head.

Small Government + Fiscal Responsibility
You know, one of the things that I was going to hate the most about loosing this last election was handing another RECOVERING economy to a Democrat to get the credit again. Things are on the up, we have been on a hell of a ride but the future looks bright.

But the fly in the ointment has and still will be the threat of Terrorism.
The Dems still have not figured out that there has been a paradigm shift in thought regarding this issue. The Islamic Fundamentalist were upset with us prior to 9/11 and had attacked us several times before that date. Its too bad we did not wake up and smell the coffee sooner but we are awake now and there is hell to pay for attacking or threatening to attack us. World opinion might not be behind us every single time, but we can and will look out for ourselves (which most of the time happens to be good for the rest of the world too).

Muscular Foreign Policy
Now I know how Ronald Regan must have felt when he was having a battle of ideology with the cold war. The honorable gentlemen from the other side of the aisle were constantly berating him and were telling the American public that his strategy would not work.
I feel that we are in a similar situation today. Unfortunately, we just can’t outspend the Islamic terrorist (although we are spending plenty to rebuild). We need action and might. Bush is convinced that the only way to peace and prosperity in the Middle East is through democracy. As I have posted before on this site, that usually takes time but that is something that we donv t have the luxury of now. The enemy is not sleeping. They are breeding their malcontent and blaming all of their ills on the United States. 3 year olds in explosive vest do not make a humorous photo to me.
We have paved the way for 2 fledgling Democracies in the Middle East. That makes a total of 3 now right?

Israel, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Gun Rights
Actually, I am turning into more than just a one issue voter :)! But I am glad that my gun rights will be protected for the next 4 years. And, by the way, how many “Assault Weapons” have been used in crimes since the ban was lifted?

What the Smallholder needs to do is to slice out a couple of hours a month (I know that will be hard) and start getting politically active in his area. Our Smallholder would make an excellent Democratic representative. He has always thought that his convictions are too strong to get elected but to that I say;

That is why Kerry was not elected. His convictions were not strong enough.

Back to the trenches

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