Fry Scott! Fry!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is pleased to announce that Scot Peterson has been found guilty of first degree murder.

Your Maximum Leader hopes he is fried.

Extra crispy.

Carry on.

Exit Polling Formats

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader sees that stories are appearing on the news wires that seem to show that the format of Election Day exit polling influenced the result of those polls.

Really? Stop the insanity. So, lets see if your Maximum Leader reads this correctly. If a poll didn’t provide “moral values” as a choice in a list of topics, the poll would show that Iraq and the Economy were the leading factors behind a person casting their vote. If “moral values” were included in a list of motivating factors, then it rose in promenence.

Humm… Your Maximum Leader thought it was almost always best to ask open ended questions in a poll. Obviously not when you are conducting exit polls.

Carry on.

Friday Villainy, November 12, 2004 - Arafat Edition.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has decided that this week’s Friday Villainy selection will be keeping with the spirit of last week’s selection. Your Maximum Leader presents the newest contribution to worm food in Ramallah (also the latest resident of the burning rivers of feces in hell) - Yassir Arafat.

Your Maximum Leader would post a photo, but two photos of Arafat on this website in one week is just too much for your Maximum Leader to handle (and still digest his food properly).

If you haven’t read enough about Arafat allow your Maximum Leader to pass on some fine links:

Tom Gross on Media & Yasser Arafat on National Review Online.

Andrew McCarthy on Arafat, also on NRO.

Washington Post Coverage of Arafat’s Burial.

The Times of India’s coverage of the hidden Arafat billions.

There are more, but your Maximum Leader grows weary of spending so much effort on a man worthy of so little… Did you Maximum Leader mention that since Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize your Maximum Leader hasn’t cared who won it? It is a worthless trinket given to the ignominious by the sanctimonious.

Carry on.

UPDATE: Your Maximum Leader decided that he ought to add some comments by various bloggers to this post…

Read Skippy’s take. Excellent and insightful as always. Damn him.

Dr. Rusty speculates on the cause of death.

Your Maximum Leader thinks that the Tall Dog asessment of Arafat as a “murdering, blood-soaked, cocksucker” is charitable.

And because it is worth it. Your Maximum Leader will repeat his link to the wonderful Iowahawk post on Uses for a Dead Nobel Laureate.

Weeping Over Spilt…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is a shareholder in the Norfolk Southern Corporation. Why? Because he loves railroads. (He also likes diversity in his stock portfolio and thinks it is wise to own some transportation stocks - even if high fuel costs are currently a bugbear for the industry.)

And why then, you may ask, is your Maximum Leader weeping? And how does his weeping relate to Norfolk Southern?

He weeps over 20,00 gallons of spilt beer. Out in Southwest Virginia (where the Norfolk Southern train transporting the beer apparently derailed) there are thousands of college students and NASCAR dads wailing.

Cary on.

You Make the Call - HMQ Edition

Greetings, loyal minions. Has your Maximum Leader ever told you that his devilish little fingers quiver in anticipation once a day when he goes to click on his link to the Hatemongers Quarterly? He always looks forward to the once-a-day fun the crack young staff cranks out.

Today’s HMQ is particularly delicious. Like the crack young staff, your Maximum Leader does really miss the “You Make the Call” commercials on TV. They were brilliant. But you know how advertising is. All advertising gimmicks (except sex) go out of style sooner or later. That said, go and read You Make the Call - HMQ Edition.

