Physician, Heal Thyself!

Lest you think I‚ÄövÑv¥ve gone soft on the Analphilosopher:

My last post showed KBJ at his best: thought-provoking.

This one returns to my earlier critique of the blog as hack propaganda.

From yesterday:

Liberal Dishonesty

Have you noticed the pattern? Liberals lack argumentative skills, so they resort to various forms of abuse and dishonesty to influence voters. They “play the race card” whenever an African-American, such as Michael Jackson, is held responsible for his or her actions. This isn’t argument. It’s avoidance of argument. They attribute opposition to affirmative-action programs to racism. This silences opponents. They attribute opposition to homosexual “marriage” to religious fundamentalism or homophobia. Read Andrew Sullivan’s blog if you think I’m making this up. They attribute opposition to abortion to religious fundamentalism or sexism. Opponents of abortion are either gripped by religious fervor or hell-bent on keeping women barefoot and pregnant. They attribute support for reduced taxes (or opposition to increased taxes) to greed or to favoritism for the affluent. They seem to think that money grows on trees.

See the pattern? Don’t engage your adversaries on rational grounds. Dismiss them as irrational or malevolent. Impugn their motives. Challenge their integrity. Call their intelligence and good will into question. Opposition to the liberal program can’t possibly be rational; it must be a manifestation of backwardness, superstition, ignorance, indifference, or self-interest. Conservatives are rednecks, hicks, hayseeds, philistines, and rubes. They’re obstructionists. They have an undeveloped sense of justice. They’re indifferent to suffering.

Please keep in mind that I was a liberal for a long time. I know the liberal mentality and tactics. Liberals have no shame. They’re unfulfilled totalitarians. Their only goal, despite their declared concern for the disadvantaged, is power. Think about it. If liberals truly cared about the disadvantaged, as they say they do, they’d dispose of their wealth. There are enough wealthy liberals in this country to feed, clothe, shelter, and medicate every poor person. Don’t hold your breath waiting for this to happen. The Kennedys are still wealthy, aren’t they? John Kerry is more than happy to take advantage of the Heinz fortune. Liberals insist on forcing others to pay for their hare-brained social-engineering schemes. This suggests that they’re driven by envy and spite, not benevolence.

Read that again. I‚ÄövÑv¥ll wait.

Let‚ÄövÑv¥s see. Liberals are incapable of reasoned argument because they unsupportedly question the motivations of conservatives and call names. They all want power. They are shameless, totalitarian, wealthy, harebrained, envious, spiteful and malevolent.

Does Burgess-Jackson even see the humor in this post? Is he being intentionally ironic?

You might recall an earlier critique I made of KBJ, questioning whether his political ‚ÄövÑv analysis‚ÄövÑvp was in fact knee-jerk, hackneyed, elephant-echo-chamber propaganda. KBJ blogged in response that he was only analyzing the issues. I challenged him to provide ONE example in which the application of ‚ÄövÑv reason‚ÄövÑvp did not result in a whole-hearted embrace of the position taken by the Bush administration. KBJ did not respond, which I took to be an implied admission that he was indeed partisan rather than analytical. The post quoted above is an explicit admission of this fact, n‚ÄövÑv¥est ce pas?

Ethical Carnivorism?

Is it possible to eat meat in good conscience?

Good stuff from the Analphilosopher on meat-eating today. While I do not hold animals to have rights directly analogous to human rights, I believe that the suffering experienced by animals in factory farm conditions is abominable. Even if most people are not amenable to rational persuasion, the average American would be horrified if confronted by a typical day in the life of a factory pig. It seems that consumers willingly turn a blind eye towards how their meat is produced.

I‚ÄövÑv¥ll give you one example.

As many readers of this blog know, I am a small-scale farmer. I have an orchard and a vineyard, both of which are very attractive to deer. After spending over a thousand dollars in passive exclusion methods (Ask the Maximum Leader and his long-suffering wife how much fun it was to construct a slant fence), I had to be more pro-active in my defense of my family‚ÄövÑv¥s livelihood. When a deer figures out how to get into the orchard through the truck gate, I have no real option but to shoot the darn thing. I don‚ÄövÑv¥t enjoy it, but it needs to be done.

