While watching TV last night…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader, rather than responding to the many congratulatory e-mails in his mailbox, was watching television last night and happened upon the film Armageddon on FX. He only watched the last 45 minutes or so (as he started channel surfing late).

Warning plot spoilers follow… Of course if you haven’t seen the film yet, it is unlikely that you will…

So your Maximum Leader is watching the film, and at the end, the brave Harry Stamper detonates the bomb that bifurcates the asteroid and saves the world. The movie shows scenes of people all over the world pointing heavenward and marvelling at the blast that saves them all.

Ten your Maximum Leader had a cynical moment.

Leaving aside the many problems of the film (concerning the real science of what was going on, etc., etc.), your Maximum Leader realized something…

If there was a giant asteroid on a collison course for our planet, and…
If the US was able to launch a mission to the asteroid to destroy it and save the world, and..
If the mission was successful and the US astronauts did save all humanity from certain destruction,…


The French would still vote against a UN Security Council Resolution thanking the US for saving the world.
The rest of the world would still hate us.
A sizeable number of Americans would say it was just about oil.
And Michael Moore would make a film in which he would claim that Halliburton overcharged the government for materials.

Carry on.

Edwards and Kerry… Perfect together…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is being pretty retro, oui? What? You don’t recognize the subtle lifting of that old New Jersey Tourism motto from when Tom Keane was governor? New Jersey and you… Perfect together. Well… Let your Maximum Leader just move along then.

So, John Kerry had chosen John Edwards as his running mate. What does this mean?

Well, it means that now there is someone else on the ticket that Teresa can call “cheeky” and “sexy.” If John Kerry and Elizabeth Edwards are flying together somewhere and the plane crashes, would Teresa and John Edwards make that love match? They are both filthy rich. So that sort of negates the money motive for Edwards. Hmmm…

Actually, your Maximum Leader is pretty sure that this is an ingenious move by Kerry to force Bush to campaign in the south. Kerry has already been spending money and time in the south. He is trying to put into play states that (except Florida) would not be in play. This is either very crafty, or just a waste of time and resources.

Surely he will get that post-Veep-selection bounce. But will that bounce have staying power? Doubtful. Your Maximum Leader believes that many of the Democratic faithful (who will vote for Kerry anyway) will have some buyers remorse about his selection every time they see the sauave, dashing, and wholly-inexperienced Edwards on the campaign trail. They will sigh whistfully and wish that they had pinned their hopes to that dashing southern senator who made his money by exploiting our out-of-date laws concerning class action and medical malpractice suits. Your Maximum Leader asks you all, what could be more desirable for a Democrat than a sexy class-action lawyer?

(Okay, your Maximum Leader heard you all in the back snickering while calling out a career politicican from Arkansas…)

Your Maximum Leader isn’t sure what to make of the whole Kerry/Edwards southern strategery. If the economy continues to improve, and the situation in the middle east improves; all the time and money spent by Kerry/Edwards in the south is a waste. If the economy doesn’t continue to improve, and the situation overseas deteriorates, then the time and money spent in the south by the Democrats is a waste because the critical midwestern swing states are going to go Kerry/Edwards anyway.

So, Kerry’s southern strategery is a waste.

But that John Edwards is a cheeky, sexy, trial lawyer no matter how you parse it.

Carry on.

Many thanks.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to thank the many minions who either wrote or blogged kind words about the birth of the “wee Villain.” A few of you asked for some vital statistics. Your Maximum Leader will gladly oblige with some. The wee Villain was born on June 29. He weighed 9 lbs 2 oz (or 4139 grams for those of you on the metric system). He was 22 inches long. And although he doesn’t normally post photos of his progeny on the internet your Maximum Leader will break with tradition, here is your one (and possibly only) peek at the litle bundle of villainy.

The fruit of your Maximum Leader's loins.

There you go.

Carry on.

Happy 228th!

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is spending a quiet Fourth of July with his new son and Mrs. Villain. The Villainettes are visiting their esteemed grandparents and it has left the Villainschloss quiet (excepting the cries of the Villain, Jr.).

This morning when your Maximum Leader woke he asked Mrs. Villain, “What day is it?” She replied, “The Fourth.” And your Maximum Leader said pithily, “Thomas Jefferson survives.” Alas, Mrs. Villain didn’t get it and your Maximum Leader had to explain it. The moment of the joke was lost.

Of course, your Maximum Leader stopped today and contemplated our nation and its history. This space has been used many times efore to discuss American greatness. We are a nation borne of an abstract idea; and we continue to be a people who daily struggle to fulfill the spirit of that idea. Perhaps you should go and read over the Declaration this day.

While your Maximum Leader has stated before that he does not believe that God himself embued all mankind with certain rights, he did create within each human being the capacity to think and create governments. The rights we enjoy as Americans are a great gift. They are our political inheritance. They come to us from the distant past. Their genesis is from Athens and Rome. From King Henry II of England, we received the gift of common law. From King John, we get the concept (not fully realized for many years after 1215) that all people are subjects of the law. From Oliver Cromwell, we get the idea that even our governors are subject to the law. Our political inheritance also owes great debts to Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

But the greatest men to give us our political inheritance are the brave Founders. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and many others. They are the men who risked all they had and owned (remember all the men, regardless of whether or not they signed the Declaration pledged their lives, fortune, and sacred honour). They created a system that we today enjoy, and most others in the world envy.

Have we gotten it right all the time? Of course not. The troubles of our nation are myriad. Slavery, Civil Rights, treatment of Indians are a few. But we have gotten so much more right. Representing the will of the people while respecting dissent. Moderation in Government imposition on the general population. Protecting property rights. Peaceable transfer of government. And so many others. We need to be proud of our political heritage, and mindful that we are now the custodians of our way of life.

We are, at any time, moments away from savagery. The fabric of society is a fragile one. We must always be mindful of our freedoms, but remember that liberty is not license to do as we please when we please. We have a responsibility to be informed of what is going on in our community and nation. We must be involved. And we must actively encourage the growth of political beliefs we hold. And we must be tolerant of those with whom we disagree. But toleration is not the same as equivalence. There is a profound difference that is often lost in the constant cry of diversity in our land.

So this Fourth of July, stop and think about what it means to be American. If your only thoughts about being American consist of fireworks, beer and barbeque; think a little harder. There are millions (perhaps billions) of people who would risk all they had and their very lives to have what you have. There is a reason for that beyond just the material manifestations of freedom. Remember the ideas that are the foundation of our state. And remember that it is the responsibility of every citizen to uphold them in their hearts and actions.

Carry on.

Where is your Maximum Leader?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to state for the record that he has not meant to abandon you. He knows that without regular doses of your Maximum Leader’s writing you all go into nasty D.T.’s and start to worship false gods…

Well, your Maximum Leader has been busy this week with his new arrival. Mrs. Villain delivered a healthy baby boy on Tuesday. Villain, Jr. is healthy and happy. (What man wouldn’t be happy when all he has to do every day is sleep and play with boobs?)

Next week your Maximum Leader will resume posting on a regular basis.

Carry on.

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