This contest is wonderful! Who would you hire? Your Maximum Leader votes for: Dr. Jose de Jesus. He is the obvious choice in fact. Why? Allow your Maximum Leader to ennumerate his reasons:

1) de Jesus is hispanic. Bring a little more diversity to your deparment - which is likely filled with WASPy men and women anyway.
2) de Jesus is from a “less prestigious school.” Your university is prestigious already. This will be your institutional opportunity to show that your department can play Henry Higgins to de Jesus’ Eliza Doolittle. You can “reach down” to a “less fortunate” academic and raise them up to the lofty Olympus that is your Department.
3) No department can ever have enough scholars qualified to teach on Gay and Lesbian issues; as Dr. de Jesus’ dissertation shows he is obviously well equiped to do.
4) He’s got a regular column in a non-academic journal. As the circulation of “Latin Dog Fancy” surely exceeds the circulation of any academic journal, he will likely give good press to your department and institution. Thereby making him a critical recruiting tool among the Latino community nationally.
5) Your department needs someone to clean up the conference room after Departmental Meetings. You assume de Jesus has experience.

Well there you have it loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader’s take on the contest. What fun this has been.

Carry on.

Smallholder is Bruce

Armistice Day

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wanted to take a moment to comment on the occasion of this Armistice Day. Your Maximum Leader still prefers to call it Armistice Day over Veterans Day for three reasons. First is that growing up, all of your Maximum Leader’s grandparents called it Armistice Day. Second, your Maximum Leader is an unrepentant Anglophile. Third, your Maximum Leader believes that buy calling it Armistice Day he might prompt some people to think back to The Great War and how horrifying it was. Your Maximum Leader cries when he thinks of the carnage of the great battles of the Great War. The Somme. Ypres. Verdun. They all make him weep.

You know, with all of the contreversy surrounding showing “Saving Private Ryan” tonight on ABC; your Maximum Leader would like to remind Americans that we WON the Normandy invasion. Yes it took the lives of many GI’s to do it. But we won. We beat back the Germans. We liberated France. We liberated Europe.

Now think about the Battle of the Somme. What was won there? Nothing. It is much harder to deal with the losses for no purpose.


Your Maximum Leader, not wanting to be too graphic, decided he would pass along the following link. At 106, French veteran remembers life in World War I trenches. There aren’t many WWI vets left. Your Maximum Leader hopes some historian is interviewing those remaining and getting their stories.

We can’t afford to lose them.

Carry on.

Iris Chang, RIP

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader realizes that today has been a day where death has been in the news quite a bit. We mourn the loss of our glorious dead for the Veterans Day celebrations; as well as laud the living veterans. We are talking about the death of terrorist-turned-Nobel-Laureate, Yassir Arafat too.

But another death has truly saddened and angered your Maximum Leader. He reads that Iris Chang, the author of the superb book, “The Rape of Nanking,” has killed herself. She was 36.

This is sad because she wrote an excellent work of history. Excellent in many ways. It highlighted a nearly forgotten (in the West at any rate) atrocity of WWII. It also was accessible to the great masses of history readers. (Many works of history are very boorrriinnnggg.) But “The Rape of Nanking” was a viseral book. You felt the suffering of the Chinese as you read it. At least your Maximum Leader did. He read the book once and is sure that he will remember the feeling in his gut as he read it. It is sad that such a young woman with such a bright future will not write again.

But her suicide angers your Maximum Leader as well. He supposes that one of the vestages of his Catholic upbringing is a complete repulsion to suicide. He supposes that it shows some sort of weakness or character flaw when a person kills themselves. He believes it also shows a blatant disregard for those left behind. Perhaps suicide offends your Maximum Leader because it is the ultimate statement of selfishness. Now your Maximum Leader understands that Chang was hospitalized for depression earlier this year. But somehow that doesn’t mitigate the circumstance for him. It is a complicated feeling.

Iris Chang, requiscat in pace.

Carry on.

Arafat “Missed the Chance for Peace”

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just saw another in a seemingly inexhaustable stream of headlines about Yassir Arafat. This one read: Clinton Says Arafat Missed the Chance for Peace.

Well Mr. President, your Maximum Leader has got to tell you. Arafat didn’t miss the chance for peace. Arafat never wanted peace and thus never saw a chance to miss.

Carry on.

Being Conservative is a Hate Crime in Belgium.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just read Jeff’s latest over at Beautiful Atrocities. The post entitled: Soviet Socialist Republic of Belgium.