Having sacrificed the deer, I don‚ÄövÑv¥t want the meat to go to waste. I have filled the freezers of family members, friends, and a local food bank. However, the guy who cleans the deer for the local food bank is tired of dealing with the animals. If there is a deer in the garden prior to school, I don‚ÄövÑv¥t have time to deal with processing the carcass. So I sent an e-mail to my colleagues at work:

I have a kill permit to protect my vineyard and orchard from deer damage. I have been donating the deer to the local food bank, but the guy who cleans them is feeling a bit overworked, so I switched to another hunters for the hungry drop off, but they don’t open until 7, so it makes it very tight for me to get to work.

If anyone here knows how to butcher a deer and wants free venison, I can bring you a cleaned and gutted carcass. I’ll call you in the evening when I get one so you can prepare and bring it up in the early A.M.

If interested, drop me an e-mail with your phone number.


One of the women I worked with became very angry at me. She thought the e-mail posted above was really disgusting and berated me, out in the halls in front of passing students, for ‚ÄövÑv grossing her out.‚ÄövÑvp She was genuinely, shakingly, angry.
Now, I tend to react to this sort of thing by becoming calm and trying to ascertain what the real issue. So I quietly apologized, explaining that I had not meant to insult her dietary beliefs, but that I was just trying to avoid having the meat go to waste. Her response? ‚ÄövÑv I‚ÄövÑv¥m not a vegetarian. I love meat. I just like to pretend that it comes from the store in little plastic packages.‚ÄövÑvp

She was so appalled at the humane killing of an animal that has lived its life in nature that she was willing to make an ass of herself in front of God and all his disciples, but she was cheerfully willing to consume feedlot beef? Her real issue is that I had pulled aside the curtain on her carefully constructed Oz of self-delusion.

Read the Analphilosopher‚ÄövÑv¥s post. My critique of his position is that the suffering issue isn‚ÄövÑv¥t either-or. Meat can be raised humanely ‚ÄövÑv¨ I do it. But most Americans don‚ÄövÑv¥t even think about that. I would guess almost 100% of meat in grocery stores is of factory farm origin.

UPDATE: After typing this, I saw that one of KBJ‚ÄövÑv¥s readers had sent in an asinine comment:

Why cant i deny that pain and suffering is bad for animals? For me its as simple as the food chain and im at the top of it. I love meat and have no quibbles about doing whatever is required to put it on my families dinner table. The super market just makes it easy. Got to love the division of labor!

Sorry i just dont put animals on the same playing field as humans.

Here is the reply I sent to KBJ:

Dear Donovan,

As a fellow omnivore, I also believe in eating meat. However, I am dismayed that you so blithely dismiss animal suffering. While the position that animals are not morally equivalent to humans is defendable, we still ought not to cause unnecessary pain and suffering when it is avoidable. If you are unwilling to minimize suffering for the sake of animals, do so for your own sake. The way we treat ‚ÄövÑv lessors‚ÄövÑvp ‚ÄövÑv¨ however one might define that term, reflects on us and changes us.

The best parallel that I can think of is the historical opposition that many virulent racists offered to the institution of slavery. They opposed chattel bondage not because they felt any sympathy for Africans but because the racists were alarmed in the way that the institution coarsened slaveholders.

I believe (The good professor will have to confirm this for me; it has been awhile since freshman philosophy) that Aquinas extended this rationale to animals. If I may paraphrase badly: even though they do not have moral weight (souls) we ought to treat them well so as not to develop the habit of cruelty that might then be extended to out fellow man.

You don‚ÄövÑv¥t have to become a vegetarian to eschew being a cog in the horror machine. Buy humanely raised meat and enjoy it with a clean conscience.


I’m ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader instructs you to read 20 Questions with the Maximum Leader over on the Poet Laureate’s site. Your Maximum Leader took the time to answer… You take the time to read.

Carry on.

Postrel on Link Museum

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has a little confession to make. He is a train nut. He loves trains. He loves pictures of trains. He can spend hours and hours building railroads with the help of his trusty “Railroad Tycoon” game. So, it disturbs him that the development of an O. Winston Link museum passed beneath his radar. And he had to read about it on Virginia Postrel’s blog to find out about it.

Of all the railroads in the country, your Maximum Leader has always loved the old Norfolk & Western. (The Norfolk & Western is now a component of the much larger Norfolk Southern Corporation.) It always made money. It built its own locomotives. And it ran on coal until the mid-1960s. And in the late 50’s the N&W let a commercial photographer named O. Winston Link travel the road and capture the passing age of steam. Your Maximum Leader has two books of Winston Link’s photos of the N&W. He also as a beautiful framed photo by Link in his office. Now, He will have to travel to Roanoke, VA to visit the museum.