Did you go and read it? The word that comes to your Maximum Leader’s mind is “Damn.” Is it really that bad in Belgium? Perhaps the Foreign Minister - who is living in Germany - could comment on what he is hearing from the Belgians over there.

It appears as though the Belgian government has just given up on real freedom in favour of touchy-feely cultural relativism and political correctness. How long can such a nation endure?

Carry on.

Christopher Hitchens’ Latest.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, like so many other bloggers, is always on the lookout for the latest from Christopher Hitchens. Hitch is a great writer, and a great persona for television. While your Maximum Leader is sure that most of his loyal minions have already read Hitch’s latest, in case you haven’t here is a link: Bush’s Secularist Triumph - The left apologizes for religious fanatics. The president fights them. By Christopher Hitchens

Carry on.

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead

Granted, things could get worse, but this guy has done nothing but undermine peace, and disempower the Palestinian people for the past 40 years. It’s Arafat’s legacy that Palestinians are reduced to suicide bombings, and living in poverty with little hope for anything else. The unfortunate thing is he’ll be remembered as a hero.

Of course, there hasn’t been peace in the middle east in 8000+ years. What makes us think it’s a possibility now?

Um….. Yuck

Say it with me now….. Ewwwwwww


Memories, Pressed between the Pages of My Mind.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader realizes that some of you may be wondering exactly what the good Minister of Agriculture is talking about in this recent post.

As your Maximum Leader read it, he knew all the background behind the stories the Smallholder was trying to relate in his sleep deprived state. But your Maximum Leader realized that others, not having lived those experiences, wouldn’t have the foggiest idea of what he was writting. So, if you are interested in the background read on. If not, feel free to click here to read a meaningful post on another quality blog.

Where to begin my minions?

Let your Maximum Leader begin with the “Denver Girl” that the Smallholder mentions. The “Denver Girl” is a friend of your Maximum Leader and Smallholder from college. She is quite cute, lots of fun, and recently single. Your Maximum Leader did try to play yentl for Kilgore and the “Denver Girl.” But this never really came off. Your Maximum Leader felt a little awkward trying to set these two people up. He wanted to do it in a way that allowed the two to meet over the internet and then decide if things looked right for a safe cup of coffee in a well-lit public place. This is Kilgore afterall; and he is “dangerous.”

So, your Maximum Leader called “Denver Girl” and broached the possibility of a meeting. “Denver Girl” informed your Maximum Leader that she had a profile and that your Maximum Leader was free to give it to Kilgore.

Well it turned out that the profile “Denver Girl” gave to your Maximum Leader was not active or some such nonsense. Because your Maximum Leader thought he would look at it before sending it on to Kilgore. Try as he might, he couldn’t find the “Denver Girl’s” profile.

Your Maximum Leader called “Denver Girl” a number of times to try and see if there was some issue or miscommunication. Allow your Maximum Leader to say that “Denver Girl” is hard to get a hold of. She’s never at home. (She does work a lot.) She rarely checks e-mail. And your Maximum Leader believes she must never turn on her cell. Anyway… By the time that your Maximum Leader finally got through “Denver Girl” didn’t seem as interested.

Since the Smallholder brings it up, he might inquire of both Kilgore and “Denver Girl” if they would like to try again…

Next… Speaking of virtual “groping” as the Smallholder did… Your Maximum Leader is hoping to be virtually groped by the sexy and spirited Sadie Mirth for an upcoming “Blogger Interview.” Stay tuned.

At this point many of you may not be interested in reading on. Your Maximum Leader understands. Nakedvillainy is not, and wasn’t really ever intended to be, a “personal blog” per se. So rather than subject those of you who are disinterested in this topic to more you will just have to scroll through, your Maximum Leader will end this post here. But if you are interested in reading about your Maximum Leader’s college days you should click here.

Carry on.

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