Carry on.

Smallholder Surfaces

I have been remiss in posting lately - it was spring break and I do not have a reliable internet connection at home. Perhaps the Maximum Leader could put up a paypal button so people could donate towards a new farmstead Pentium machine…

I am mentally and emotionally refreshed from nine twelve-hour days of hard, physical focus on the farm and am ready to drive hard in the classroom until the SOLs are over. My father and I put in a trellis system for the grapevines, rewired the orchard protection fence, and started on the pasture divisions necessary for rotational grazing. I am going to go from three paddocks to eighteen.

The only other big news from the week is that my daugher has broken her first bone. She was dancing with her grandmother, spinning spastically, arms pumping, and giggling maniacally. She got dizzy, fell over, and caught her toe on the carpet, bending back the big toe. We took her to the Kluge pediatric rehabilitation center and had a nice pediatric orthopedist (what a specialty!) fix her up with a tiny little cast. It doesn’t seem to slow her down much - she is still motoring around like the precious little tyke she is.

Note to the other ministers: there will be no speculation about which side of the family was the source of the spastic dance gene.

I have several blog entries percolating, so look for the following topics over the next couple of weeks:

The MOP was Right and I was Wrong: Invading Iraq Was a Mistake.

How I Risked My Marriage by Flirting With Voting For Bush.

The Benefits of Rotational Grazing.

A Grass-Fed Beef Update.

Reconsidering Fishing as a Recreational Sport.

Guinea Hens as an Organic Tick Control Measure.

An Essay Attempting to Explain the Cosmic Injustice of the Minister of Propaganda Hooking Up With The Captain of the Cheerleading Squad.

Have an idea for a Smallholder Post? E-mail me at There is a button to contact me on the linkbar. So far only the Minister of Propaganda has written. << And, my friend, the answer is still no - that would be illegal in Virginia, and, besides, where would we get all that pudding?>>

UPDATE FROM THE MAXIMUM LEADER: Gone squishy on Iraq have we my friend? Joining the ranks of the cutters and runners? Spent your spring break boozing it up with Teddy Kennedy and gone all Patty Hearst on your Maximum Leader? Your Maximum Leader will say that he is curious about how you risked your marriage… But that curiosity will be sated in time… And as a final note, your Maximum Leader, for one, has no doubts about the spastic dancing gene. - Max. Ldr.

Enjoy Every Sandwich

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was following the links on Kilgore Trout’s site and decided to read some of Skippy’s stuff at Enjoy Every Sandwich.

Go there and scroll on down and read “What’s so funny ’bout peace, love and masturbation?” (Couldn’t figure out a permalink.) Your Maximum Leader laughed and laughed and laughed as he read it. In fact, your Maximum Leader nearly spewed hot tea through his nose and all over his keyboard when he read the following line: “That Clinton cum is worse than crack.” That might be just enough to have to add him to the blogroll.

And as an aside: In the past few days with all the mentions of Jennifer Love Hewitt, nude, naked, photos, nudity, sodomy, goony masturbation, plain ole masturbation, and now cum; your Maximum Leader can only imagine how his site traffic will increase…

Another aside: Your Maximum Leader reviewed his site statistics again. This site is averaging about 30 unique visitors a day. But! (And it is a big but!) If one excludes Saturday and Sunday from the mix, the average jumps up to 55 unique visitors a day. Wednesday appears to be the big reader day. Since the week after we moved off blogspot, Wednesdays have averaged up to 75 unique visitors per day! To all the readers of this space, your Maximum Leader loves you and urges you to continue in your minonly ways.

Carry on.

Alternate History.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is sure that many of you already were aware of this blog by Gregg Easterbrook. Your Maximum Leader didn’t read it until today, and later found that the great Glenn Reynolds had already linked to it.

Easterbrook writes an interesting peice. Your Maximum Leader was giving lots of thought to the very question of “what if we had known enough about the 9/11 attacks to stop them?” over the weekend. Your Maximum Leader, contra Bob Kerrey and Richard Ben-Veniste, doesn’t believe that there were clear actionable indications of the 9/11 attacks available to decision-makers before the attacks occured. A rather plausible case can be made that had intelligence gathering/analysis been under a different organizational structure, we may have known more. But even that is doubtful.

Carry on.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to point out that sometimes an idiot can get lucky.

Carry on.

Exploring the abandoned wastes of political philosophy

I know he’s not fashionable anymore, but I still love Plato.

Anniversary missed…

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is not sure how he could have missed a very important birthday this past week. Your Maximum Leader‚ÄövÑv¥s favourite political philosopher was born on April 5th, 1588. Your Maximum Leader had planned to blog a little about Thomas Hobbes the past Monday, but fate conspired against it. So, let us examine Hobbes a little bit right now.

Thomas Hobbes was born (as mentioned a moment ago), in April 1588. His premature birth to a Vicar‚ÄövÑv¥s wife in Westport (near Malmesbury), Gloucestershire, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I coincided with the threat of the Spanish Armada. Hobbes was later to comment that his mother gave birth to twins ‚ÄövÑv myself and fear‚ÄövÑvp that year.

Thomas‚ÄövÑv¥ father died when Thomas was young, and the young Hobbes was sent to live with a nearby uncle. Eventually, Hobbes left his uncle and secured an education at Oxford. He became a mathematics tutor to the powerful Cavendish family (who were the Earl‚ÄövÑv¥s of Devonshire), and eventually a tutor to Charles Stuart (later King Charles II of Great Britain).

Hobbes‚ÄövÑv¥ first published work was a translation of Thucydides ‚ÄövÑv History of the Peloponnesian War.‚ÄövÑvp He also published a number of mathematical treatises. But, for the sake of this blog, your Maximum Leader will focus on Hobbes‚ÄövÑv¥ political treatise, ‚ÄövÑv Leviathan.‚ÄövÑvp Hobbes published a number of political tracts, but they are all variations on the same set of political beliefs. Of these ‚ÄövÑv Leviathan‚ÄövÑvp is both best known, and most comprehensive.

In ‚ÄövÑv Leviathan,‚ÄövÑvp Hobbes creates a logical model of human nature, the nature of consent to government, and the authority of government. His opening chapters set out in detail the physiological elements of human action. While they are dated by our thinking today, they still accurately depict the modus operandi of human activity. It is when Hobbes begins to discuss human motivation that he begins in earnest his philosophical discourse.

To Hobbes, man is motivated by ‚ÄövÑv appetites‚ÄövÑvp and ‚ÄövÑv aversions.‚ÄövÑvp We act to acquire things we desire, and seek to avoid thing we do not desire or will cause us harm. Human appetites are constant, insatiable, and vary in degree from man to man. Man, therefore, has the power to act of his own accord to satisfy his appetites and avoid his aversions. Man acts to bring the greatest possible good to himself, using the means and methods at his disposal. In order to bring the greatest possible good to himself, man must acquire power over others.

To Hobbes there are two types of power, original (also called natural) power, and instrumental (also called acquired) power. Original power is that power that comes from the man himself. His physical strength is the clearest examples of a man‚ÄövÑv¥s original, or natural, power. But also considered an original power is man‚ÄövÑv¥s intellect and brain-power (if you will). Instrumental powers are those that flow from their acquisition. They include money, fame, reputation, and everyone‚ÄövÑv¥s favourite, God‚ÄövÑv¥s favour (or good luck as we might call it).

Having established the nature of man, and defined man‚ÄövÑv¥s power, Hobbes starts to get really interesting. He asserts that the exercise or acquisition of power by one man naturally hinders or limits the exercise or acquisition of power by another man. Given that man‚ÄövÑv¥s appetites are insatiable; this puts man in an uncomfortable position of always being at odds with other men.

Hobbes then begins to postulate on the nature of the state. First he envisions the state of nature. That is the condition where there is no state or governmental structure that will confine the passions of individual men. That state is the condition of war by all against all. Or to use the famous quotation:

In such condition there is no place for Industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no instruments of moving, and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, the continuall feare, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short.

Of course, no man wants this kind of life. Man has an appetite for life, and the acquisition of power. Man is also a rational creature and will seek to avoid violent death. This rational aversion to death, is essentially man‚ÄövÑv¥s natural right. By limiting the extent to which a man will use his power over other men, he will, himself, enter a state of peace with other men. This is the essence of Hobbes‚ÄövÑv¥ social contract. All men, seeing the benefits of peace with other men, will voluntarily, or tacitly as the case may be, limit his own freedom to do whatever he will to whomever he will.

Of course, when one enters into a contract (by agreement, assent, or in the case of man in society ‚ÄövÑv¨ by birth) one is obliged or bound to agree to the terms of the contract. Once a man ceases to be obliged or bound, the fabric of the contract begins to erode, and the state of nature will arise.

Hobbes, at this point, constructs a model of a sovereign state. While he may have seemed to profess a preference for monarchy, closer reading of ‚ÄövÑv Leviathan‚ÄövÑvp shows that a parliamentary system would also be perfectly acceptable. For Hobbes the institutions of the sovereign state are not quite as important as the role of the sovereign state. The first job of the state is to protect the property of its citizens. As every man has a significant interest in the property of his own body, the protection of the lives of men is the most important role of a state. After protection of the body, protection of a man‚ÄövÑv¥s riches (possessions) and his means of living are the chief functions of the state. And a state that preserves a man‚ÄövÑv¥s life and property is, ultimately, a just state.

Within the context of the state, men have different obligations, based on their different appetites and abilities. Generally, those with more are bound to support the state more. Hobbes describes, for example, a tax code by which those with more pay more, based on how much he consumes in society. (Taxes, for Hobbes, are the price you pay for your very life.) Hobbes also establishes a system of justice based on contracts and rule of law.

Hobbes spends considerable energy in ‚ÄövÑv Leviathan‚ÄövÑvp discussing Scripture. Many facile and superficial readers of ‚ÄövÑv Leviathan‚ÄövÑvp assume that he is doing this to reinforce the authority of the state. Ergo: God orders you to obey legitimate civil authority, therefore one must always obey the dictates of the state. But this is not Hobbes‚ÄövÑv¥ goal. He uses Scripture, in many cases, to support his revolutionary idea of a state that gets is legitimate authority to rule, not from God, but from the consent of the governed. A common misinterpretation of Hobbes‚ÄövÑv¥ work is that he was justifying the Divine Right of Kings to rule. He was not. He wouldn‚ÄövÑv¥t have gone through such an elaborate explanation of the nature of man and the causes of a state to then fall back on Romans 13.

Hobbes‚ÄövÑv¥ great work, ‚ÄövÑv Leviathan‚ÄövÑvp details much more about the nature of the state, just rule, and the nature of man. But alas, this medium (the blog) doesn‚ÄövÑv¥t always lend itself to a lengthy exposition on a single topic. Your Maximum Leader wanted to take a moment and expound a little on this great man, who very much influenced his political thought.

If my minions would like to know more about Hobbes, and how his thought is still very much applicable to our times, let me know. Your Maximum Leader will expound further.

Carry on.

Speaking of women and website statistics

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader was just reviewing the site statistics provided by Superb Internet for this site. (Superb Internet, the official webhosting company of the MWO.) It seems our web traffic has dropped again. Down to an average of a meagre 30 unique visitors a day. (Could it be because no one has been writing? Humm…) Well, aside from that juicy tidbit, what more could your Maximum Leader share with you?

Women. That is what he can share with you. It seems that at least 3 unique visitors this week came here by typing “jennifer love hewitt bold naked pictures” into some search engine. Your Maximum Leader doesn’t feel the need to replicate this search, but if you are here looking for photos of the Official Sex Goddess of the MWO, here is one.

Of course this could be a strategery for increasing web traffic… More writing of words on the site like Jennifer Love Hewitt naked picutres (bold or unbold). Or words like: sexy jennifer love hewitt pictures; sex jennifer love hewitt photos; nude jennifer love hewitt photos. That should give me a boost. (This is now topical since Minister of Propaganda just posted a link to the beautiful, sexy, and sometimes naked Kae Moss.)

Not that your Maximum Leader would want to cheapen his site in such a way to just increase web traffic…

Since your Maximum Leader has started reviewing some of the search terms used to find this site… Here were some others (with comment from your Maximum Leader):

1) iraq war usa saddam hussen (understand this one)
2) maryland s economy in 1770 s (don’t ever recall discussing the economy of Maryland in the 18th century)
3) clean public transportation baghdad (don’t recall ever discussing public transport, much less clean public transport in Baghdad)
4) servalance equipment sound (someone might have misspelled surveillance in a recent post on intellegence… )
5) jennifer love hewitt bold naked pictures (ahem…)
6) gooning masturbation (sounds like this could be a porn flick)
and the big big big big winner….
7) boy sodomized dog (your Maximum Leader has no idea where that came from)

So those were the highlights of the list. What a great list it is too.

Continuing on the site statistics subject, you may be asking yourself “Self, other than people looking for naked photos of Jennifer Love Hewitt (Official Sex Goddess of the MWO); who might be referring readers to this page?” Well, your Maximum Leader has that answer, for this month at least… The number one referrer would be our very own Poet Laureate, the Big Hominid. Number two would be the very lovely and funny Anna at Primal Purge. Next would be our very loyal minion, and involuntary celebate, Kilgore Trout. Next would be the great Dr. Keith Burgess-Jackson. And an honourable mention goes to Classical Values. Since Classical Values has such a long blogroll, your Maximum Leader is extra pleased that a few good surfers chose to click through to us, here at One more honourable mention will go to Biffa the Pieman. Your Maximum Leader has never heard of Biffa the Pieman, but now that he knows that people (okay two people) are coming from that site to this one, he will go over to Biffa’s site and read some of his stuff.

That appears to be enough about your Maximum Leader’s site statistics… Which overall is not a very stimulating topic he is sure, but because we can write Jennifer Love Hewitt nude over and over again it might be a topic to review next month.

Carry on.

Exploring the abandoned wastes of the Internet

I know she’s not fashionable anymore, but I still love Kate Moss.


Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must confess that he is feeling a bit better now compared to earlier this week. Your Maximum Leader wears glasses (although they are absent from his caricature on the titlebar). He had not been to visit the Optomatrist in about 7 years. That is much too long a time. So, your Maximum Leader went and discovered, much to his surprise, that his vision had improved since his last visit. This change, as you can imagine, required new glasses. Those glasses arrived and were first worn on Monday. Well, it was not fun for a day or two. First off, your Maximum Leader changed frame style. He now has nice rectangular gunmetal coloured frames. They are somewhat smaller and differently shaped from the last set he wore. And that took a little adjustment. Areas that used to be in the scope of the corrective lens, were now not in that same scope. This gave your Maximum Leader really bad headaches for the first few days of the week.

Where is your Maximum Leader going with this? Well, it is really a long apology (in the Socratic sense) for not blogging.

Carry on.

Good News for Tea Drinkers

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader found some good news for you if you happen to like green ea. (Which your Maximum Leader does.) According to a new report from the Mayo Clinic, Green Tea Component Kills Leukemia Cells. So, drink more green tea.

Your Maximum Leader wonders if this is all “green tea” or just certain types of “green tea.” Your Maximum Leader knows that traditional Japanese-style green tea powder is sufficiently different from many commonly available green tea leaf mixtures… Hummm…

Carry on.

More Esoterica, 110 proof

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has been quite busy plotting world domination and such. And this evening he had hoped to do some updating, but his internet connection to the Villainschloss was down for a few hours. Thus, he has been neglecting his blog. And just like one of those tomogochi things that were popular for about 15 minutes about 15 years ago, a blog without attention dies a slow, starving death. That said… Allow your Maximum Leader to dish up a little bit more esoterica for your reading pleasure.

First off, as your Maximum Leader was logging into Blogger to compose this little treatise, he was momentarially distracted by two (yes, two) blogs that caught his eye.

The first was Positively 18th Street. The entries on the title page were funny and made your Maximum Leader laugh aloud for a moment and forget the burdens of being Maximum Leader. He was particularly struck by entry #2 in the list of 10 Dumb things to do in the springtime. Your Maximum Leader quotes:

2. Call 100 of your closest friends and tell them that you just moved into a new apartment in the city and that you are having a huge party this Saturday at 8:00pm. When 100 people call you on Saturday sitting outside the address that you gave them, laugh and tell them that you were only kidding and that you still live in your parent’s basement.

Funny? N’est-ce pas? Your Maximum Leader thought so. So there.

The second was Celibate in the City. It is the blog of a 28 year old Mormon girl who is trying the dating scene in her non-Utah city. She is a virgin, and wants to remain so. She is true to her religion, and your Maximum Leader respects that. Of course, since your Maximum Leader is a religion unto himself, he would like her to stay true to him…

It seems Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s plane has been found. He was a brave and daring man. His book “The Little Prince” is wonderful. Your Maximum Leader needs to obtain a copy (in English) and read it to the Villainettes.

And that is about all for now since it is late.

Carry on.

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